Don't Mess with The Princess

Chapter 39: An amazing song


Lost in rounds! What a three princess, her mouth is so stubborn! "Xiao Shuang, you come to this round." He whispered again, "Is it done?"

"Princess, please rest assured."

Although I don't know what they are underestimating, but there is definitely nothing good. This Nangong Qian looked like a jealous and competitive person, Xu Yanruo also had to guard against it.

Xiao Shuang sat down in front of the piano, playing the piano with both hands quickly. The sound of the piano was beautiful and pleasing, and the rhythm was continuous. The first half of Xiao Shuang's music was cheerful, the middle half of the tune was perfectly matched, and the second half was mainly deep. , It can be said to be a circumflex. Qu Bi burst into applause, and Nangong Qian looked at Xu Yanruo with proud eyes.

Xu Yanruo chose to ignore Nangongqian, but he had never learned Guzheng. What could he do? I don't know if this body can play Guzheng. Xu Yanruo walked to the front of the piano, leaned slightly, and sat down gracefully, exposing the delicate and white jade fingers, touching the surface of the piano. Instinctively played, the sound of the piano rang in the hall. The sound of the piano was erratic, winding and winding like high-pitched water, and when it turned around, the strings suddenly broke, and everyone in the hall fell. Taking a breath, only Nangong Qian looked at Xu Yanruo proudly, "Very well, since I broke my main string." Xu Yanruo thought. The sound of the piano continued. When it turned, Xu Yanruo passed the main string and switched to the pinch method. The sound of the piano became thick and slow, like a stream flowing slowly, which evoked relaxation and freshness in the heart. In the last half, he switched to using the lifting method. The method of playing made the piano sound crisp and moving, clean and neat, and gradually reduced the intensity, the original crisp and moving became a soft pharynx, like a puddle of clear water, clear and cold, and cold to the hearts of the people in the hall.

After the song was finished, Xu Yanruo got up and smiled. Everyone seemed to be silent in Xu Yanruo's tail. Mu Hanxuan stood up and applauded proudly. Everyone reacted and applauded. Only Nangongqian's face was the same. It's blue and purple.

How could it be so clear that the string can be completed, Nangong Qian thought to himself. Not to mention Nangongqian, even Xiao Shuang was surprised.

Xu Yanruo had long known that Qin would passively look at Nangong Qian, so he reversed the positions of the first and last ends, so that he could do it without the main string, but what he didn’t expect was that although he didn’t know how to use guzheng, But since this body's instinct can play Guzheng, and the piano art is so superb, I really love myself more and more. "How do the messengers of the North Yan Kingdom think?" Mu Hanyu asked.

Leng Xingchen retracted his admiration for Xu Yanruo and said, "Although the representative piano art of the West Yue Kingdom is good, whether it is tunes, but a real piano player can do well after unexpected things happen. Playing, the three princesses perfectly demonstrated her superb piano skills."

After hearing this, everyone present knew who the winner was. Mu Hanyu said: "In this case, the three princesses won in two of the three games, then..."

Before I finished speaking, I heard Nangongqian say: "How can we be sure that we will lose in West Vietnam before the third game!"

" West Vietnam has already lost two games." Mu Hanyu said.

"The first round of the match is not counted, it's just practice." As soon as these words came out, the ministers in the hall began to complain. No matter what these people said, Nangong Qian continued to say: "Three princesses, you dare to follow Ben Is the princess better than dance? Or are you afraid that you will lose to this princess."

Exciting generals is useless for Xu Yanruo. However, this Nangongqian is so arrogant and unreasonable, and so eager to win. Since she wants to compare, she will lose miserably. "Since the princess wants to compare then the first game Don’t count, this round shall prevail. If the princess wins, the match is over. If unfortunately this princess wins, then the princess shouldn’t cause trouble again."

What a Xu Yanruo! How dare to say this princess, this princess will let you taste the taste of losing! "it is good."

"Princess, it's not interesting like this. Why don't we add a bet, princess willing?"


"If the princess loses, she will tell everyone that she is ugly and stupid three times. If the princess wins the princess, you can let me do something, how about?"

If Xu Yan is looking for death by yourself, don't blame me! "Okay, this princess accepts your request. All the witnesses present are witnesses."