Don't Mess with The Princess

Chapter 27: Qinghe Dufang (2)


"Can the owner be here?"


"See the owner."

Wearing a blue veil and a blue veil mask, he slowly opened the curtain and walked out, then slowly sat down, stretched out his white jade hand to the tea set on the table, and opened his lips lightly. What's the matter?"

"Qizifang, there is a young man outside the court who said that he wants to see you and that he wants to tell you a better way to make money."

"Oh?" Take a sip of the tea, "The tone is not too small." Get up, tidy up the blue veil, "Go, let me take a look."

"My son, let's leave as soon as possible. If we don't go back, we will be discovered by the master." Qiuye said anxiously.

"Don't worry."

"You are the one who told me how to make more money?" Ji Qinghe looked at the people in front of him and looked up and down. It was really interesting. A female doll came here since she was still disguised as a woman.

"It's under." Xu Yanruo politely bowed.

"How to do it?" Ji Qinghe didn't mean anything, but asked straightforwardly.

"As for the dice, there are only big and small ways to play here, but it's boring to play too many big bets and small ones. I have another way to play dice here." Xu Yanruo paused for a while.

Ji Qinghe turned his head to look at her, waiting for her to continue talking, but Xu Yanruo did not speak, Ji Qinghe was a little unhappy, "Go on."

Xu Yanruo smiled, "It's okay to continue speaking, but I don't make a loss-making business. I will tell you the method, what do you want to do?" Xu Yanruo also followed her and looked at her with his head tilted.

"What do you want me to do?" Ji Qinghe raised her eyebrows, and there was no expression on her under the veil.

"It's nothing, I just want to find you a joint venture."

"joint venture?"

"I just want to open a branch, but I will manage the business of this store."

"Do you mean to let me open a shop for you?" Ji Qinghe's face under the mask remained unchanged.

"You can also say the same, don't worry, the method I taught you will soon allow you to earn back your capital and profits." Xu Yanruo said confidently.

"I, Ji Qinghe, never do business at a loss. If you can't do it, I will cut your tongue." Ji Qinghe stood up and walked towards Xu Yanruo.

"No problem, wait a month for you to help me open a store, so that I can choose a good location so that I won't lose money."

"Now you can talk about it."

"Yes, but you have to establish the written evidence first, otherwise I'm afraid you will regret it when the time comes."

The corner of Ji Qinghe's mouth raised, and this girl was still clever, "Come here, bring paper and pen." She said that she quickly set up the written notes.

Xu Yanruo put away the notes, "Actually, the gameplay is very simple. Each person has a dice cup with five dice in his hand. After the dice cup is shaken, both parties can open their dice cup to see their own points. Subs, such as one, two, three, four, five or two, three, four, five, six, the one that is shaken out will be revealed to the other party, and the other party will lose. In this way of playing, one can represent one, or it can represent any point, as long as you shout The number of points and the number of points awarded is less than or equal to the points awarded by the opponent, that is, you win, and vice versa. This game can be played by two or more people."

After hearing this, Ji Qinghe thought about it for a while, and thought it was not bad, but he could try it. If he had more money, he could open more block shops, and then he would have more information.

Xu Yanruo walked to the middle of the block and continued: "Owner, the left side of your casino is the big gambling, and the right is the small gambling. It's better to put some small gaming tables in the middle. There is no need for large and small blocks, and they are free to block. Everyone can go to the gambling table, is the owner worried about not earning the money to open the shop for me?" Xu Yanruo smiled flatteringly.

"Okay, let me try for a few days." Ji Qinghe underestimated the people around him, and the people around nodded.

"In this case, the owner has made money from my shop." After saying this, he retired and left.