Don’t Provoke the Turtle

Chapter 20: Eat its meat


The water was turbid, but it did not affect Su He and Green Snake's vision.

One was rolling in the mud all day, and the other didn't rely on vision to get information. The turtle and the snake looked at each other, looking at the white tiger that had stopped struggling.

It's dead.

It took the combined strength of the three to kill Su He, Qing She and Lu Ming.

Lu Ming had made great contributions. If it weren't for his Wanjun Talisman, Su He and the green snake would not be able to defeat the white tiger. Even underwater, the three-star beast was not something they could fight against now.

The green snake coiled its tail and tried to shoot out a water arrow. The water arrow penetrated the white tiger's forehead and only broke the skin before being stuck by the hard frontal bone.

Water arrows that can penetrate rocks cannot penetrate the bones of a white tiger.

The white tiger was motionless, it was indeed dead.

Su He and the green snake rushed towards the white tiger at the same time, and stopped on both sides of the white tiger, one on the left and one on the right, looking at each other threateningly with bared teeth.

They both want the body of the three-star monster.

Ordinary wild beasts devour natural treasures to strengthen their bodies until they break their limits and condense demon stars within their bodies. These are exotic beasts.

At this time, a star will appear between the eyebrows of the beast. This is a one-star beast.

The demon star rotates slowly inside the body of the strange beast, providing it with extraordinary power. When the strange beast continues to advance and reaches its limit again, the demon star reverses and a second star appears between its eyebrows.

By analogy, every time a strange beast advances to a demon star, it will reverse once, and there will be an extra star between its eyebrows.

Therefore, the several-star beasts are also called several-turn beasts. Until the demon star turns seven, the beasts reach their limit. The demon star shatters to form the Xuanyue.

The demon star beast will advance to the Xuan Yue beast, and the Xuan Yue image will appear between its eyebrows.

Like a scruffy, sophisticated, alcoholic camel.

It is probably the rule of heaven and earth that no matter it is a strange beast, a demon or a human, there are three major realms, and each realm is divided into seven small realms.

The monster stars, dark moons and eclipsed suns of strange beasts, and the metamorphosis, transformation and heaven-stepping of humans and monsters.

Just like what the sloppy old Taoist mentioned, the first realm of humans and monsters is the mortal transformation, also known as the seven-step mortal transformation. It is divided into seven small realms: heart, divine objects, true blood, intention, bone sacrifice, awakening spirit, and gathering essence.

The three-star beast was equivalent to a human at the True Blood Transformation Stage. Its entire body had undergone a qualitative change and was different from ordinary creatures.

Especially since this is a tiger, it is a very nutritious food.

Both Qing Snake and Su He wanted to eat it.

Especially now, hibernation is approaching, and this is the time when we need to eat a lot.

A snake and a turtle were staring at each other with ill intentions.

After two breaths, Su He sighed and backed off. This damn moral concept, the green snake came to help him, he couldn't kill the green snake and enjoy it all by himself.

Any ordinary wild animal would have done this long ago.

Su He suppressed the beastly desire in his heart to take it all for himself and let out a low "up".

Tiger, half for each, fast food!

The white tiger is dead, and there is a Lu Ming behind it. He needs to eat quickly and run away after eating.

The green snake agreed, and it coiled itself onto the white tiger, strangling it with all its might, trying to squeeze the white tiger into a long strip and swallow it in one gulp. This is how pythons eat.

If the prey is too big to be swallowed in one bite, they will grind its bones into pieces, stretch it out and then swallow it.

Su He was stunned. This white tiger was a three-star beast, and its bones were indestructible, several times harder than its tortoise shell. Even the Wanjun Talisman could not crush its bones, so how could a green snake do anything to it

Su He stepped forward and took out the white tiger's heart in one bite.

This is a real tonic, it's a pity that it is a female tiger, otherwise it would be even more nutritious - after a two-year-old turtle, there is nothing that it can't eat as long as the meat is fresh.

If you're really hungry, it doesn't matter if it's not fresh.

Having not eaten for four or five days, his stomach was empty, so Su He moved his internal organs to leave more space for his stomach and intestines.

What a feast, with the heart and courage of a tiger, plus at least 40 kilograms of tiger meat in his stomach, Su He finally felt full. Turning his head, he saw the green snake staring at him with its teeth bared, its tongue moving rapidly.

Su He thought about it, tore off a large piece of meat and threw it at it.

