Don’t Provoke the Turtle

Chapter 21: The last sleep before hibernation


After greeting the green snake, he didn't wait for a response. He flicked his finger and a shield floated out. The shield grew in the wind and turned into a small boat. It flew under the white tiger, picked up the white tiger and flew upwards.

The green snake rustled its tongue. Su He jumped up from the water, tore off a large piece of tiger meat, and fell back into the lake.

A gentleman can be bullied with his own tactics. These two people seem easy to bully.

The two men were stunned by the sword light and laughed, but after laughing they admired the courage of the turtle.

This turtle must be on the path of a strange beast. Strange beasts also practice cultivation. Practicing cultivation is like sailing against the current, so one must be so petty and reckless.

"Brother, no matter how White Tiger died, Green Snake couldn't escape responsibility. If Brother Lu comes out, I'm afraid he will come to trouble Green Snake, right?"

The green snake and the turtle might have been deliberately lured here to destroy the evidence.

"It's okay!" The fat senior brother shook his head and said, "The Snake Valley has been restricted by the seniors in the sect, so Senior Brother Lu can't get in." Most disciples don't know this, and even he just found out about it not long ago.

The ban cannot stop the beasts, and will not affect their fight for the Demon-Transforming Fruit, but it will intercept humans to prevent anyone from interfering with the fight for the Demon-Transforming Fruit.

Although he did not understand the significance of doing so - demons were of great benefit to the sect, the demon fruit should be controlled and allowed to be consumed by the domesticated beasts in the sect. At the very least, all beasts that swallowed the demon fruit should be protected. Why should the beasts be allowed to fight over it without stopping it? Or even encouraged such a fight in disguise

The two men flew away on their swords, and Su He, the turtle underwater, breathed a sigh of relief.

It's safe for now. Snake Valley is protected and safe.

Three days ago, the body's reserves had reached their limit. He could no longer resist the sleepiness. Now that he had eaten a belly full of tiger meat, his eyelids felt as heavy as if a Wanjun talisman had been stuck on them.

Go to Snake Valley for a real sleepover.

This should be the last sleep before hibernation. Will this sleep be connected with hibernation and last until the beginning of next spring

After all, it's only a month and a half away from hibernation. In previous years, they would have already started preparing for large-scale predation and accumulating energy for the winter at this time.

Su He tore off two pieces of tiger meat that he had snatched back, but he couldn't eat any more, so he simply threw it to the green snake.

It swam towards Snake Valley with its head shaking and its tail wagging.

Snake Valley, safe!


Damn it, the more I think about it, the angrier I get! Why does Green Snake's Snake Valley have protection, but I have nothing

Who hasn’t eaten the demon-transforming fruit

Why treat them differently

The green snake lazily followed behind Su He, swimming very slowly. Most of its body was filled with tiger meat, and it could no longer swim. Fortunately, it had mastered the new inheritance of stirring up waves, and could let the waves push it forward.

Snake Valley is very suitable for hibernation. There is no wind in the valley and the lakeside is full of sand. Su He dug a hole by the lake and buried the whole turtle body in it, leaving the nostrils open for ventilation. The body is half wet and half dry, which is very comfortable.

The green snake crawled into a cave on the cliff with difficulty. It was a snake den and looked warmer, but the entrance was only as thick as a water tank and Su He couldn't get in.

Before Su He fell asleep, he heard the green snake's breathing become long and light, and it also fell asleep.

Now the green snake can sleep peacefully beside Su He. This is absolute trust.

The bright moon, willow trees, and autumn dew condensed, and Snake Valley fell into silence, with only the rustling of venomous snakes.

It was late at night, and it was time for poisonous snakes to hunt.

Qingyuan Gate, Law Enforcement Hall.

The head of the Law Enforcement Hall looked at the two tortoise shells with a gloomy expression, and everyone in the hall dared not breathe.

This incident is extremely bad!

The Qingyuan Sect never prohibits its disciples from competing, but such competition should be benign. How can we allow villains to cause trouble

I originally thought it was just a coincidence, or that my disciple was just being naughty.

Now it seems that everything from Feng Yaya causing a commotion in the Beast Taming Valley to Lu Ming being put in solitary confinement was planned by someone, just to target Lu Ming's natal beast!

