Don’t Pretend to be Poor with Me

Chapter 35: jealous


Song Yan sat at the back of the classroom, didn't hear their conversation clearly, only saw Xia Zhiye came back with a pink gift box in his hand.

After a cold glance, he quickly lowered his eyes again: "Which class is it from the suitor again."

"The suitor of Class 13." Xia Zhiye pushed the gift box in front of Song Yan, "But this time it's for you."


Song Yan raised his head.

Xia Zhiye opened the chair and sat down, lazily said: "Your suitor asked me to hand it over to you. Regarding this situation, do we, Song Daxi, have anything to say?"

"Yes." Song Daxi said, "Which floor is Class 13 on?"

"The third floor."


Song Yan replied to show that he knew, and stuffed the gift box into the belly of the table, and picked up the chopsticks again.

Xia Zhiye: "... gone?"

Song Yan raised his eyes: "Otherwise?"


Otherwise, shouldn't he take the initiative to return the gift, and then show that he has nothing to do with that girl, so as to prevent his future boyfriend from being jealous? Why did you still accept the gift

Xia Zhiye felt that a certain student lacked self-consciousness.

However, Song Yan didn't know what was going on in his mind, he just planned to return the gift when there were fewer people in the classroom after the evening self-study, so as not to hurt the girl's self-esteem in front of too many people.

Xia Zhiye didn't know anything about it either. He glanced at Song Yan who was eating as if nothing had happened, and then at the pink gift box on the table. After thinking for a while, he clicked on Zhou Ziqiu's WeChat.

[Wild]: What about the girl in your class

[Autumn]: Which girl

[Wild]: Today I ask you what my shoe size is

[Autumn]: Oh, that, what's the matter, confessed to you

[Wild]: no

[Autumn]: So what's wrong

[Wild]: She gave Song Yan a gift

[Autumn]: Then

Then does she want to rob her boyfriend

Xia Zhiye wanted to ask this directly, but he was afraid of scaring Zhou Ziqiu, so he put it in a euphemistic way.

[Wild]: So is she interested in Song Yan

[Autumn]: Isn't this nonsense


[Autumn]: At least two-thirds of the girls in our class are interested in Song Yan, and the remaining one-third are your CP fans

[Wild]: ...

What Zhou Ziqiu said is interesting, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that he really likes it. The school spirit of No. 3 Middle School is open, especially in the liberal arts class of Class 13. Girls occupy the top of the food chain, and it is normal to flirt with good-looking boys.

But since Song Yan transferred to another school, he has been living in seclusion, so how could he provoke so many lovers.

[Wild]: Song Yan is so low-key, the girls in your class still don't let him go



[Autumn]: Brother, do you have any misunderstanding about low-key

What misunderstanding

Isn't Song Yan low-key

Just as Xia Zhiye was thinking about it, Zhou Ziqiu sent out a sarcastic rhetorical question.

[Autumn]: Do you think it is low-key that he was injured in a group fight when he transferred to another school, or that he wrote the review and made Luo Wei faint from anger

[Autumn]: Or do you think that the bet between him and Liu Yue is known to the whole school, and it is very low-key to buy a thousand roses to go back to school in order to anger Zhao Yu at the art festival

[Autumn]: To be more direct, do you think it is quite low-key that he is wearing women's clothing and hugging you in public

[Wild]: ...

Not very low-key indeed.

It turned out that Song Yan had been so ups and downs in the past two months since he transferred to another school, and he didn't even notice it.

[Autumn]: So not all people with facial paralysis and few words are called low-key. Your Song Yan is at most a cold-faced Bking, which happens to be the best one for girls now. You can do it yourself. If you don’t believe me, read the post for yourself.

Except for what happened to Liu Yue last time, Xia Zhiye has almost never read the post bar, because he thinks this kind of place where a group of people gossip anonymously is really meaningless.

However, after seeing Zhou Ziqiu's words, he chose to open the long-lost web link.

When I opened it, I saw a big post floating on the front page: [Report! ! ! Song Yan temporarily joined the basketball team! ! ! ]

[1L]: First-hand reliable information, Song Yan has temporarily replaced Shang Huai in the basketball team, and it is said that training will start tonight, does the iYAN girl want to come and watch

[2L]: Can we not go here? As for Song Yan's waist, legs, and knuckles, playing basketball is absolutely beautiful!

