Don’t Provoke the Turtle

Chapter 106: Stone statue


"Zuo Su'er?" The one-armed man frowned: "No, you are not Zuo Su'er, who are you?"

Zuo Suer's practice made her pure Yin energy even stronger than that of a woman. Although her movements were feminine, her aura was masculine. She just deliberately released her feminine aura to cover up her strong masculine aura.

Zuo Suer walked in the air, his body shape gradually changing, and in a few breaths he turned into a big man with a full beard.

"Ge Hong?"

In the direction of Qingyuan Zhenyu, Ge Laodao's breathing suddenly became rapid. He looked at that figure, his eyes turned red, and then he gritted his teeth and jumped up and down, cursing: "Asshole!"

Ge Hong raised his orchid and pointed in the direction of Ge Laodao: "Uncle, you can't beat me now... anymore..."

His sweet smile froze in his beard, and he looked at the people in the sky who were looking at him in amazement with a face full of horror. Suddenly, his head roared, and he fell headfirst, crashing into a small hill and never came out again.

Half of the mountain was smashed.

Ge Laodao was stunned.

There was a burst of laughter in Dongyun Mountain.

"Brother Ge has imitated it too well and has been trapped in the play and cannot come back. How about I go first?" A Jiaona's voice was heard, and a charming and passionate woman came from the air, with spring and madness alternating in her eyes.

Leng Miaozhen from Hongyue Tower.

Walking in the air, she transformed into a slightly playful girl, Yu Yue from Qingyuan Sect.

Those who knew her in the Qingyuan Sect immediately began to breathe rapidly. Yu Yue died sixty years ago, and countless men had their hair turned white overnight.

Unexpectedly, sixty years later, she appeared again in this image.

Then Mu Tu from Changfeng Sect, Peng Po from Tianjue Sect… one by one stepped into the sky and transformed into the proud sons of Qingyuan Sect who had already ascended to heaven.

The old man from Qingyuan Sect was breathing rapidly.

This is the treasure of Qingyuan Sect! They died one after another sixty years ago. When the Sect Master was found to be abnormal, he initially thought that the death of these proud sons had stimulated the Sect Master.

I don't want to come back today.

The Qingyuan Sect really had a plan. These people infiltrated the Dongyun sects and caused chaos. The Qingyuan Sect's ambition was obvious!

There are more than 30 more demons, and 10 of them have reached the peak of demon. If Xuantian Sect had found out earlier that Qingyuan had so many demons, they would have definitely not kept it, and Qingyuan Sect would have been destroyed like Tianyin Temple.

Luo Ruijin frowned and looked at Feng Yiju: "Only thirty transformed monsters, Master Feng doesn't think that he can turn the tables with these people, right?"

Yu Yue looked at him and snorted, "You little sir, you are so arrogant even though you are still young. One demon can't beat Tatian, and three of them can't beat one?"

Ignorance! The gap between the demon and the heaven cannot be made up by numbers!

Luo Rujin heaved a sigh of relief. If this was the confidence of Qingyuan Sect, then today's battle would be a good one. With so many transformed monsters, it was possible to keep Huorong, Mutong and the others, but it was impossible to face nine Tatian at the same time, especially with Zhongbo here!

But Yu Yue hooked his finger at the one-armed middle-aged man and said, "Uncle, let's play some fun."

The one-armed middle-aged man smiled naively and shook his head: "I don't like young ones. If you return to your cold fairy appearance, I will fight you!"

Yu Yue blinked and sighed helplessly, Uncle, you will be beaten if you do this.

She said that Ge Hong imitated Zuo Suer too deeply and stayed in the prison ghost space for sixty years. Which of them could be absolutely normal

If it were Yu Yue sixty years ago, he would definitely not be able to endure such humiliation and would not be so frivolous.

"Give it a try!" Yu Yue stomped his foot, crushing the air. His body suddenly shot out and punched the one-armed middle-aged man, but the one-armed middle-aged man made an arc with his arm in front of his body and easily blocked it back.

Yu Yue came fast and left fast, crashing into the mountain, and instantly jumped out, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, with a smile on his face: "Awesome!"

A true Heaven-Stepping Realm, with every move carrying the power of the world, it seems as if he is against the entire world. How did Senior Brother Feng manage to kill two such people by himself

The one-armed middle-aged man looked at Yu Yue with admiration. The normalized demon realm didn't even have the courage to raise his head in front of Tatian, but here was someone who dared to attack him without any scruples.

