Don't Mess with The Princess

Chapter 48: Preparation for opening (1)


Xu Yanruo is still in a bad mood because of He Lan Ye’s departure, and blames herself for forgetting the promise. He Lan Ye is his first friend. Maybe if there is no Mu Hanxuan, Xu Yanruo would like it. Go to Helan Night.

"Miss, miss." Qiuye shouted.

"Huh?" Xu Yanruo replied for a long time.

"Miss doesn't look very happy."

"Yeah." Xu Yanruo didn't want to say more.

"Miss, this is a letter from the owner of Qinghe Dufang to Miss." Qiuye handed the letter to Xu Yanruo.

Xu Yanruo accepted the letter and said, "Go out and change your mood."

When the two came to Qinghe Dufang, they were invited to a room upstairs by the subordinates in the Dufang. Ji Qinghe had already been waiting for Xu Yanruo inside, and a deck of cards was placed on the table in front of him. "Ruo'er is here."

"Yeah, sister Ji, you finished the transformation of Dufang so soon." Seeing the card on the table again, he picked up one at random, glanced at it and put it down and said: "This mahjong is also done."

"Yes, there are two things to call you over today, one is this card, and the other is to take you to see your shop."

"Okay." Xu Yanruo sorted out the cards on the table and said: "The name of this card is Mahjong. It requires four players to play. There are 6 types of cards with 42 patterns and 144 cards. Round, each start to draw or unsuccessful hand is a set, and four laps are not completed or the specified time is reached. The sign of the number of laps in each round: the first lap is the east wind lap, the second lap is the south wind Circle, the third circle is the west wind circle, and the fourth circle is the north wind circle. The east wind is the dealer, the dealer is the east wind, the next home is the south wind, the opponent is the west wind, and the upper home is the north wind. The card placed in front of you The bidding hand is 13 cards."

Seeing Ji Qinghe's dazed expression, he started playing mahjong and said: "Shunzi is 3 cards connected in the same suit ordinal number, that's it; engraver: 3 cards of the same suit, and the ones that are touched are brightly carved. The one is secretly carved, like this; the pair is 2 identical cards; the name card refers to: the wind card and the arrow card, the wind card is the southeast and the northwest, and the arrow card is white; after that, it also includes the nine cards, eat cards, and touch cards. , Kong, draws, and draws, that's all." Xu Yanruo placed on the table.

"Ruoer, this card is really complicated."

"It's complicated to talk about and easy to play. You can teach you how to play a few games. It's very simple and you can get started soon." Then, Ji Qinghe and the other two subordinates sat down together and began to teach them to play mahjong.

After about three or four rounds, Ji Qinghe said: "It's really good, this card is easy to play."

"Then, of course, if you want to make money, you can rent this room to them. How much an hour is plus the cost of borrowing cards, so it's easy to make money."

"You order to go down and tell each of them to learn to play mahjong." Ji Qinghe ordered.


"Ruoer, let me take you to see your shop."

Saying that the two came to the East City, Xu Yanruo took a look at the exterior and it felt pretty good, and then walked into the store to take a look. The upstairs and downstairs were built in their own way, and it felt very good. Xu Yanruo walked upstairs. Lou said to Ji Qinghe again: "Sister Ji, I want to add something more."

"You said, I'll ask someone to do it."

"Here." Xu Yanruo pointed to a small room and said, "A mirror must be added outside the door here. It is the kind that is attached to the door. I want the clearest and clearest bronze mirror." The other side said: "I want four dressing tables here. This is the style of the dressing table. Just follow this one."

Ji Qinghe took the drawing and looked at it, and said, "The first time I saw such a dressing table, how did Ruo'er think of it?"

"Dreams in a dream." Xu Yanruo said with a smile, and walked downstairs again, "Sister Ji, this is the blueprint of the purchase."

Ji Qinghe looked at it again, "Ruoer's painting is so strange."

"Don't worry, the master craftsman will definitely be able to make it." Xu Yanruo looked around again and said, "It's almost like that. When all these things are ready, you can open it."

"What store does Ruoer want to open?"

"Clothes shop. By the way, sister Ji, do you know which cloth merchants here are better?"