[3L]: You're right, I'll buy a drink towel

[5L]: I'll go, Song Yanzhen joined the basketball team? Can the basketball double grass change the basketball three coaches

[6L]: Let me ask you weakly, who are the three handsome men

[7L]: What else can I do? Xia Zhiye, Song Yan, Zhou Ziqiu

[8L]: Damn, wait, there is Xia Zhiye? Naughty girl ecstasy! Limb collision is yyds!

[9L]: Upstairs, CP is prohibited in this post, all handsome guys belong to everyone, and internal consumption is prevented

[10L]: Minister seconded

In addition, there are a lot of posts that praise Song Yan's good looks, temperament, skin, white legs and long women's clothing, and there are even many girls who bite each other.

Baby is also what you can call

Xia Zhiye felt that the school ethos of Nanwu No. 3 Middle School was too open, and the girls were too greedy for beauty. As a student council cadre in the second grade of high school, he needed to clean up the atmosphere and establish his dignity as Song Yan's deskmate.

So put away the phone and stood up: "Let's go to the basketball court."

Song Yan had just finished eating and was wiping his hands. Seeing that the food in front of Xia Zhiye was barely moving, he squinted at the end of his eyes: "So you don't want to eat?"

"Well, today's sweet and sour pork ribs are a bit sour with too much vinegar."

Song Yan: "?"



Song Yan didn't eat the sour food, but he didn't bother to care about it, anyway, people like Xia Zhiye would definitely not die of hunger.

In the evening, the basketball court was dimly lit, with street lamps standing on both sides of the tree-lined road, and the dust particles floating in the air could be clearly seen in the dim yellow halo.

When Xia Zhiye walked lazily from the light with Song Yan's shoulders on his shoulders, Zhou Ziqiu couldn't see it: "Can you two stop being so gay?"

"Who the hell is angry with Gay in his Gay?" Song Yan skillfully knocked off Xia Zhiye's claws that had never been honest.

Xia Zhiye took advantage of the situation and stood up straight, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and moved his wrist pretending to be inadvertent.

Zhou Ziqiu had sharp eyes, coupled with the tacit understanding he had cultivated with Xia Zhiye for so many years, after taking a glance, he asked very naturally: "Why do you two look like a couple with this bracelet?"

"Oh, this is for couples."

Xia Zhiye's voice was not too loud, just enough for the girls who pretended to be walking on the edge of the basketball court to hear Song Yan and Xia Zhiye's beauty, so they all looked sideways.

Then I saw Xia Zhiye and Song Yan wearing an obsidian bracelet on their wrists, the styles were exactly the same, except that Xia Zhiye had a light pink moonstone on his wrist, and Song Yan had a dark blue one.

Since ancient times, red and blue have produced CP.


The hearts of young Muai's girls were shattered to pieces.

Song Yan didn't even bother to talk about this topic, but just looked at the basketball team and said concisely: "What position do I play?"

The others were used to listening to Xia Zhiye, and asked with sideways glances.

Xia Zhiye didn't answer, just asked: "What position did you play before?"

"Shooting guard."

After Song Yan finished answering, Xia Zhiye raised his chin slightly towards Zhou Ziqiu.

During Zhou Ziqiu's meeting, he smashed the basketball loosely on the ground in front of him. When it bounced off, Xia Zhiye snatched it up, caught it firmly, and handed it to Song Yan: "Try to shoot a three-pointer?"

After all, the name shooting guard, as the name suggests, is an important position for scoring in the far field. Even if Xia Zhiye is deceived by Song Yan's beauty and wants to be a fool, he still has to put on a show in front of his teammates.

Besides, except for Xia Zhiye and Zhou Ziqiu, the others are not familiar with Song Yan, and the remaining one, Liu Yue, is even a bit feisty, so I have a little opinion on the matter of directly pulling Song Yan into the basketball team.

Convincing the public without revealing one hand, I am afraid that friction will be inevitable in getting along with each other in the future.

Song Yan understood Xia Zhiye's intentions, took the ball, tested the feel of the ball twice in his hand, then exerted strength on his legs, and jumped lightly. Draw a beautiful parabola from outside the three-point line, and fall firmly into the basket.

