Don’t Provoke the Turtle

Chapter 55: Bond


The old Taoist laughed heartily. The happiest thing about being a master is that my disciples are eager to learn and I have something to pass on!

"Normally, you need to open your mind and focus your consciousness before you can learn the Spiritual Communication Chapter. However, you have taken three Spiritual Awakening Pills from Lu Ming. Although your mind has not been opened, your consciousness has already begun to emerge, which is enough for you."

When he said this, anger rose in his heart. Could the Qi Ling Pill be fed casually

The Qi Ling Pill is taken when one wants to condense the mind bead after completing the bone sacrifice, but the strength and fluctuation of the spiritual consciousness are insufficient, so one swallows one pill and forces it to condense.

Cultivation should be done as if walking on thin ice. One must take each of the seven steps towards transcendence one step at a time and not dare to make the slightest mistake.

Su He was only at the "divine object" level at the time, and even crossed three small realms. He swallowed the Qiling Pill directly, or swallowed three pills at once. Fortunately, the dragon turtle had a strong physique, otherwise he would not even know how he died.

Damn it!

His body should be dug out and crushed to ashes!

Ge Laodao snorted, stretched out his hand and pointed at his forehead, and a circle of ripples spread out like water waves: "This is the divine consciousness, which is invisible and undetectable in normal conditions."

To a large extent, spiritual consciousness can be understood as spirit, intention, mind, etc. It is a real but invisible energy. The Taoist priest used a special method to make this circle of ripples appear, just like adding dye to the water.

"You haven't opened your mind yet, and you can't control your spiritual consciousness, so you still need to use the existing functions to exert your spiritual consciousness. For example, by integrating your gaze, you can detect formations, Yin objects and other undetectable things, and by integrating your voice, you can convey your thoughts and break your delusions..."

"If you can't use your spiritual sense to actively explore, you won't be able to use many abilities in the spiritual communication chapter, such as telepathic communication. I will teach you how to channel your thoughts into sounds or eyes. In the future, your shouts and glances will all be means of communication."

He tapped Su He's brow, and a spell came over.

In fact, this is not a technique, but a trick to use spiritual consciousness? Su He closed his eyes and pondered for a moment, humming from time to time.

Whatever is in your mind, it will flow through your thoughts and be transmitted to your mouth.

"Ang~" Su He let out a long cry.

Ge Laodao laughed and said, "Don't yell at me. The beast language is too similar to the spiritual chapter. I can't tell whether it's the beast language or the spiritual chapter when you yell. Use your eyes to communicate!"

The old Taoist was not worried at all. This little thing would not be difficult for this apprentice. He was of the bloodline of the dragon turtle, and his spiritual awareness was strong. Even ordinary beasts like camels could be taught to learn after two months of teaching, let alone a dragon turtle

Su He closed his eyes and concentrated, then opened them after a moment. His pair of dragon eyes shot out two rays of light and fell on the old Taoist.

The old Taoist's joyful expression suddenly changed, and he jumped up and shouted, "Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Even if you are my close disciple, I can give you the skills, the inheritance, and even my life, but don't even think about having a bite of roast chicken!"

After learning the spiritual communication chapter, the first thing to do is to ask the Taoist priest for a roast chicken? This disciple and I are not compatible, so I should expel him from the sect as soon as possible!

Really express love through eyes!

No wonder Da Zhuang’s eyes seem to speak. You can tell what they want to express just by looking at them. That guy can do the same, right

Taoist Ge took out a lamp from somewhere, placed it on the head of Su Helong, pointed his spear, and a flame lit on the lamp.

The heavy rain could not extinguish the tiny flame.

"This is the life lamp, lit with your spiritual consciousness. Normally, it will only light up after you have concentrated your mind. You, little turtle, are somewhat special. If one day your spiritual consciousness dissipates, this lamp will go out, and the sect will know that you are in trouble."

He raised the life lamp into the sky, and it went straight to the Palace of Destiny.

"After lighting the life lamp, you will receive the true teachings of Qingyuan Sect. Are you... ready?"