This woman should be taken into Xuantian Sect!

When he looked up, he saw more than thirty people looking at them, all of them eager to try.

The one-armed middle-aged man's face darkened. One of them was a favored child of heaven, but the thirty of them were just courting death - this group of people seemed to have no idea what fear was!

It was like... it was like the fear in my heart was cut off by a sword.

Yu Yue wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and jumped up, stretched out his palm towards Qing Yuan, and shouted: "Come!"

The Qingyuan Mountain Prison shook violently, and a gigantic stone statue broke out of the ground and shot toward the battlefield. The stone statue stepped forward before it leaped, and slammed into its chest. The stone fragments on the statue fell off, revealing its appearance.

It looked exactly like Yu Yue.

Su He was stunned.

This is a stone statue in the Golden Palace! There is no way I could make a mistake!

Yu Yue drilled into the chest of the stone statue. The statue opened its eyes and looked at the one-armed middle-aged man again.

“Come again!”

The simple stone statue looked like an ordinary stone, without any aura emanating from it. However, when Yu Yue entered, the stone statue suddenly exuded a terrifying momentum, and the power of the world surged from its body.

It gives people the feeling that this is indeed a cultivator who has reached the heavenly realm!

Ge Laodao, who was standing beside him, trembled and almost couldn't stand still, with a look of sadness on his face.

Su He was at a loss.

The one-armed middle-aged man frowned and said in shock: "You have transformed yourself into the Great Ming King Demon Statue!"

The Great Ming King Demon Statue was originally a Buddhist method.

It is recorded in the "Buddha's Sutra on the Release of All Living Beings from Disaster", that at that time the sky collapsed and the earth sank, and all living beings were suffering. The Buddha's son Maudgalyayana transformed himself into a Vajra King, held up the sky and stood on the earth, releasing all living beings from disaster.

Later generations did not have the magical powers of Buddha, so they could only make things that seemed to be true but were not. Every demon statue required countless monks to sacrifice their bodies to refine it.

The first Ming Wang statues that were refined only had the combat power of the Transcendent Realm. At this time, the Transcendent Realm cultivators would refine themselves into the Ming Wang statues, first integrating their own Taoism, then refining the seven emotions and six desires. Then, even the physical body was refined into it.

The statue of the Mingwang has advanced one level.

Therefore, the statue of the Mingwang, who was the first to save people from suffering, was called the devil statue.

No wonder this woman doesn’t seem scary. She is more like a physical cultivator who only cultivates her body and doesn’t practice Taoism.

This is because the "fear" of Taoism and the seven emotions and six desires have been refined into the Great Ming King Demon Statue. It is not far from completely losing the seven emotions and six desires.

This statue of the Great Ming King Demon already has the aura of stepping on the sky. How long has the Qingyuan Sect been refining it

Yu Yue merged into the golem and pounced towards the one-armed middle-aged man.

The same moves and the same boxing techniques, a punch knocked the one-armed middle-aged man away with a bang, a transparent light shield flashing on his body, and he smashed into a mountain with a bang, piercing through the entire mountain, but the middle-aged figure did not stop and continued to fly away.

No one cared about the one-armed middle-aged man. This punch looked fierce, but it was just an ordinary punch that could not hurt anyone.

But the fact that it could knock the Heaven-Stepping Realm away indicated that this Great Ming King Demon Statue truly had the combat power of the Heaven-Stepping Realm.

Luo Ruijin hid behind the housekeeper.

The other two Heaven-Stepping Realm warriors stepped forward and looked at the Yu Yue stone statue: "Is this the Qing Yuan Foundation? How many are there in total? Why not take them out directly?"

Yu Yue watched their little hands getting restless.

I saw several people behind her, simultaneously reaching out to Qing Yuan and calling out.

Six statues of the Great Ming King demon broke out of the ground, roared over, and merged with the six Qingyuan demons in mid-air.

Seven! None of them had reached the Heaven-Stepping Realm, but they all had some Heaven-Stepping power. Not enough to repel the enemy, but enough to stop them.

Yu Yue shouted behind him, "Ge Hong! Come out and fight if you're not dead!"

The rocks exploded and Ge Hong soared into the sky. He stretched out his hand and a stone statue broke out of the ground. Ge Hong merged into the stone statue and felt a chill on his head. He reached out his hand to touch it and was stunned.

"What the hell shaved my hair?"

(End of this chapter)