Don’t Provoke the Turtle

Chapter 14: Dimensionality reduction strike, one stone three birds (Part 2)


The giant crocodile died in a very uneasy manner. Three of its four legs were torn off by Su He, and it was strangled by the green snake. When it died, not even a complete bone could be found.

It was much easier to kill the other green crocodiles after killing the giant crocodile, as there were giant pythons and green snakes strangling them from above, and Su He ferociously blocked the tunnel from below.

Only 70% of the giant pythons in Snake Valley died, but nearly twenty green crocodiles were killed.

Su He slowly floated to the surface. The thick fog had dissipated, and the green snake no longer attacked with water arrows. No matter how polite a turtle is, it can't compare to showing its fangs once.

He tore off the three limbs of the giant crocodile in front of the green snake, and then blocked the entrance of the tunnel. The bloody battle made the green snake truly realize Su He's fighting power.

This is not a turtle that is surrendering by holding a rabbit in its mouth, and trying to hide in the corner to spy on its magic fruit.

This is a giant turtle with unparalleled combat power.

Showing your fangs to an animal is much more effective than trying to please it.

Su He and the green snake looked at each other for a moment, then turned around and crawled from the valley entrance towards Crocodile Beach.


And crocodile, follow me!

The green snake hesitated for a moment, twisted its body and followed, and at the same time hissed an order to take away the few remaining giant pythons in the Snake Valley.

Climbing out of Snake Valley and entering Tinghai Lake, Crocodile Beach is in sight.

The green snake refused to move forward and even wanted to lead the giant pythons back to the Snake Valley. It was a local snake that was born and bred here and knew that there were countless crocodiles ahead.

This turtle is asked to kill these crocodiles

How can this be done! This is suicide!

The green snake shrank back and saw the turtle floating in the water and roaring at the crocodile.


Come hunt with me, little ones!

Hearing the king's voice, the Su family crocodiles howled excitedly and looked at the Snake Valley python with greedy eyes.

Su He slapped a crocodile into the water: "Ah!"

Idiot, that's an ally!

The crocodiles didn't know what allies were, but they knew that the king didn't allow them to hunt these long worms. Perhaps the long worms were the king's prey

Green Snake: “!!!”

This turtle is the king of the crocodiles! He has a group of killing machines of his own!

After swallowing the Demon-Transforming Fruit for two months, its spiritual intelligence, which had already been awakened but was not much, was greatly shocked.

Turtle, crocodile, king.

It seemed like something was wrong, yet it also seemed like nothing was wrong.

It tentatively followed the group of crocodiles led by Su He and swam towards the inner lake. The more it swam, the more frightened it became. These crocodiles were heading towards the entrance of the Snake Valley Tunnel.

Just when the green snake thought that Su He was trying to lure it out and take the crocodiles to rob the Snake Valley, the fishy smell of the green crocodile entered its mind through its tongue and nasal cavity.

There were indeed green crocodiles ahead, but not many. A giant crocodile led six ordinary green crocodiles, which were the team that had previously taken a detour to block Su He's return to Crocodile Beach.

Su He led the crocodile underwater, with it swimming in front, and the belly of the giant green crocodile was visible from a distance. Su He suddenly accelerated and knocked the giant green crocodile over, tearing off a large piece of flesh from its armpits.

The hunt is imminent.

Taking the Su Family Crocodile to find the group of green crocodiles led by two green giant crocodiles is a war, and the Su Family Crocodile may not obey the command. But there is only one green giant crocodile and six ordinary green crocodiles on the opposite side, this is hunting!

The giant green crocodile was suddenly attacked and hurriedly turned around, lashing out with its huge tail.

The huge force knocked Su He flying, and he bounced on the lake like a float.

As the world spun, Su He only felt a green shadow flash before his eyes, and then heard the terrified and angry roar of the giant green crocodile. Then came the roar of the Su family crocodile and the panicked slapping of the green crocodiles as they fled.

The hunt was about to begin and ended in a moment.

There were too many Su's crocodiles, but only seven green crocodiles. The giant green crocodile was entangled and strangled by the green snake.

Su He used a little trick to wipe out the green crocodiles that were rampant in Crocodile Beach the day before yesterday.