True disciples have the treatment of true disciples, but they also have the mission of true disciples. The instructors who taught in Nanyuan and the disciples who followed Ge Laodao to hunt in the Sanhe Wasteland were all like this.

Su Huanian added an anti-peeping function when designing the formation diagram - in fact, most of the elders' dojos in Qingyuan have this function. If the Hall of Eternal Life had not been smashed to pieces by Taoist Ge, no one would have seen the scene of Feng Yiju being beaten.

The scholar was kneeling in front of the Changsheng Palace.

An old man with gray hair and beard, and a haggard face, dressed like a gentleman, stood beside Feng Yiju with his hands behind his back and his back straight. This was Elder Qiao Changlun, the scholar's master, who had entered the sect a hundred years earlier than Taoist Ge.

Feng Yiju was beaten, and the elders saw it clearly. The headmaster really didn't do well in the past few years, and this scholar might have contributed to it.

Elder Qiao came specially to punish the scholar.

This is not how the chief military advisor does it!

In the eyes of the two, a life lamp floated out from Tinghai Lake and flew towards Siming Palace.

"Now that the life lamp has been lit, the dragon turtle is finally on the right track." Elder Qiao said.

Feng Yiju shook his head: "Too early!" He had promised to light the life lamp for Su He a long time ago, but never did it: "Lighting the life lamp is the true teaching, and the true teaching is to go on a mission. Letting the dragon turtle go out on a mission now will have almost no power to protect itself."

Elder Qiao was silent for a moment: "According to the opinion of the head master, what should we do?"

Feng Yiju smiled slightly: "Uncle Master, you are joking. You have practiced Taoism for thousands of years, don't you understand this? The blood of this turtle is extremely pure. I am afraid there is a 30% chance that it will really turn into a dragon turtle. At least it should be raised in the sect before the second realm. If there is any need, our Qingyuan Sect will take care of it."

Isn't that the purpose of a sect? To provide a nest for the young birds to grow in, and to give them enough time and nutrition, so that they can spread their wings and fly high one day!

Since you have chosen to support, Fengyi Ju will spare no effort!

Let the dragon turtle truly see Qing Yuan's sincerity, let the dragon turtle truly see the benefits, and its heart will stay here. Just like the Qinglong of Xuantianmen.

You have to know that the Azure Dragon was a powerful enemy of Xuantian Sect ten thousand years ago, and had fought fiercely with a certain ancestor of Xuantian Sect. Now if someone harms Xuantian Sect, Azure Dragon will be the first to disagree.

Because everything about Qinglong comes from Xuantianmen.

Elder Qiao looked at Ting Haihu, as if thinking. After a while, he let out a long sigh: "Master, have you ever thought that what Qingyuan Sect can give, other sects can also give? Or even give more?"

Qingyuan Sect was only the best sect in Dongyun Mountain, and there were nearly a hundred sects in Dongyun Mountain, and there were two sects that were only one level lower than Qingyuan. Not to mention Yunmengze, which was right next to Dongyun Mountain, where monsters gathered and whose strength and foundation were not inferior to the ten major sects.

To the south is Qingcheng Mountain, where there are eight sects that are no less powerful than the Qingyuan Sect.

Elder Qiao said earnestly, "If you want the Dragon Turtle to truly integrate into the sect, then you can't treat him with such high esteem and keep him away from the crowd—at least not in this generation. Three to five hundred years from now, when the next generation of disciples grows up, or even the next generation of disciples grows up, then he will be respected like this again."

He looked at Feng Yiju: "In the sect, when there are disputes, ties, laughter, distress, people who hate it, and people who love it, it will feel a sense of belonging to the sect!"

He is afraid that the people he hates will take power, and he longs for the people he loves to advance. Only when Qing Yuan has experienced more, cried and laughed, will Qing Yuan come alive in his heart.

Interests are eternal, but the people who give them are changeable. What can hold a divine beast is never interest, but the emotion between the beast and the sect itself.

People will die, but sects will not!

(End of this chapter)