Don't Mess with The Princess

Chapter 85: It's a dream but not a dream


"Baibei, Beibei." Xu Yanruo opened his eyes strenuously, looking at everything around him, and looking like a person beside the bed.

"Dad, mom? Why are you here? Am I dreaming?"

"Stupid boy, what are you talking about, you scared your parents to death, you fell into the water." Mother Mo said worriedly.

"Drop in the water?" Xu Yanruo remembered that he had jumped into the water, and looked around carefully for a week. "This is the hospital?" Xu Yanruo asked.

"Yes, my wife, go and call a doctor to give Beibei a good check." Mom said.

Dad Mo walked out of the ward, and soon he brought the doctor to him. The doctor shone Xu Yanruo’s eyes with a flashlight and said, “It’s okay. It’s probably because I have fallen asleep for too long and my consciousness hasn’t been awake. I’ll be fine later. ."

Mom and Dad Mo felt relieved after hearing this. Xu Yanruo remembered clearly that he jumped into the water, how could he lie in the hospital? Did I cross back? "Parents, I want to go home."

"Okay." Dad Mo agreed, drove the car and returned home with Xu Yanruo.

As soon as he entered the house, it was the familiar feeling. Xu Yanruo couldn't help but moisten his eyes, walked to his room and sat on the bed. Mom Mo brought fruit, "Babe, come and eat some fruit." Mo father also came in after a while. He said, "Come and drink some water." Xu Yanruo's tears shed tears from them.

"What is the silly kid crying?" Mom Mo patted Xu Yanruo's back to comfort.

Xu Yanruo was very tired. A lot of things happened these days. She just wanted to take a good rest. Xu was tired from crying in her mother's arms, and Xu Yanruo fell asleep.

"Ruoer, Ruoer." This was Mu Hanxuan's voice. Xu Yanruo heard Mu Hanxuan's voice in a daze, but felt that it was a dream. After all, he had already traveled back and told himself to forget. he. "Doctor, why hasn't the princess woken up yet? Didn't you say it's OK?" Mu Hanxuan asked anxiously.

"This... back to the prince, the princess is indeed fine, but the little one doesn't know why, the princess has not woken up."

"Master," Zhanxing called, "Master, someone outside said that he can wake the princess."

"Please come in quickly."

The man walked in and saluted: "Master."

Mu Hanxuan stepped forward and grabbed him and brought him to Xu Yanruo's bedside, and asked, "Why is the princess not awake yet?"

"Back to the prince, the princess is indeed fine, but as for why the princess did not wake up, it is because the princess does not want to wake up." the person said.

"What do you mean?" Mu Han asked.

"Perhaps the princess has experienced something painful, and it just so happens that the princess's dream is too good, so the princess does not want to wake up." the person said.

Mu Hanxuan did not speak, but his expression was not very good, and said, "How can I wake up?"

"If you wake up forcibly, it might be dangerous." The person looked at Mu Hanxuan and continued: "If you don't wake up, there will be danger."

"Whether it is called or not!" Mu Hanxuan was a little anxious.

"This...Of course it is to be called, but I hope that the prince and the people here can avoid it, because waking up the princess will not be disturbed, so please also ask the prince to atone for the crime.

"All go out with this king!" With an order, everyone followed Mu Hanxuan out.

The man glanced at the person on the bed, sighed and said, "Idiot, wake up."

Xu Yanruo opened his eyes abruptly as if he had heard something, and stared at the ceiling blankly. Didn't I go back through? Why are you back again

"Princess," the man called.

Xu Yanruo turned to look at the bedside, "Aren't you the master who broke the deal?" Xu Yanruo asked, "Master, why are you here?"

"Naturally, I came to wake the princess." The master said, "the princess seems to be okay, so I'm leaving the little one."

"Wait, Master, I want to go back, Master." Xu Yanruo said choked up.

The master laughed and said, "Why does the princess want to go back and tell the little one? The little one doesn't know where the princess is going."

"Master, you know." Xu Yanruo knew very well that this person must know his own business, and said: "Master, I just went back to where I was before."

"Wang Hao, that's just a dream." The master said.