In other words, in order to target Lu Ming, the first true disciple of the Beast Taming Valley!

The natal beast and its master share weal and woe. A sneak attack on the natal beast is equivalent to an attack on the master. This is common sense.

"Fufeng, go interrogate Feng Yaya and ask her why she released the beasts in the Beast Taming Valley!"

He had several suspects in his mind, but law enforcement requires evidence, and despicable people must be dealt with openly and with an irrefutable force.

"You two go to Tinghai Lake and find the turtle. I will use some trickery to extract its memory and see who is sneaking around behind the scenes!"

The fat and thin brothers bowed at the same time: "Yes."

After a moment's hesitation, the fat Taoist priest said, "Uncle Master, the turtle has been taken by the Green Snake. Let's take the turtle back and extract its memory. I'm afraid the Green Snake will hold a grudge against us in the future..."

The head of the Law Enforcement Hall glanced at him and said calmly, "Don't worry about it, just capture him."

The monsters will surely achieve the transformation into monster realm, so they should be treated with favor. However, the thunder and rain should also teach them the rules of the sect. This opportunity is also a good opportunity to teach the green snake a lesson and plant an idea in its still ignorant mind:

The sect rules cannot be violated!

The two men took the order and left, but returned half an hour later, saying with a look of shame on their faces: "Uncle Master, the turtle and the green snake have a very good relationship. They are now sleeping in the Snake Valley. There are restrictions, so we can't get in."

The head of the Law Enforcement Hall frowned.

At this moment, Zhao Lie came back with a strange look on his face, returned the tortoise shell and handed over the investigation record. He wanted to say something but no sound came out.

The chief monk frowned even more: "If you have something to say, just say it. Why are you hesitating?"

Zhao Lie bowed and said, "Master, Elder An said that these two talismans were created by Junior Brother Lu."

Heart, liver, spleen, stomach, kidneys…

While Su He was dreaming, a turtle anatomy diagram slowly unfolded in front of him.

Flesh, bones, tendons... everything was clearly visible. The heart was beating loudly, and every beat sent a stream of blood throughout the body.

This is inside my body, Su He confirmed immediately. His stomach was moving, and there was no food in it. He didn't know how long he had slept, and all the tiger meat he had eaten was digested. But he had too much energy left, so he didn't feel hungry at the moment.

Did the ability of inner vision awaken from this deep sleep

Su He examined it carefully and found that its bones were strong, its internal organs were sturdy, its penis was majestic and very healthy!

After examining it inch by inch, they found a hazy and dark space in the center of the heart, with a small turtle sleeping quietly inside.

The turtle was very small, but it looked very majestic. Its shell was as black as ink and glowed brightly. Its limbs were covered with scales, and there were majestic dragon horns on its head and sharp teeth in its mouth.

Dragon turtle? Ba Xia? Black turtle? Anyway, it is not Xuanwu, Xuanwu is a snake and a turtle.

What is this thing in my heart

Su He was shocked. Before he could take a closer look, he felt sleepy and fell into a deep sleep again.

The sun and the moon compete with each other, and the valley is quiet.

I slept very soundly this time. I didn't have to worry about my stomach or being attacked by wild beasts. It was the best sleep I had since I was reborn as a tortoise.

I don't know how long it was before I woke up slowly. It was already dark and night.

But Su He saw it clearly.

This time, the sleeping eyes have evolved, and the night is as bright as the day. The sky is gloomy and it is drizzling. It is a bit desolate.

The sand covering his body had long since fallen off, and he had grown bigger, so the hole he dug became smaller.

By comparing it with the familiar things around him, Su He estimated that his tortoise shell alone was at least the size of a double bed. With the head and limbs, it was even more huge.

Compared to the previous green giant crocodiles, Su He had to fight three of them alone!

Su He looked around. The willow trees in Snake Valley were withered and yellow, and there was a pool of fallen leaves. He had slept for at least a month, and it was already late autumn.

A giant green python lazily lay at the entrance of the cave. When it saw Su He looking at it, it said quietly, "You're awake!"

The voice is mature and charming.

It speaks human language.

(End of this chapter)