The posture looked relaxed and beautiful, as if scoring a three-pointer was just an ordinary thing in his daily life, the hearts of the iYAN girls who had just been smashed outside the stadium fought back in an instant, bursting into warm applause and cheers: "Song Yan is so handsome! Mom loves you! It's great to have you on the basketball team!"

He also said he was not attractive.

This is called unpopular

Xia Zhiye suddenly regretted asking Song Yan to play basketball.

However, it was too late.

The rest of the basketball team looked at Song Yanlu's skill like a treasure: "Yes, the aim is good."

"Good luck, the hit rate in actual combat is average." Song Yan's expression didn't change.

One of the teammates raised his hand, it's okay, the average level is enough, just the hand you showed, it's definitely not bad. Liu Yue, what do you think? "

The speaker looked at Liu Yue.

It is well known that Liu Yue and Song Yan had conflicts before. Although they collaborated in a drama later, it seems that there are no follow-up questions, but there is always a question that should be asked.

Liu Yue just patted the ball and didn't pay attention: "It's up to you."

It doesn't look very repulsive.

"Then Zhou Ziqiu, you can switch to point guard to make up for Shang Huai's position, Song Yan is your shooting guard, Liu Yue is still a center, and I am a forward, so there is no problem." Xia Zhiye said lazily, but the more lax, the more It can make people hear an undeniable feeling.

Seeing everyone's obedient reactions, Song Yancai realized that Xia Zhiye smiled so much in front of him that he almost forgot that he was the legendary bully of the third middle school.

As soon as the ball hit, Xia Zhiye's fierce style of play, aggressive confrontation, and shooting from a slanted angle made Song Yan realize that Xia Zhiye didn't usually fight back but simply didn't want to fight back.

The boy's neat short hair was slightly soaked with sweat on his forehead. He took off his school uniform jacket and threw it aside. The hem of his loose T-shirt was raised because of the jumping movement, revealing his thin and powerful waist and straight and slender legs.

The dim halo of the street lamps became a spotlight-like existence because of Xia Zhiye's innate calmness and self-confidence.

When Xia Zhiye dribbled the ball again, made a three-step layup, completed a very beautiful dunk, and won the screams and cheers of the audience, Zhou Ziqiu stood in the backcourt, slightly curling the corners of his lips , looking at Song Yan: "Our Lord Xia is actually not bad, right? Anyway, girls like it."

I see it.

This person is usually lazy and has no shape, and when he comes out, he is so coquettish, he looks like a peacock, and he doesn't know who to show his beauty to, so he can't attract girls.

Thinking, the referee has blown the whistle to stop the game.

Their team easily won the training team by 37 points.

The power forward of the training team directly lay down on the ground, panting: "No, Master Xia, you played too hard today, and in the future, can you not play so sloppily? Your fake moves make me tremble. I feel like I'm having a concussion."

Another teammate who suffered from it also said: "Master Xia, I didn't say that, your fake moves are so elaborate that even my teammate has been fooled. The last time I saw such a flamboyant style of play, it was Shang Huai who wanted to chase after me." When you were a girl, why, Master Xia, do you have someone you want to chase after?"

The teammate was just teasing unintentionally, but Xia Zhiye, who was standing on the sidelines and patting the basketball for a while, let out a casual "hmm".

The person who asked the question was stunned for a moment, a little unresponsive: "Master Xia, what do you mean by 'um'?"

"It means whatever you think it means." Xia Zhiye tossed the ball at him casually, "With the skill of gossip, why don't you think about why you failed to defend two consecutive balls just now. Also, next training Let’s go to the indoor basketball court of the Borrowing Arts Gymnasium first.”

"Why? Isn't it nice here?"

"There are too many people watching here."


Don't they play basketball just to show others

If it wasn't for enjoying the cheers of the beautiful young lady, who would sweat, blood and cry with you stinky old men here? !

Teammates will be pissed off.

However, Xia Zhiye acted arbitrarily and did not leave them any room for refutation. After speaking, he walked towards Song Yan and handed over the bottle of mineral water that had already been twisted in his hand: "How does it feel to cooperate for the first time?"

