Don't Mess with The Princess

Chapter 35: It's not going well


"The three princesses are so clever, and I really admire the small ones. It's just that they are small. They don't have the wisdom of the first two elder brothers. But there is also a question I want to ask the three princesses. I don't know what the three princesses think?"

The atmosphere of war in the hall is getting heavier and heavier. The people who asked the questions were unkind. They said they were convinced, but in fact a hundred were dissatisfied. Even the subordinates of Beiyan State were so aggressive to kill them! "Please enlighten me."

"On the clear stone on the side of the mountain, hold Qiubo with both hands. Please guess a word for the three princesses."

This dissatisfaction is really unsatisfactory, this mystery is obviously more difficult than the previous two, Xu Yanruo began to think about it.

"This mystery is more difficult than the previous ones."

"Yes, this North Yan country really doesn't know how to advance or retreat."

"Can these three princesses guess it?"

The ministers were all talking about it. Xu Jinzhong's nervous palms were sweating. Ruo'er barely passed the first two questions. If you can't guess this question, I wonder what the emperor will do? Thinking of not forgetting to take a peek at the emperor.

Mu Hanling also looked at Xu Yanruo anxiously, and even the emperor looked at Xu Yanruo anxiously.

If it is a word, you can try it in combination with the mathematical substitution method and the subtraction method, Xu Yanruo thought quickly.

"Will the lady be?" Mu Hanxuan was also a little worried, and whispered in Xu Yanruo's ear.

"Don't disturb me." Xu Yanruo didn't like being interrupted while thinking. On the clear stone on the side of the mountain, hold Qiubo with both hands. Mountain, stone, hands, Qiubo, there is it, I see it!

"Can the Three Queens meet?" Unhappy asked pretendingly.

"What if I don't?" Xu Yanruo asked.

"The little one is of course to tell the answer, but Nanxiang country is not too bad for you."

As soon as these words came out, the officials were angry, and even Mu Hanyu's face became darker!

The little slave is so arrogant, and if so, I will make you uncomfortable, "If I will, would you like to answer me a question?"

"Naturally." Fushun replied with some arrogance.

"Okay, the prince is a witness." The reason for looking for Leng Xingchen was to kill them and embarrass him. "The answer is: the word tripod." Xu Yanruo wrote the word tripod on the paper and showed it to everyone.

My eyes widened when I saw the words on the paper, my hands were already clenched into fists unconsciously, and the expression on his face was really ugly. Xu Yanruo liked his expression, "Want to know how I guessed it? ?"

"I also hope that the three princesses will enlighten me!" The tone was very reluctant.

"To be honest, your mystery is much deeper than the first two. The first two are just a piece of cake. But, as smart as I am, I am very smart. As long as we combine the arithmetic orientation method, subtraction method, and substitution method, The answer can be obtained by pictographic method and multiplication of building blocks. The first sentence: clear the stone on the side of the mountain, and the mountain character will be left after clearing both sides | and -; the upper part of the stone means the upper part of the stone character; the latter sentence: both hands support Here the movement pictogram law is ㄣ and 丨 one; Qiubo alludes to the eyes, so the final combination is: tripod." Xu Yanruo said in a salute: "Yanruo wishes Nanxiang a prosperous country in the spring and autumn."

Everyone present praised Xu Yanruo, and even the emperor praised him: "The Three Queens really opened my eyes. The prime minister taught me well. Today I want to reward the Three Queens again."

"Xie Emperor."

Mu Hanxuan's face was full of smiles, and his lady was really smart.

After listening to Xu Yanruo's analysis, he said, "The three princesses are extremely wise and disobey."

"It's another matter to admire or not. Let's solve my problem." Xu Yanruo said, "If you are racing against a tiger, are you willing to run in front of the tiger or run in front of the tiger." Behind him, is he still walking with the tiger?"

Is this also a problem? Dissatisfied with disdain, immediately blurted out: "Of course it runs faster than the tiger."

Xu Yanruo made a tut and said, "You are more beasts than beasts."

As soon as the words came out, all the people present laughed, and said with an angry expression: "Why the three princesses swear?"

"I didn't scold you. You said that you can run faster than a tiger. It is faster than a tiger and a beast is worse than a beast; if you run behind a tiger, a beast is inferior; if you run as fast as a tiger, it is a beast." Laughter, the unsatisfactory face was blue and purple, and it was refreshing to see it.

These three princesses really shouldn't be underestimated by Leng Xingchen's thoughts, and then said: "The talents of the three princesses convinced the prince, and Nanxiang is indeed full of talents."

"Of course, you think you are all in the desert like your Beiyan country. We are civilized people and you barbarians are not of the same grade."

Sure enough, Leng Xingchen thought about it, then turned to Mu Hanyu and said, "Bei Yan is convinced by the loss of the country."

"Hahaha, it's just a matter of passing the time, so why don't you accept it?" Mu Hanyu said proudly.

"It's obvious that the three princesses are talented. We in West Vietnam want to ask for advice on the three princesses. I don't know how the three princesses are in other aspects?" The speaker was the princess Nangongqian of West Vietnam.