When the power difference is not much, Su He, who possesses human intelligence, can definitely use a dimensionality reduction attack to deal with these beasts.

The Su family crocodile was unharmed and used the Snake Valley to annihilate the green crocodiles. He also consumed 70% of the giant pythons in the Snake Valley and greatly reduced the hostility of the green snakes towards him.

Kill three birds with one stone.

Su He had no hostility towards the green snake. They were both destined to become monsters, and they would get along for more than a hundred years. There was no need to make enemies, but Su He still hoped that his neighbor would be weaker.

It would be best if you could become a vassal.

If the green snake becomes more intelligent in the future and remembers everything that happened today - so what? Those were all the ignorant behaviors when it was a beast. Should it still hold a grudge

It couldn't be that I, a turtle, was setting you up, right? At that time, I was just a beast without any intelligence.

Crocodile Beach has returned to its former tranquility.

Eat and sleep.

Su He no longer beats crocodiles. They are all very well-behaved and there is no need to beat them. Of course, occasionally giving them a friendly and kind education does not count.

Snake Valley opened to Su He.

At least when Su He went there again, he would not be greeted by a water arrow. Su He often slept under a willow tree, and the green snake coiled on the tree. Occasionally, its tail would hang down and brush against Su He's shell, which made him feel itchy.

The green snake is a female snake.

Su He often stayed in its Snake Valley, but he did not find out how the green snake obtained the inheritance.

As time goes by, Su He likes basking in the sun more and more.

The water level of Tinghai Lake began to return to normal, and the crocodiles moved into the lake along with the water level. Su He's exclusive basking stone was gone. Most of the time, he threw himself on the water like a crocodile and did not move.

As the water level dropped, another stone was exposed, but Su He didn't like it. It had no slope and was just a vertical platform, which made it a little difficult to climb up.

During this period, it grew a lot, but it didn't grow any faster. It was difficult for a fish of three times the quality to fall into a deep sleep again, and even a fish of four times the quality could only sleep for two or three days at most. Its growth rate was also not as fast as in the previous two months.

The energy requirements for growth increase.

Two sword lights flashed across the sky, circled around and landed on a high platform in the water, transforming into two young men dressed in Qingyuan Sect costumes.

"Brother Yulin, this is a good place. There is no one around except a group of old crocodiles. It's a good place for you to practice."

The young man whom he called Yu Lin looked around and nodded with satisfaction.

Both of them were disciples of Qingyuan Sect. It was already autumn, and the first snow would come in a month or so. According to the custom of Qingyuan Sect, the teaching of new disciples would also begin when the first snow came.

Yu Lin is this year's talisman instructor, and this is his first time teaching. As the leaves have turned yellow and the temperature has dropped in the past few days, he has become extremely nervous.

His face turned pale at the thought of facing dozens of pairs of eyes in the audience.

This is more terrifying than asking him to hunt the same number of exotic beasts.

With no other choice, he went to ask his senior brother for help, and his senior brother brought him here.

"Brother Yulin, do you see the old crocodiles below? Treat them as new brothers and sisters, and talk to them however you want. Once you get used to it, you can treat the brothers as old crocodiles, and you won't be nervous when teaching them."

"That's how I got through it." He patted his fellow apprentice on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I won't peek. You can talk freely. If there's anything that doesn't make sense or you can't explain, write it down and we can discuss it again when we get back."

Yu Lin's eyes were filled with gratitude.

Senior brother flew away on his sword.

Yu Lin licked his dry lips, took a deep breath, and said to the crocodiles with all his strength: "My fellow disciples, I am Yu Lin from the Sutra Hall. You can call me Sister Yu Lin, not... Brother Yu Lin. I will explain the talismans to you..."

Even facing a group of crocodiles, he was nervous.

Su He's two turtle eyes widened to the extreme, and he growled to let the crocodiles keep quiet. He quietly moved closer to Yu Lin and dived into the water.

Thank God, he is going to attend class!

A dice fell from the sky and started spinning above Yu Lin's head.

Four o'clock!

Stealing food is an unexpected windfall, but stealing skills is not, right

I just don't know how the dice are calculated here? Four Yu Lins are conjured up to teach? Wouldn't this guy faint on the spot

(End of this chapter)