"It's okay." Song Yan took a sip, "Except for the fact that someone's fake moves were too fancy and swayed me twice, there is basically no problem."

Xia Zhiye was serious: "Then there's nothing I can do. The strength is too strong, and if you accidentally injure your teammates, it's beyond my control."


Why can someone be so shameless.

"So who is the person you want to chase? Why don't I know." Song Yan resisted the thought of splashing water on Xia Zhiye's face, twisted the bottle cap, and asked casually.

Xia Zhiye smiled: "Guess."


Guess your uncle, you are really kicking your nose and face.

Song Yan picked up the school uniform jacket that he took off, turned around and left, not even bothering to look at it.

Seeing that the two little girls next to the playground were ready to go up to talk to Song Yan, Xia Zhiye hurriedly took long legs, followed in two steps, took advantage of the situation and hugged Song Yan's shoulders from behind, making an extremely intimate gesture attitude.

Song Yan just let him hug her and remained motionless.

The almost identical bracelets of the two showed a particularly harmonious luster under the moonlight,

The two girls who just glued the broken girl's heart together behind them looked at this gay scene in Gay: "..."

Forget it, I would rather demolish ten temples than ruin a single marriage.

After three seconds of silence, they wiped away the tears of lost love that did not exist, and discussed in grief where to drink milk tea at night.

And Xia Zhiye put his arms around Song Yan, and asked casually: "You really don't know who I want to chase?"

Song Yan gave an expressionless "hmm".

Xia Zhiye raised the corners of his lips: "What a coincidence, he doesn't know either."


Song Yan didn't think it was a coincidence, but thought that Zhiye was begging for a beating.

However, Xia Zhiye lazily threw out another sentence in the next second: "But he will know soon."

Song Yan unconsciously tightened his knuckles while holding the school uniform.

This subtle movement happened to be caught by Xia Zhiye's eyes, and the smile on the corner of his lips deepened instantly: "So you said if I want to confess my love, what gift would be better?"

"It's none of my business to give you whatever you like,"

"The main reason is that his family is very rich, and his vision should be quite high. Ordinary gifts must not be appreciated. Young masters like you should understand his tastes better, and help me as a consultant?"

Consul you uncle.

Song Yan was suddenly in a bad mood, but when it came to giving gifts, he became even more irritable.

Some people wear shoes that cost half of their net worth to buy their own business in the penguin colony, the glory of the king earns their own money, and finally just to give a gift to a girl they don't know at all.

I have never seen such a ungrateful beast.

But the beast still put his arms around his shoulders and asked: "So what gift should he give that he will definitely like and is unique and irreplaceable?"

Song Yan was so annoyed that he slapped his hand off and said angrily, "Just send yourself there."


So Song Yan was so wild

But isn't it good to be so direct in the first confession

Xia Zhiye began to think seriously about the feasibility of this proposal.

But Song was tired of getting angry and annoying, but he didn't want to give Xia Zhiye a bad idea, but said coldly: "If you like her, just say it, she must be with you because she likes you." To be together, not to be with you because you like your gift. So be honest, just do your best, and there is no need to deal with those empty heads."

Otherwise, even if you forcefully buy a gift that the other party likes, and the two are together, when you find out the gap between the rich and the poor later, you will break up.

It's better to explain your situation clearly at the beginning, and the other party is willing to accept it, and everyone is happy. If you can't accept it, then there is no need to continue getting along.

Anyway, apart from being a little poor, Xia Zhiye's appearance, achievement, ability and popularity are not bad in everything, so it's more than enough to send him there by himself.

Song Yan has already drawn up a complete set of value systems for Xia Zhiye in his mind to pursue the pursuit of rich girls by poor academic gods.

And Xia Zhiye just looked at him and couldn't help showing a smile full of joy.

Song Daxi of their family is indeed the cutest and innocent young master.

He only cares about his people, not his money.

very nice.

Such a person who is easy to satisfy, will definitely hug him happily when he sees the washing machine I bought specially for him later.

Xia Zhiye is quite beautiful just thinking about it.

The author has something to say: A natural couple: Ming Ming lives together every day, but there is no one word that matches the channel but is inexplicably very loving.

rest assured! Will not hold the washing machine to confess! And I won't sit on the washing machine to confess my love! Mom doesn't allow it!