The green snake immediately gave up its threat and pounced on the tiger meat, swallowing it in one gulp.

You see, this snake looks like a dog.

Feed and swallow.

Su He discovered that this green snake was actually a bigger eater than he was! And it ate both meat and vegetables, even the fur!

Never had a full meal

Two sword lights cut through the sky and stopped on the water. Su He and Qing Snake stopped moving at the same time and looked up.

The tiger's blood dyed the lake red. From this angle, the entire sky took on an eerie atmosphere.

On the two sword lights, there were two young men, one fat and one thin. They were ordered to catch the escaped pet beasts. They followed the smell and came here, and saw a horrifying scene under the lake.

"Brother, the thing that was being torn apart and eaten down there might not be Brother Lu's white tiger, right?" The thin young man looked at the white tiger that was eaten to pieces by Su He and the green snake with a look of astonishment.

The fat man swallowed and nodded: "It's the white tiger, no doubt about it. It's Senior Brother Lu's natal beast."

The two looked at each other, and both understood what the other meant: This is a big deal!

"Senior Brother Lu's natal white tiger was killed, but there was no trace of Senior Brother Lu around. Why didn't he come to help?"

The natal beast and its master share weal and woe. They prosper and suffer together. How could Senior Brother Lu allow the white tiger to be killed

The fat senior brother shook his head: "You don't know, because of Junior Sister Qiao's matter, Senior Brother Lu was put in solitary confinement for three months."

The Qingyuan Sect is under solitary confinement, and even their natal beasts are killed and they are not allowed to come out

At the bottom of the lake, Su He's eyes lit up.

Thin Junior Brother: "… , what should we do? Capture this green snake and the big turtle?"

The pets of the Beast Taming Valley escaped, and Lu Ming's natal beast was killed, so someone had to take the responsibility. The little daughter of the head of the family couldn't escape, but due to her status, she could only be put in solitary confinement, and couldn't really be put in the prison.

Then the snake and the turtle deserved their bad luck.

The fat senior brother looked at his junior brother in astonishment: "Are you crazy? This is the green snake that swallowed the demon fruit in the Snake Valley!"

He was in charge of monitoring the demon-transforming fruits in the Qingyuan Sect and recognized this green snake.

“Only eighteen demon-transforming fruits grew in the Xingzhu Qingyuan territory this time, but only six beasts that swallowed the demon-transforming fruits survived. The rest either couldn’t stand the aura of the demon-transforming fruits and exploded to death, or died in the fight among beasts.”

"You used it to take the blame, are you afraid that the law enforcement elder won't beat you?"

The thin junior brother suddenly understood.

Monsters are naturally favored, and any beast that can transform into a human can at least cultivate to the level of monster transformation. Moreover, monsters are simple, and if you bring them back to the sect and teach them well, they have a strong sense of belonging to the sect.

Moreover, monsters have a long lifespan and can serve the sect for a longer time. Every monster-like beast is a treasure of the sect.

"Then we can't catch this turtle either." The thin junior brother said thoughtfully, "Just now I saw this turtle tearing meat to feed the snake from a distance. I'm afraid it's a pet of the green snake."

This green snake will definitely turn into a demon, and its status will not be low in the future, so there is no need to offend it. Animals are simple but also bear grudges, especially wolves and snakes.

The fat senior brother nodded, but was a little confused. He closed his eyes and practiced magic. Suddenly, his eyes opened and a gleam of light flashed.

"Come out!" He shouted softly and with a backhand move, the Wanjun Fu tortoise shell pressing on the white tiger broke through the water.

The fat senior brother pointed out the effect of the Ban Wanjun Talisman, held the tortoise shell in his hand, and suddenly realized: "I said, it is impossible to kill the white tiger with the current green snake and this tortoise."

Someone is deliberately targeting Senior Brother Lu. This talisman armor needs to be handed over to the Law Enforcement Hall.

He bent his finger and completely imprisoned the Wanjun Talisman to prevent it from dissipating over time. Then he used his backhand to summon the positioning talisman from under the white tiger. After doing the same with the tortoise shell, he bowed to the green snake and said, "My fellow snake, this white tiger is the natal beast of my senior brother. My two brothers need to take it back. I hope you won't blame me!"

The green snake will transform into a human sooner or later, so it is best to be polite now, to avoid the green snake recalling what happened now and feeling resentful.

(End of this chapter)