Don't Mess with The Princess

Chapter 29: Those who come will not refuse


"I am going to marry the third prince." This sentence not only showed her attitude, but also reminded him of his and her identity in the future. Lost, Mu Hanling only had the word “lost” in his heart, and pretended to be okay, saying: “Ruoer, really smart, I thought I could fool you.”

Xu Yanruo was greatly relieved when he heard it, "I was almost cheated by you, but fortunately this lady is smart." Xu Yanruo drank her saliva, she was shocked.

Mu Hanling just smiled and didn't say anything. Perhaps for them, this relationship couldn't be better, "Ruo'er mentioned the Sixth Prince's Palace just now, would Ruo'er want to see it?"

"My lady has never refused to come." Xu Yanruo got up and adjusted his clothes, and walked towards the door in large strides.

The carriage stopped shortly after it drove. Xu Yanruo got out of the carriage, and the three characters [Ling Wang’s Mansion] were printed in front of her eyes, "Mu Hanling, your three words are slightly larger. You are afraid that others will not Knowing that you are the Sixth Palace, you are still showing off that you are rich."

Mu Hanling smiled, "Go in, Ruo'er."

"The prince." As soon as I entered the door, I heard people greet respectfully.

"If you want to go there?"

"Just take a look, just go in the direction of the back garden. I want to see how the back garden of the Six Palaces is."

"it is good."

It's not too far from the gate to the back garden, but it's not too close. You pass the front hall, the book pavilion, and the long corridor along the way, and then you go a little further to the back garden.

The first thing Xu Yanruo saw was the Polygonum vulgare, "Looking at the river and the sky, the cold and smoky desert is slanting to the west. It is very autumnal, half of the reed flower and half of the Polygonum flower." Xu Yanruo couldn't help chanting Song dynasty. The Last Poet Huang Geng's "Jiangcun's Things".

"It's very autumnal, half a reed and half Polygonum flower." Mu Hanling repeated it several times, "Ruoer, you wrote this poem well."

My poem? That's right, he doesn't know that this is a poem from the late Song Dynasty. In that case, I will temporarily attribute it to me, "Of course, this lady is very knowledgeable."

"It's true that our young lady has liked reading since she was a child, and she is naturally very knowledgeable." Qiuye said proudly.

"Ruoer, you let me know a different you again."

"There are many benefits to me, and you will learn more about it in the future." Xu Yanruo touched her hungry stomach, "Han Ling, should you ask me to eat meals from the Six Princes Palace?"

Mu Hanling knew what Xu Yanruo meant, she was hungry, and it was time for dinner, "Let's go."

Mu Hanling ordered, and within a short while, the table was filled with all kinds of dishes. Xu Yanruo unceremoniously took a chicken leg with his hand and ate it directly. Qiuye was also hungry, but after all It was the Sixth Prince’s Mansion who still had to understand etiquette, so he could only watch Xu Yanruo eating, crying silently in his heart. When the people in the dining hall saw Xu Yanruo covering his mouth with his hands, they were afraid that he would laugh. Came out.

"Ruo'er, eat slowly." He took the vegetable pellets from Xu Yanruo's mouth with his hands.

"Han Ling, your cook is really amazing." Xu Yanruo's mouth was full, but he said vaguely.

"Ruo'er thinks it is delicious from Zuixianlou or Liuwangfu?"

"It's all delicious, I'm not picky about eating, just delicious." Xu Yanruo took a sip of the soup, and finally swallowed all the stuff in his mouth.

"If you like it, you can eat it every day in the future."

"It's probably a little difficult."

Xu Yanruo's chopsticks suddenly stopped in mid-air when he was about to pick up the meat, this sound, could it be...