Don’t Provoke the Turtle

Chapter 11: To no avail


Outside the valley, Su He felt a sense of alarm in his heart. This was a sense of crisis unique to animals.

Because he is a time traveler, Su He's animal instincts have always been inferior to those of other wild beasts. It has only improved slightly recently through evolution, and the speed of improvement is still the slowest among all his abilities.

The green snakes in the valley knew he was coming and were very wary of him.

This is normal. Among wild animals, predators of equal strength rarely enter each other's territory unless they want to seize survival territory.

Su He stood at the entrance of the valley and yelled: "Ang~"

I have no hostility, I only make friends!

He didn't know if the green snake could understand his roar, so he expressed this subjectively. They all wanted to be demons, so at least they would be able to open their spiritual intelligence, right

Didn’t turtles evolve vocal cords for communication

Perhaps just as ears evolved to understand the roar of crocodiles, the sounds produced by evolved vocal cords are naturally understandable to all animals

The valley was as quiet as usual, with no response.

Even the hisses of other snakes are meaningless hisses, hostile at best.


I, make friends!

Su He briefly explained the meaning.

There was still no response from within the valley.


If you don’t answer, I will assume that you agree, and I will come in!

Su He still received no response after he finished yelling, and the hostility in the valley remained unchanged.

This guy is a blockhead, and his reaction is not as good as those ordinary crocodiles.

Su He murmured, not knowing what to do. He was unwilling to return like this. Going in directly might arouse greater hostility from the green snake, and a fight would be bad. This was the opponent's lair.

Su He is not afraid of snakes - if they are not poisonous.

He hesitated a little, and just as he took a step, three poisonous snakes bit his exposed hind legs and tail at the same time.

Su He's turtle face changed instantly, and he swung his tail to look, and saw three poisonous snakes hanging on his body, their sharp fangs gnawing at his skin, but - they didn't bite into it.

After several evolutions, not only did the shell become extremely hard, but the skin also became tough, and the bite force of venomous snakes was not enough to pierce the turtle skin.

The venom sprayed on his body and then slid down.

Su He immediately rubbed the venom on the grass and quickly returned to the lake to wash his back.

A quarter of an hour, two quarters of an hour...

There was no discomfort at the bite site, not even itching. The snake venom was unable to penetrate the skin and enter the body.

Su He didn't believe in evil, so he caught a pheasant by the neck, stepped on its tail and let it spray venom on him. This is a slightly venomous snake, the kind that can't even kill a chicken.

Su He didn't go into the water, but kept staring at the skin soaked by the snake venom, and never felt any discomfort. He tried other venomous snakes, but still didn't feel much.

Su He felt relieved and crawled into the valley without caring about his relatives.

There were poisonous snakes everywhere and hissing warnings were heard constantly. This time, meaningful voices appeared, which basically told Su He to get out of the Snake Valley.

Su He disagreed, this place is Weilong's warehouse. If it weren't for the request to Qingshe, they would all be small spicy strips.

The Snake Valley is shaped like a Chinese character "甲". The first thirty feet into the valley is narrow and dark, with a width of only three feet. Once you enter, it becomes a wide open area as big as a football field. There is even a pond with an old willow tree growing beside it.

There was a huge green snake coiled on the willow tree.

I haven't seen it for a few days and it has grown bigger. It is obviously a small green snake, but it has the body shape of a python. It is not like other pythons with a small head and a big belly. It is very symmetrical and looks very charming when swaying.

The green snake coiled on the willow tree, lowered its head and spit out its tongue at Su He with a rustling sound.

There was no other meaning in the hissing sound except hostility, and it didn't even utter a complete word.

There is definitely no way they can communicate. It has only been two months since the animals ate the demon-transforming fruit, so they are not yet able to chat and discuss things.

It's good enough if you can understand what the other person means with simple words.

Su Helai just wanted to see how the green snake obtained the magic and how it practiced it, but in this hostile state, the green snake was definitely not in the state to practice.

We have to find a way to make it let down its guard.


Little snake, you are very beautiful.

Su He teased her.


Su He immediately held his breath and closed his eyes.

The green snake is non-venomous, but this one obviously cannot be explained by common sense. Su He can evolve fangs, so why can't the green snake evolve to be highly venomous

Su He lowered his head slightly and tried his best to listen to everything around him.


The snake is skimming the grass.

Here we come!

Ordinary green snakes feed on insects and earthworms and have no fighting power. I wonder what abilities this green snake, which is about to become a monster, has that would allow it to dare to fight directly.

He is a coward at heart, but he is so reckless. He doesn't even want to exchange a word, and attacks as soon as they meet.

It was a bad idea.

You should observe the other person for a few more days.

Suddenly, the fog shook, and a green snake wrapped around Su He like a hemp rope, twisting it hard.

No twisting.

I twisted it again, but there was still no reaction. The Suhe turtle shell didn't even show any signs of sinking inwards. High-quality meat is not eaten in vain.

This little snake was very strong. Su He suspected that even a cow could be strangled to death by it, but unfortunately the enemy today was Su He.

What Su He is least afraid of is a competition of sturdiness and strength.

If he hadn't wanted to learn magic from the green snake, he would have bitten its neck off at this moment. The snake had already digested most of the demon fruit, so even without the dice, it was still a great tonic.

This little snake suddenly got the demon fruit and began to evolve. It is not used to fighting with such a huge body! If it were Su He, he would definitely not be so reckless. There are at least thousands of poisonous snakes outside, waiting to eat dry food.

Why fight alone when you can fight in a group

The green snake failed to strangle the beast several times, and quickly retreated, slipping away to an unknown destination.

Su He listened quietly.


There was a slight sound of water breaking on the lake surface, and the green snake went into the water.

Sure enough, it was inexperienced. How could a snake go underwater to fight a turtle

Su He closed his eyes and crawled towards the pond based on his memory, entered the water and opened his eyes.

The underwater scenery is quite nice, the bottom is all rocky and the water is very clear. There is a gap in the middle of the lake, which is a natural tunnel. The gap is very large, two feet long and one foot wide.

There was no trace of the green snake underwater, so it must have escaped from the tunnel.

Su He paddled to catch up.

The tunnel is winding, with strange rocks on both sides, and snake skins of different sizes hanging on the rocks. The green snakes must have shed their skins here in the past two months.

Go forward along the tunnel and you will come out of a hole. The scene in front of you suddenly becomes clear: it is Tinghai Lake.

This tunnel connects Tinghai Lake and Shegu Lake.

There was no trace of the green snake around, and there was no smell of the demon-transforming fruit. The green snake must have swum far away underwater, and the smell did not come up.

A failed visit, nothing gained.

Of course, that can't be said. If the green snake refuses to cooperate, then the Snake Valley is a good place to live, much better than the alchemy furnace prepared by Su He.

Su He identified the direction and swam towards Crocodile Beach. The entrance of the tunnel was not too far from Crocodile Beach, so he and the Green Snake were real neighbors.

The green snake is timid, and it may not dare to return to the Snake Valley in the next two days. I will go there again in two days, and bring gifts with me. The more gifts, the less blame. Su He doesn't believe that he can get along well with the old crocodile, but can't get along with the green snake

As long as he shows up again and again, the green snake will get used to it and no longer be hostile to him.

Su He swam towards the crocodile beach, and the strong smell of blood was drifting towards him from ten miles away.

Not knowing what happened at Crocodile Beach, Su He cautiously increased his speed. When he got closer, he could hear the roars of crocodiles one after another.

Looking up, I saw that Crocodile Beach was in chaos. Two groups of crocodiles were fighting each other, and the blood dyed the entire water red.

(End of this chapter)