Don't Mess with The Princess

Chapter 57: Flooding (1)


A few days ago, Xu Yanruo was too busy to deal with the epidemic. Yesterday, news came from the epidemic area, saying that the epidemic had been brought under control, and some patients began to get better. Xu Yanruo felt relieved after hearing this. A lot.

In the past few days, Mu Hanxuan was investigating the flood. As soon as he walked in the door, he frowned. Xu Yanruo asked when he saw it, "Is it not going well?"

Mu Hanxuan nodded and said, "Well, the flood control project was only completed last year. It was destroyed in less than a year, so it shouldn't be."

Xu Yanruo thought for a while, and said, "Unless someone has done tricks."

Mu Hanxuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said, "Ruo'er is the same as I thought, but no evidence has been found."

"Tomorrow, I will accompany you to see the flooded area. If you rest earlier today, you are tired all day." Xu Yanruo said distressedly.

Mu Hanxuan's expression eased, a wicked smile hung on his mouth, and he walked onto the bed holding Xu Yanruo.

The next day, the two came to the river embankment. Xu Yanruo looked at the damaged flood control project, squatted down, and carefully looked at the exposed wooden piles after being destroyed, and found that there were many small holes on the wooden piles. It didn’t look like man’s work, but it seemed like a bug. In order to verify his own ideas, Xu Yanruo looked at the other stakes and said, “Xuan, there’s a problem with this stake. Look, everybody here A wooden post is full of small holes, and these small holes are the key to flooding."

Mu Hanxuan looked at it carefully, yes, why didn't he look at these wooden stakes carefully but just looked around the river embankment! "When the flood came, the small holes in the wooden piles constantly absorbed water, causing the wooden piles to be softened, so the dyke burst."

"Yes, these small holes are not man-made, but worm-acted, but..."

"But the choice of stake must be thought." Mu Hanxuan continued.

"Who supervised the flood control project back then?" Xu Yanruo asked.

"Yindu Mansion." Mu Hanxuan's face sank.

"It seems there is something wrong with Yindu Mansion." Xu Yanruo thought for a while and continued: "But where did so much bad wood come from?"

Mu Hanxuan couldn't answer for a moment, but he thought, and said, "It looks like I need to ask the locals." He got up and said, "Let's go, Ruo'er."

Xu Yanruo followed, "The epidemic area?" Xu Yanruo glanced at Mu Hanxuan suspiciously.

"Well, Ruo'er saved them." Mu Hanxuan did not finish speaking, but Xu Yanruo already understood.

The people in the epidemic area were very happy to see Mu Hanxuan and Xu Yanruo cheering, Xu Yanruo was also very happy to see them recovering health, followed by a group of people, came to the hut, everyone sat down and talked. After talking about the condition, Mu Hanxuan asked, "Is there a lot of wood in Weicheng?"

One of the young people said: "Hui San Wangye, there is a forest in the northern suburbs of Weicheng."

"But the woods in the northern suburbs have disappeared a few years ago, saying they are used to resist flooding." Another young man added.

At this time, a child said: "The trees in the woods in the northern suburbs are all broken and they have been bitten by insects."

Xu Yanruo and Mu Hanxuan looked at each other with a smile, and said, "My child, how can you be sure?"

The child thought for a while, but didn't know how to say it. This was the woman behind him and said: "Back to the third princess, the husband of the girl is a woodcutter. He often goes to the woods in the northern suburbs to chop wood. Every time he comes back, the husband will say: The trees in the northern suburbs have been eaten by insects and cannot sell for a good price."

Hearing what the woman said, Xu Yanruo and Mu Hanxuan had a count of their hearts. The two smiled, stood up and said, "It's almost time. My king and my concubine will come to see you next time." After the epidemic area, the two returned to Yindu Mansion.

Seeing the two came back, Yindu Mansion hurriedly stepped forward and asked: "Three kings and three princesses, is there any clue to this flood?"

Xu Yanruo said, "No."

Yin Dufu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that there were no two characters. Although the magnitude was not large, he was caught by Mu Hanxuan on the side.