Don’t Provoke the Turtle

Chapter 48: Hibernation


The old Taoist left.

Su He's skills did not need to be improved. The old Taoist taught him a chapter of "The Way to Entering Dreams" and then dispersed the spiritual consciousness on the stone statue. He was guarding Qingyuan disciples in the Sanhe Wasteland and did not dare to be distracted for too long.

Da Zhuang followed Su He dejectedly and swam towards Tinghai Lake.

It’s a loss!

Su He stole the crocodile, a strange beast, but didn't give him any wine! He could justifiably exchange the crocodile for a lot of wine when he carried it to Changqing Peak.

The key is that he asked the turtle to accompany him to steal wine, but he still refused! He is not willing to share the hardship and only wants to monopolize the wealth. He is not a good turtle!

The camel felt wronged.

Su He sighed. It turned out that a turtle with a conscience couldn’t do that!

In the past, who dared to object to the robbing of giant salamanders and crocodiles? He just quietly took the crocodile from the camel. He didn't beat him or scold him. A magnificent black moon beast followed behind him in grievance. What kind of thing was that

Wouldn't it be better if you beat me up and let me enjoy the crocodile with a clear conscience

Add four points of quality!

The camel looked aggrieved.

Su He couldn't get over it after all, so he dragged out the three-star green crocodile he had hunted from Guishan Mountain and threw it to the camel. The camel immediately became happy, carrying the crocodile, and ran happily towards Changqing Peak, jumping and hopping.

The Yellow Turban Warriors in Tinghai Lake are tireless and the temple will be completed in ten days at most.

There are fewer crocodiles in Crocodile Beach. The crocodiles that have prepared for hibernation have gone to dig holes in the wetlands. They also want to hibernate.

Ting Haihu suddenly became busy.

Su Huanian had already left, and he left naturally after designing the formation. Su He found a reef and lay on it lazily, basking in the tortoise shell and gnawing on crocodile meat.

The three-star crocodile added four points of quality. Su He didn't even dare to take out the whole crocodile. He controlled the silver needle to cut it in the Guishan Cave, eating one piece at a time and taking it out one piece at a time.

It took him five days to eat the entire crocodile, and he even ate the crocodile skin. After eating, Su He lay on the sun-drying stone and did not move, except when he needed to defecate.

Since when, Su He's excretion has become less and less frequent, and now it only happens once every three or four days.

There is a drainage area built by a strong man at the lower reaches of Tinghai Lake—not for Su He, but for the entire Tinghai Lake. There are countless creatures in the lake, and the spiritual power is mixed, so it is not the most ideal place for cultivation.

The strong man used the formation to forcibly purify the water's spiritual power. Other spiritual powers, vital energy, murderous intent and blood stains formed by hunting in the water, etc., became impurities. Those impurities were diverted here and dispersed again and flowed into the elephant water.

The construction of Tinghai Lake was not all under construction in the 100-mile water area. Other places were just scattered arrays of formations, moving mountains and laying islands. Only the central area of 10 miles was rearranged inch by inch from the sand, water plants, and rocks at the bottom of the lake.

If Tinghai Lake is a cave, then this ten-mile area is the quiet room where Su He is in seclusion.

After the formation was set up, the vegetation and rocks returned to their original state. From the outside, the sea and lake seemed almost unchanged, with lush aquatic plants and abundant fish and shrimps.

On the eighth day, the construction of the dojo was completed, but it took Su He another five days to reach the core of the dojo. At this time, his stomach and intestines were empty, and the temperature dropped to a very low level, so he could hibernate.

Yesterday I went to Su Huanian's pond. It had snowed heavily there, and the mountains were covered in snow. Yaya hadn't woken up yet, and it seemed like she was really hibernating.

After saying hello to Su Huanian and reporting to Xia Dali, Su He returned to Tinghai Lake, sank to the bottom of the lake, lay down in the center of the Taoist temple, swallowed the Sijun Pill, and slowly closed his eyes.

