Don't Mess with The Princess

Chapter 56: Epidemic (2)


Xu Yanruo walked to the first patient and said: "Chills and high fever, red face, red ears, polydipsia, vague consciousness, yellow moss, pulse strings, this is bubonic plague. Take scutellaria, coptis, anemarrhena, mint, big Fritillaria, Puffball each 10 grams; Isatis root, 30 grams of raw land; Forsythia 18 grams; Yuan ginseng, red peony root, 15 grams of Prunella vulgaris each; 6 grams of raw licorice; 60 grams of raw gypsum. Clear heat, detoxify and reduce swelling."

Xu Yanruo looked at the other patient and said: "High fever, polydipsia, shortness of breath, chest pain, hemoptysis or sputum, red face, yellowish tongue, reddish purple tongue, slippery pulse, this is Pneumonic plague. Take Anemarrhena, Paeonol, Coptis, Scutellaria, Pinellia 10g each; Rhubarb, Buffalo horn, Red peony root, Forsythia each 15g; Habitat, Whole Melon, Imperata cylindrica, 30g each of Agrimony; 3. Three grams of Qifen; 60 grams of raw gypsum, which can be boiled to clear heat and detoxify, resolve phlegm and dispel congestion, cool blood and stop bleeding.

Xu Yanruo continued to patrol the patients here, and suddenly found in a corner, walked over, and said: "High fever and dizziness, purple and black macules, epistaxis, hematemesis, blood in the stool, blood in urine, crimson tongue, pulse count, or body temperature. Sudden drop, white limbs are cold, and veins are faintly extinct. This is a septic plague. Take paeonol, 10 grams each of Platycladus orientalis leaves; 15 grams each of buffalo horn, red peony, pale bamboo leaves, forsythia, Ophiopogon japonicus and comfrey Shengdi, Yuanshen, and Imperata cylindrica roots are 30 grams each; and gypsum 60 grams. For those who are violent in qi and blood, Shenfu Longmu Decoction and Angong Niuhuang Pills can be used for solidifying and detoxification, and cooling blood to stop bleeding."

After Xu Yanruo finished speaking, the doctors withdrew from the diagnosis and treatment, and Xu Yanruo ordered people to prepare medicinal materials and decocting utensils. Walking outside the hut, taking a breath, Mu Hanxuan followed out and said, "Ruo'er is tired, let's take a break."

Xu Yanruo touched his stomach, and was hungry after busy all morning. Mu Hanxuan saw it and said, "Let's go, go back and eat something first."

"Alright." Mu Hanxuan and his party returned to Yindu Mansion. Xu Yanruo said to everyone: "Where these masks are burned, and the clothes are too. Wash your hands before eating. It is best to use spirits. Disinfect it."

Everyone did what Xu Yanruo said, and started eating after everything was done. Mu Hanxuan said, "Sit down and eat together."

"Yes, you guys have been busy for a day too, hurry up and sit down and eat." Xu Yanruo said.

The crowd sat down, ate their meals, took a nap for a while, and then came to the suburbs of the west of the city.

A doctor said: "Three princes, three princesses, these patients have some control of their symptoms after taking the medicine."

Xu Yanruo and Mu Hanxuan smiled at each other and said, "Go ahead." Xu Yanruo turned and said to some of the people he had brought with him: "You will organize this place."

"Yes." People began to sort out.

Xu Yanruo and Mu Hanxuan came to the water source. Xu Yanruo looked at the water full of impurities and said, "Xuan, you see, the water here is polluted. Polluted water can't be drunk anymore. It is also the foundation of life. If the water cannot be restored, the disease will continue."

Mu Hanxuan asked, "Does Ruoer have a way?"

Xu Yanruo smiled and said, "Guess." Then he returned to the isolation area and said to the two guards: "You go find some sand and stones."

Everyone followed Xu Yanruo to the source of the water. The guards filled a bucket of water and followed Xu Yanruo's words: "First put these sandstones into gauze. The two carried them and hung them over the empty wooden barrel. Pour the water in this bucket into the sand and stone." The guard quickly poured the water into the sand and stone. The still yellow water in between suddenly became clear a lot. Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed: " The three princesses are real and living Bodhisattvas."

Xu Yanruo walked into the wooden barrel and glanced at the water, and said, "This is just filtering the large particles of impurities in the water. The water still cannot be drunk. Where is the thing that I asked you to bring, Autumn Leaf?"

"Miss, it's all here." Qiuye said, pointing to a bag of things on the ground.

"Okay." Xu Yanruo took some black things and put them into the water. After a while, he saw that the water in the bucket had changed back to what it was before. Everyone admired and admired Xu Yanruo. Some patients knelt down. He came down and said, "The three princesses are really a bodhisattva descending to the earth."

Mu Hanxuan stepped forward and asked, "Ruo'er, what are the black things you put in?"

"It's called activated carbon, which is specially used to absorb impurities in the water. It can make the water clean, so that the filtered water can be eaten after boiling."

Mu Hanxuan hugged Xu Yanruo and exaggeratedly said, "As expected, I am Mu Hanxuan's lady."

Xu Yanruo and his group returned to the isolation area. With clean water and a clean environment, coupled with treatment, the disease will soon be brought under control. Xu Yanruo smiled knowingly and explained some of the doctors. After the incident, he returned to Yindu Mansion.