Don't Mess with The Princess

Chapter 118: Serials


Concubine Yu was lying on her side on the soft couch thinking about the previous days. Since Xu Yanruo entered the palace, the emperor has never been to her again. It should be said that the emperor has never visited her in the entire harem except Xu Yanruo. I've been there, "This Xu Yanruo is really a confidant!" Yu Fei said to herself, no, if she doesn't act anymore, she's afraid that she won't even be able to protect her position.

"Zhu'er, go to the princess with my palace." Yu Fei said.

Bringing Zhuer to Nangongqian's residence, "Yufei Empress is here." The maid reported.

"Concubine Yu? What is she here for?" Nangongqian asked, but she still remembers the last time she hit the board and couldn't get rid of her.

"How is the princess doing?" Yu Fei asked.

"I'm afraid it would be better if you don't see the Yufei Empress." Nangongqian said.

Concubine Yu laughed a few times and said, "Is the princess still blaming my palace for the last time she got the board? My palace is really wronged." She said that she also pretended to be aggrieved.

"Oh? Tell me why you were wronged?" Nangongqian glanced at him and asked.

"Princess, this palace is doing this to protect you. You also know the emperor's temper. If no one answers and asks Xu Zhaoyi to say it first, then it's not a matter of slamming the board." Yu Fei explained.

Nangongqian thought for a while, and said, "Is this princess a little belly-chicken, so naturally I know that Concubine Yu is for the sake of this princess."

"The princess knows it." Yufei said, she glanced at Nangongqian and said: "Actually, this palace is here this time, because there is something to ask for." She glanced at Nangongqian and continued, "Since Xu Zhaoyi entered the palace. The emperor never came to this palace again. This palace hates Xu Zhaoyi and hopes that the princess can help this palace." After speaking, he looked at Nangong Qian tentatively.

Nangong Qian understood. It turned out that he came to the alliance, and thought that it’s not impossible for multiple people to be together. It’s just that this jade concubine killed herself last time, and now she wants to use herself, so it’s better to plan it out and smile meaningfully. Next, he said: "My palace is still thinking about finding a helper. Now that there is a jade concubine, this princess is really even more powerful."

"The princess said there." Yu Fei replied with a happily smile, and then asked: "The princess just said that, but has a good plan?"

Nangong Qian said with a little bit, "I need the help of the princess from the Concubine Yu." Nangong Qian said with a smile.

"Princess just say it." Yu Fei said.

Nangongqian took out a bottle and said, "This is the poison of Shixiangzi unique to our country in West Vietnam." He handed it to Yu Fei and continued: "This medicine is colorless and tasteless. For those who are poisoned, the toxin remains in the body, as long as there is The poisoned drug was used to trigger the toxins. The poisoned person was weak and hallucinated. If there is no antidote within two days, even the gods will not be able to save her." Nangongqian's eyes were ruthless, with a vicious smile on her face.

"What does the princess mean to let this palace give Xu Zhaoyi the ten incense seeds?" Yu Fei asked, Nangong Qian nodded, and Yu Fei continued to ask: "When will the poison be used?"

"Hunting meeting." Nangong Qian said four characters quietly.

Concubine Yu flashed a bit of sorrow and looked at Nangong Qian again. The two of them laughed. Concubine Yu said: "The princess just waits for the good news from my palace." After she finished speaking, she bowed and walked out.

Nangongqian said again: "This poison is very rare. Just a little bit is enough, and the rest can be hidden."

Concubine Yu turned around and said: "Understood." Then she walked outside the hall, thinking in her heart: Xu Yanruo will see if you will die this time. He walked to his palace with a happy face. But Wuying who was passing by happened to see her, looked at Yufei and looked at the Princess Palace, frowned for a while, and left.

When she returned to the palace, Yu Fei began to think about how to poison her. If she went to the Yanxia Pavilion in an upright manner, it would be wrong. Whenever she was poisoned, she would find that she did it by herself. If you want to think of a way, you will not doubt it. It also makes sense.

After thinking about it, Zhu'er just came in with a plate of fruit and said, "Niang, eat fruit, these are the best grapes."

Concubine Yu picked one and put it in her mouth, and immediately got an inspiration in her head, and immediately said: "Zhu'er, hurry up, send these fine grapes to all the ladies in the palace."

"Manny, it's a pity not to keep such good grapes for myself." Zhuer said.

"What do you know, just do as my palace says."

"It's Niang Niang." After taking some grapes, Zhu'er said: "Niang Niang, Zhu'er is gone."

"Wait." Yu Fei shouted, took out the bottle and poured something on the grapes, put away the bottle and said, "Send this grape to Xu Zhaoyi."

Zhu'er smiled, and said: "It's the empress." With the ladies of the court, one after another went to send grapes to each palace.