Don’t Provoke the Turtle

Chapter 51: Beast


It didn't rain near Nanyuan.

A wave as high as two people rushed in, hit the ground and disappeared amid the screams of the crowd, leaving behind a dragon turtle and a little girl who was extremely happy.

There was an uproar in Nanyuan immediately.

"It's a dragon turtle!"

"What a divine beast!"

"See, I told you, I've seen a divine beast!"

There were shouts of shock.

No matter how strong the rumors are, they always feel unreal if you haven't seen them. Especially Su He's current black dragon head, which is powerful without anger, strikes directly into the heart.

The green snake coiled on the mat, shaking its tail tip rapidly, rustling its tongue, and snorted proudly: "So what if it's a dragon turtle? I beat it before!"

Although I've never fought him, I couldn't move him even when I coiled my body around him.


The green snake's words immediately attracted a lot of surprise. Everyone looked at her in amazement. Could this usually gentle and charming green snake be so fierce when it was fierce

No wonder there are words like “a heart as vicious as a scorpion” and “a mouth as sharp as a bamboo snake”.

Around the green snake, several disciples silently moved away from her.

"No noise!" The sound of a ruler came from the podium. The lecturer today was Ge Feng from the Beast Taming Valley, who was also an acquaintance.

Ge Feng smiled and gestured to Su He, then looked at Feng Yaya: "You are late."

Feng Yaya lowered her head and her two index fingers were fighting.

"Let's continue today's lesson." Ge Feng put down the ruler and raised his voice a few degrees. He had to do this. Ever since Su He and Feng Yaya entered the courtyard, there had been a buzzing sound from the audience.

"There are two major schools in the Beast Taming Valley: Beast Taming and Beast Transformation. The Beast Taming School contracts the exotic beasts into their own destiny, and the cultivators and the exotic beasts share weal and woe and complement each other."

“As for the beast-transforming lineage…” He paused, then stood up and suddenly transformed into a strange beast, a wild boar. After displaying five stars between his eyebrows, he transformed again and returned to human form.

Some people had never seen him transform into a beast, and this operation immediately amazed everyone. The effect of the class improved rapidly.

Ge Feng nodded with satisfaction: "The Beast Taming Valley is a school of beast transformation, practicing the Beast Transformation Chapter. The Beast Transformation Chapter has been passed down for a long time. It is rumored that in ancient times there was a beast tamer named Ma Shihuang. At that time, a divine dragon descended from the sky to seek treatment from Ma Shihuang. Ma Shihuang asked, if beasts can transform into monsters and cultivate into human bodies, can humans cultivate into beast bodies?"

"The dragon replied: Yes!"

"The Beast Transformation Chapter was born from this. The Beast Transformation of all schools and sects in the Xuanhuang Realm all originated from this. It's just that over the past tens of thousands of years, each school has different understandings and practices. However, the paths lead to the same destination, and the results are no different."

Just talking about the chapter on transformation into beast, the Qingyuan Sect is no worse than the ten great immortal sects.

Ge Feng's voice was filled with a hint of pride: "When practicing the Beast Transformation Chapter, in addition to our normal human body, we can also cultivate a beast body. Just like a demon, it has both a beast body and a human body.

The difference is that the beast body and human body of a demon are essentially the same thing, but the beast body cultivated in the Beast Transformation Chapter exists independently. The beast body and human body do not interfere with each other. When the human body appears, it is a real person, and when the beast body appears, it is a complete beast. "

Someone raised his hand.

Ge Feng made a gesture of invitation: "Speak!"

The disciple stood up and said, "Brother Ge, since the beast body and the human body exist independently, if the beast body gives birth to an offspring..."

His big eyes sparkled with a desire for knowledge.

Ge Feng smiled and said, "That is a beast of pure bloodline!"

The disciple's expression became strange, as if he was not a human being anymore. He asked in a low voice, "Brother, when a man transforms into a beast and obtains a second body, can he transform into a female beast? If he transforms into a female beast and then becomes pregnant and then turns back into a human body, what will happen to the fetus in his belly?"

The air was silent for a moment, and everyone in Li Nanyuan looked at him in shock. Some of the male disciples even had their eyes light up.


What’s going on with each of the disciples in this session

After a while, he smiled bitterly: "If you have a strong desire when the beast condenses its second body, the second body can probably condense into a female beast. As for pregnancy-"

Ge Feng straightened his expression. This was a purely academic discussion, absolutely!

"In the chapter on transformation into a beast, the human body and the beast body are two completely independent bodies. Injury to the human body does not affect the health of the beast body, and vice versa. Even if the human body dies, you can still live on as a beast. Of course, this can only be an accidental death. If you die of old age, it is a matter of the soul, and the human body and the beast body will die at the same time."

"Since they are two independent individuals, when the beast body becomes pregnant and you show up as a human, the beast body will naturally breed the offspring behind you and will not be affected. But when the baby is full-term, you can show up as a beast to give birth."

The disciple nodded seriously, looking as if he had gained a lot from the instruction.

Ge Feng felt a little relieved, as it was indeed an academic discussion.

Then the disciple asked again: "Can the second body give birth to offspring with the divine beast?"

As he spoke, he secretly glanced towards Su He.

The buzzing classroom suddenly became silent. Ge Feng looked at him in disbelief. Even the perverts with flashing eyes were stunned.

Su He:

Su He:!!!

I'm going to bite you to death, no one is allowed to stop me. Su He roared and rushed over, but Ge Feng dodged in front of him and said, "Dragon Turtle, calm down!"

You bastard! You don't even know the temper of your sect's sacred beast, yet you dare to be so presumptuous

Su He stopped panting.

Ge Feng is the grandson of Ge Laodao and one of our own, so he has to give him some face - Su He wouldn't really kill him just because of this.

With a roar, his claws created a wave of water that knocked the disciple to the ground. The disciple was soaked and stunned for a long time.

Ge Feng laughed angrily and shook his head, "Brother, what is your name?"

"Size, my name is Size!" The disciple blinked, looking a little embarrassed.

“Junior Brother Size, you must remember that divine beasts cannot be insulted. This is our own divine beast. Pouring water on you is just a small punishment. If it were a divine beast from another sect, it would not let you off so easily. And—”

He looked this junior fellow up and down, his eyes full of strangeness: "Your questions today are very special, they are all things that seniors have never studied before-"

Even if these questions are studied, they should be studied in private. How can they be asked openly

Ge Feng smiled with a gloating look: "As the first person to raise the question of a man transforming into a female beast and giving birth to offspring, I'm afraid you're going to become famous."

"Well, we'll go to the history of cultivation!"

The disciple opened his eyes wide, at a loss as to what to do. After a while he quietly shrank into a corner, patting his chest in fear.

Fortunately, I reported the name of Senior Sister Size.

Senior Sister Size, I have helped you become famous, no need to thank me.

Beside Su He, Feng Yaya suddenly looked up, as if she had realized something belatedly: "Big Turtle, does he want to marry you?"

Before Su He could roar, Feng Yaya's little head was shaking like a rattle: "No, he's too ugly!"

Everyone was silent for a moment, then burst into laughter, and for a moment Li Nanyuan was filled with a happy atmosphere.

The class ended in laughter.

Su He just felt relaxed. He liked the air here. Compared with those monks who had lived for hundreds of years and were full of calculations, these naive newcomers were more likable.

(End of this chapter)