Don't Mess with The Princess

Chapter 78: Drunk and passionate


When Mu Hanxuan came to the Zuixianlou, there was another person in the elegant room. The person saw Mu Hanxuan coming and said, "Why don't the three princes come with the three princesses?" The speaker was Nangong Wuxie.

"Come on, what's the matter?" Mu Hanxuan didn't want to sell Guanzi.

"My son really misses the Third Princess." He said and smiled.

"If there is nothing to do, this king will say goodbye." As he said, he got up and walked out.

"If the third prince leaves, this business won't be done, the third prince won't regret it?" Nangong Wuxie said.

Mu Hanxuan frowned and said, "Say."

"Presumably the three princes already know the identity of this son, so let's just talk about it. Although there is a distance between Xiyue and Nanxiang, the business of Nanxiang is prosperous, and Xiyue has broad needs. I think Why not use business as a match between our two countries to live in peace and help each other?"

"Princess Nangong found the wrong person, and he should talk to the emperor. I'm just a prince." Mu Hanxuan said.

"This is natural, but as long as the three princes agree and mention the matter in front of the emperor a little bit, I think this business will have fallen." Nangong Wuxie still said calmly, with some confidence on his face. .

Mu Hanxuan thought about it carefully. If Nanxiang State can work with Xiyue Kingdom, it will not only consolidate its position, but also help Nanxiang State to become more prosperous. In this way, Nanxiang State's national strength can also grow. Speaking of whether it is successful or not, it still depends on Young Master Nangong himself."

"Thank you, three princes."

"If nothing else, this king will leave." Mu Hanxuan got up.

Nangong Wuxie said leisurely from behind: "I heard that the three princesses had a miscarriage. I don't know what the body is like?"

Mu Hanxuan's dissatisfaction said coldly, "No need to care."

"That's the best, my son is really worried." As if talking to himself, he was talking to Mu Hanxuan.

Mu Hanxuan directly ignored Nangong Wuxie's words and walked out. Mu Hanxuan did not return to the palace. After wandering on the street for a long time, Zhanxing said: "Master, it's not early, let the king go back to the palace earlier.

Now Mu Hanxuan was very entangled. He wanted to see Xu Yanruo, but he didn't want to see her. He would feel uncomfortable when he saw her, and even more uncomfortable if she didn't see her, but he still lifted his feet and walked in the direction of the palace.

Mu Hanxuan returned to the room and said, "Zhanxing, go and rest."

"Lord." Zhan Xing called.

"This king wants to be quiet." Mu Hanxuan's face was a little tired.

Seeing that Zhanxing had left, Yu Chuan, who was hiding in the corner, stepped forward and knocked on the door and said, "Master, Yu Chuan has something to report."

"come in."

"The prince, the princess is better today and has fallen asleep." Yu Chuan pretended to report.

Hearing about Xu Yanruo, Mu Hanxuan's heart twitched fiercely, "Go out." Then he said, "Bring two jars of wine."

"Yes." Yu Chuan went to the wine cellar, took two jars of wine, took out a small bottle from his chest, smiled slyly, poured the liquid in the bottle into the wine, Mu Hanxuan was drunk, colorless and tasteless. , I want to see how you treat Xu Yanruo in the future!

"Master, the wine is here." Yu Chuan put the wine on the table and stepped aside.

Mu Hanxuan didn't care either. He picked up the wine and drank. After drinking half a jar, he felt a little dizzy and unconscious, but continued to drink. After drinking a jar, Mu Hanxuan was drunk. Falling on the table, my mouth is screaming: Ruoer, Ruoer...

Yu Chuan stepped forward and pushed, and cried, "Master, Master."

Although Mu Hanxuan heard the sound, his head was so dizzy that he kept yelling: "Ruoer..." Yu Chuan tried to help Mu Hanxuan on the bed, "Ruoer, don't go." Mu Han Xuan grabbed Yu Chuan.

Yu Chuan said, "Don't worry, I won't leave."

As if hearing the affirmative answer, Mu Hanxuan released his hand and fell asleep rest assured. Yu Chuan unbuttoned Mu Hanxuan's clothes, also unbuttoned his own clothes, and put the cloth prepared in advance. Putting it into the quilt, he also lay down beside Mu Hanxuan.