There was no need to burrow under the sand to hibernate this year. The temperature underwater was better, and Su He was not afraid of being suffocated.

Crocodiles wake up first and then hibernate. Hibernation is an evolutionary need for Suhe, while hibernation is a survival need for crocodiles.

Tinghai Lake suddenly became quiet.

The disciples of Qingyuan have received a ban. Tinghai Lake is the habitat of the sect's sacred beasts. No one is allowed to approach during the dragon turtle's hibernation period, except for the green snake.

The green snake had not yet transformed, and when the heavy snow fell, it became weak and listless. Finally, it could not stand the cold anymore and took leave to return to the Snake Valley to hibernate.

She has an independent courtyard in Qingyuan Gate, but hibernating there is not as safe as in Snake Valley.

Su He was sleeping soundly.

The new way to enter the dream taught by the old Taoist priest was not a method, but more like a seed, which allowed Su He to stay slightly awake during hibernation. This slight awakening was not enough to form a complete consciousness, but it could simply operate the Turtle Life Long Breathing Technique, constantly absorbing spiritual energy and circulating spiritual power to complete the Great Circulation.

The water elemental spiritual energy of Tinghai Lake became more and more concentrated. Even in winter, there was a thin layer of mist on the water surface above Su He, which was the condensation of spiritual energy.

The snow started falling without us noticing.

Qingyuan Mountain is rich in moisture, and both rain and snow fall in abundance. After three days of heavy snow, the lake surface finally froze, and the whole world looked like a blanket of white.

The ice on the lake surface is getting thicker and thicker.

Every now and then a camel would run to Tinghai Lake, shaking its head and looking drunk, step on Su He, kick him for a while to make sure he was fine, and then run away again.

Sometimes it came by itself, but more often it was chased by disciples from Changqing Peak, who chased it while shouting words like "wine thief" and "thief" that the camel could not understand.

But once they reach Tinghai Lake, no one dares to chase them anymore, as this place is a forbidden area this winter.

Luotuo now had a more reliable backer than Ge Laodao. After getting drunk from stealing wine outside, he came to Tinghaihu to have a good sleep, and then went back to steal after a good sleep.

Without the old Taoist, there was no one to control him. The disciples were so angry that their teeth itched, but they could do nothing. They couldn't beat him, couldn't catch up, and couldn't afford to offend him!

The manager of the wine brewing business at Changqing Peak even placed a large vat at the foot of the mountain and filled it with wine every day. He only hoped that Master Zhuang would drink his fill and leave quickly, and not go up the mountain to harm the spiritual plants.

The camel was very cooperative.

Half a month later, when the camel came again, Feng Yaya was riding on its back. The little girl finally woke up. She swept away the snow on the ice above Suhe, lay on the ice and looked for a long time, then ran back crying.

"Mother, mother! The big turtle has become smaller!" She made a big gesture, then rubbed her index finger and thumb together to form an inch-long distance: "It has become so much smaller!"

Su Huanian looked at his excited daughter with a smile on his face: "That proves that the big turtle gained something from his retreat."

Su He is conditioning his body and digesting the progress made in the past year. The excess impurities in his body are slowly discharged, and his bone structure is adjusted, so it will naturally shrink.

Feng Yaya seemed to understand, but she just knew that the big turtle was getting better, and that was enough.

From then on, Feng Yaya would go to Tinghai Lake every day, sit on the ice and look at the shadows below, chattering for most of the day. When she got bored, she would build a snowman on top and run to the side to break the ice and catch two fish.

As time went by, hundreds of snowmen of all sizes were placed on Tinghai Lake.

"Mother, mother, the big turtle turned in a different direction, but he didn't wake up!"

"Mother, mother, the ice on the turtle is so hard! Even Yaya can't break it."

"Mother, mother, a small fish was sucked into the nostrils of the big turtle and then sprayed out again!"

"Mother, mother..."

Every day when Feng Yaya came back, she would report to Su Huanian the findings of the day's observations. Su Huanian would listen peacefully, as quiet as a fairy.

The years are quiet and good.

(End of this chapter)