Don't Mess with The Princess

Chapter 104: People in Haze Pavilion


In this harem, only Concubine Yu dared to fight for favor with the empress. Isn't it true that the enemy didn't get together, and the two met again.

"Oh, sister came really fast." Yu Fei said. "The same goes for my sister." The queen replied.

The two of them walked up the stairs together, the queen speeded up, and Yufei also speeded up. The two of you fight for me, and you won't give in at all. It stands to reason that this jade concubine should be the queen, but who can let the jade concubine be favored

The two of them squeezed me and I squeezed you into the Taiyu Hall. As soon as they entered the Taiyu Hall, Concubine Yu whispered: "The concubine please send your greetings to the emperor."

The queen snorted and said: "The concubine please greet the emperor."

As soon as Nangong Wuxie came back, he was busy with government affairs, put down the memorial in his hand and said, "It turns out that it is the Queen and Yufei, what's the matter?" He continued to look down at the memorial.

"The emperor, the concubines haven't seen the emperor for a long time, so I miss them very much." Yufei said coquettishly.

The queen said angrily: "Yufei, haven't you seen that the emperor is reading the memorial? I don't understand the etiquette!"

"The emperor forgive me, the concubine also missed the emperor too much." Yufei said.

"It's okay, Concubine Yu, get up." Nangong Wu Xie said.

"The emperor, the concubine will not disturb the emperor, and the concubine will resign," the queen said.

"Well, leave, Yufei, leave too."

Concubine Yu reluctantly retreated, and the queen mocked: "After all, this palace is the emperor's married wife. She knows what the emperor thinks, unlike some people." Then she walked towards her palace.

Humph, queen, wait for me! Concubine Yu thought to herself, snorted and walked towards her palace.

Xu Yanruo ate dinner with a leisurely look. Halfway through the meal, he heard: "The emperor is here." Xu Yanruo ignored it and continued to eat.

Nangong Wuxie walked in, and the maids saluted one after another. Nangong Wuxie sat down and said, "Can the food be delicious?"

"Can the cook in the palace make it not delicious?" After taking a sip of the soup, he continued to ask, "Why are you here?"

"I'll take a look at Ruoer." Nangong Wuxie also picked up the chopsticks and ate. When Li Gonggong just wanted to hand Nangong Wuxie's special bowl and chopsticks, he heard him say, "It's okay."

"Why did you run here? You have to give you money for a meal. There is no free lunch in the world." Xu Yanruo was really embarrassed to say that he was living with someone else's and eating someone else's.

"Good." Nangong Wuxie smiled.

"I said, why don't you go to your concubines, leave so many beautiful women to ignore them, and come to me to recognize the brothers?" Xu Yanruo was puzzled.

"Yes, I'm here to recognize my brother, Ruo'er is willing?" Nangong Wuxie doesn't know why he came here. Is it true that he wants to recognize a brother

If Xu Yan didn't speak, she only needed to eat and live, and the women in the harem should not trouble her, she would be satisfied, but things were always not as simple as they thought.

"Caidie, did the emperor go to Concubine Yu's place?" the queen asked anxiously.

Caidie shook her head and said, "The emperor went to Yanxia Pavilion."

"Yanxia Pavilion? Why has this palace never heard of it?"

"Niangniang, the Yanxia Pavilion was built by the emperor. I heard that there is a woman living in it. That woman returned to the palace with the emperor today." Caidie replied.

Concubine Yu was also asking on the other side: "Zhu'er, did the emperor go to the queen?"

"Hui Niangniang, did not go to the Queen Niangniang, but went to Yanxia Pavilion." Zhuer replied.

"Yanxia Pavilion?"? "Yes Niang Niang, it was newly built by the emperor. When the emperor returned to the palace today, he heard that he also brought a woman with him. Now this Yanxia Pavilion is her residence."

"You mean, where did the woman go to the emperor?" Yu Fei's face suddenly became a little ugly.

"Yes, mother."

"Huh! Go and find out to this palace what kind of person lives in this Yanxia Pavilion!"

"Yes, Niang Niang." Zhuer replied.