Don’t Provoke the Turtle

Chapter 47: Before hibernation


The old Taoist gnashed his teeth, and Da Zhuang jumped out, smashing the green crocodile to the ground with one hoof, turning the body over motionlessly.

The three-star beast was on the same level as Lu Ming's white tiger, and couldn't even withstand a single blow from Da Zhuang.

Da Zhuang succeeded in his attack, but did not return. Instead, he floated downstream and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The old Taoist snorted twice and said, "More than 300 miles down from here is the territory of green crocodiles. There is a seven-star crocodile king. It was the pet of a former elder of the Beast Control Valley. After the elder passed away, the crocodile king settled here. I thought of my old friend and ignored him, but he actually harassed my turtle beast again and again."

Su He blinked. From the Taoist's tone, could it be that they would have the meat of the Seven-Star Crocodile King to eat today? That would be a great tonic before hibernation.

The old Taoist bared his teeth and said: "That crocodile can never evolve to the Xuanyue realm, and the position of the Crocodile King can no longer be kept.

In the past, crocodiles followed the rules. If they wanted to take the position of the crocodile king, they would challenge him. A few months ago, a little thief appeared from nowhere. Instead of challenging him, he quietly tamed the crocodiles and killed a group of green crocodiles under him.

"I don't know what's wrong with that crocodile king. Not only does he look for crocodiles that threaten his position, he drives them to my territory every day to kill turtles."

Su He shrank his neck in embarrassment. The more he listened to this story, the more familiar it sounded. It shouldn't be his fault, right? Tinghai Lake shouldn't affect the bottom of the elephant water.

The old Taoist waved his hands and said, "Don't worry about it. If it's just for the sake of our old friend, I would have killed him long ago. I called you here today for other things. Just practice the Turtle Longevity and I'll help you."

This was the fundamental reason why the old Taoist traveled a hundred thousand miles to gather his spiritual consciousness and bring the camel back. The idea of staying in the courtyard of the Beast Taming Valley was just a mechanical procedure.

Only the stone statue under the water can carry the Taoist's spiritual power.

Strictly speaking, this is the real Taoist temple. There is no palace or quiet room, only a clean water area. The second incarnation of the Taoist practiced here.

The hibernation period for turtles is approaching, and many have already begun hibernation, otherwise there would be more turtles here.

We must correct Su He's skills before he goes into hibernation. His Turtle Longevity Technique is centered on the Demon Star, but divine beasts don't have Demon Stars.

Su He blinked, not knowing how to respond.

"What are you standing there for? I have limited time, hurry up!"

Could it be that this stupid turtle hasn't learned anything

This shouldn't be the case. He is extremely talented and has a good understanding. Is it because he was too lazy to learn

Under the old Taoist's suspicious gaze, Su He climbed down obediently, closed his eyes and concentrated on taking a long breath, absorbing the spiritual energy into his body and moving the spiritual energy through the Great Circulation.

The stone Taoist priest was attached to the tortoise shell, and his spiritual consciousness penetrated into it to observe carefully.

Then, he opened his eyes in confusion.

Is this the old Taoist's Turtle Longevity and Longevity Technique? Why don't I recognize it

He was stunned for a while, then penetrated his spiritual sense again.

For a while, he retreated again.

There was another long silence sitting on the turtle shell.

He didn't recognize this set of skills, but he knew the father of the skills. This should be based on his turtle life long breath method, and a master made changes specifically for this turtle.

The person who modified the technique had to reach a very high level. If an experienced person were to do it, it would take at least several decades.

That spoiled little girl three hundred years ago has become so powerful

The old Taoist felt inexplicably depressed. He was proud that his sect had such a pillar, but also sad for himself.

After all, he is old, and the next generation has surpassed him by a long way.

After completing a great circulation of energy, Su He woke up slowly. The camel had not returned yet. The stone statue of the old Taoist priest stood there quietly, not knowing what he was thinking.

A crocodile jumped out from nowhere, grabbed a turtle and bit it to death.

There are some fish that have escaped the camel.

Su He used his limbs to control the water, and his huge body broke through the river and rushed forward.

Fighting with crocodiles, he is familiar with this job!

This crocodile is also Samsung.

Su He condensed his mind and body, and his realm was equivalent to that of a two-star beast. But when the beast's body size reaches a certain level, the realm is often not the only criterion.

A turtle with a shell diameter of ten feet is already a huge creature.

Su He was as fast as a flying stone. He retracted his head and slammed his shell into the green crocodile.

The huge body, plus the weight of Guishan, immediately knocked the three-star green crocodile away. The green crocodile's entire mouth collapsed, and the scene was a little familiar.

The green crocodile didn't feel any pain. He shook his dizzy head, gave up chasing the turtle, and rushed towards Su He.

The green crocodile opened its mouth and a ball of ice crystals condensed in its mouth, forming an ice cone, a javelin-like ice cone, extremely sharp and chilling.

Just as it was about to be ejected, the black giant turtle on the opposite side roared and a water ball smashed directly into its mouth. The water ball rotated and pressed the ice cone directly into its throat and into its stomach.

The seventy-two silver needles worked like a meat grinder. In an instant, blood mixed with intestines spurted out of the green crocodile's mouth.

A three-star green crocodile was pinned to death under the water by Su He before it could release any skills.

The scene was extremely bloody.

Su He shook his head and threw the crocodile's corpse into the Turtle Mountain Cave. After thinking for a while, he threw the camel's crocodile in as well. A dice spun and followed into the Turtle Mountain Cave.

Su He didn't check either the quality points or the quantity points.

There is plenty of food during this hibernation.

Hibernation is coming, just waiting for the temple to be built.

Su He was looking forward to it. He wondered what kind of magical powers the turtle shell and scales would gain after hibernation.

(End of this chapter)