Don’t Provoke the Turtle

Chapter 62: Finale


It only took two hours to go upstream, but it took nearly a day to go downstream. It was dark when they finally arrived at Tinghai Lake. After throwing the crocodile into the lake, Su He glanced at Feng Yaya who had not yet woken up, and quickly went to the Beast Taming Valley.

Ge Laodao's courtyard was outside the Beast Taming Valley, close to Xiangshui, so that he could easily show his turtle body and go down to Xiangshui to manage his territory.

Su He rushed into the courtyard and looked around inside and outside but didn't see Ge Laodao.

The old Taoist priest had gone somewhere, and the boy was not at home either.

Just as I was thinking about whether to go to the second array to challenge the old Taoist's spiritual consciousness, a voice came from above my head: "Disciple, are you looking for me?"

Su He looked up and saw a strange beast squatting on top of a pillar in the yard, which looked like a wild leopard with a white body.

This is Master’s third incarnation, Meng Ji!

In the Beast Transformation Chapter, each cultivator has one body in each realm. The second body can be condensed in the Mortal Transformation Realm, and the third body can be condensed in the Demon Transformation Realm.

The third incarnation of Ge Laodao was an ordinary wild leopard, which advanced step by step and turned into Meng Ji.

Meng Ji is good at hiding, so people always subconsciously ignore him. If you are not a person marked by Ge Laodao, even if you encounter something related to the old Taoist, it is difficult to associate it with him.

Even those who have a vague impression of him will forget his existence.

This is a beast body that is perfect for lurking and attacking by surprise. It is the foundation of Ge Laodao's life.

The leopard leaped down from the pillar and turned into a sloppy old Taoist priest when it landed.

"Where did you find a treasure-hunting rat? Judging from its size, it may be able to advance into an exotic beast." Taoist Ge looked at the golden-haired rat caught by sailor Su He.

"hold head high!"

Speak! Sailor Su He's hands tensed up, and the golden-haired mouse chirped.

"It hurts, it hurts, Grandpa is here, please be gentle, my small body can't withstand such a grip."

"Monster?" Ge Laodao was surprised.

Treasure-hunting rats are rare to see. This species is naturally magical and can always find all kinds of treasures. The name "rat" is true to its name.

It would be even rarer if the treasure-hunting rat could become a demon.

The treasure-hunting rat itself has the nature of an "alien beast" and is naturally disgusted by the demon-transforming fruit. Generally, it will not swallow the demon-transforming fruit unless it is forced to be fed to it.

Who is so bold as to participate in the fight for the demon fruit? Can he bear the consequences

Taoist Ge has a third body that people ignore, and no one dares to participate casually.

Su He shouted loudly and told everything that happened today.

The old Taoist priest smiled and took a sip of wine: "I already know about this matter. We old guys will handle it. You just need to practice well."

Old Man Qiao sent a message in the morning. Ge Laodao had been thinking about it for a day and investigating quietly. He got some results but felt that it was unlikely.

Yu Yue and Ge Hong both passed away sixty years ago. Their deaths were normal. Especially since Ge Hong was his nephew and the only flesh and blood left by his brother, how could he not investigate it thoroughly

There is nothing wrong with death.

But Shui Jing happened to see them in Zhenyu. Qiao Changlun checked his memory quietly and found that Shui Jing had not lied.

Taoist Ge suddenly felt that the Qingyuan Sect was unfamiliar.

He looked up at Qingyuan Mountain, and on the main peak stood the Hall of Changsheng.

Feng Yiju didn't even activate the formation, so anyone could investigate.

The old Taoist fell into deep thought. Su He put down the treasure-hunting rat, bowed and left, swimming back to Tinghai Lake.

The two groups of crocodiles in Tinghai Lake did not fight, and the new crocodiles found a place to lie down by themselves. They watched the old crocodiles hunting and honoring the dragon turtle in confusion.

Probably because the spiritual power of Tinghai Lake has doubled, the taste of the newborn fish has improved a lot. After a few years and a few generations, they should be even more delicious.

After eating, Su He slowly dived into the water. The water elemental energy at the bottom of the water was even more concentrated than that on the surface.

The Turtle Longevity and Breathing Technique was activated, Su He slowly closed his eyes and thought about his own path.

After Ge Laodao threw him two secret books, he left him alone. That meant it was possible to sacrifice the bones directly through the "intention point".

The so-called resistance to damage is just a joke.

Su He recalled the contents of "Qingyuan Bone Sacrifice Chapter". To sacrifice bones, one must first melt the acupoints. In the past, melting acupoints, sacrificing bones, and tempering organs were three independent realms, but later they were classified into the same realm. They are all about tempering the flesh and making the flesh become Taoist.

In Su He's case, his body would be transformed into a dragon turtle. Let the real blood flow through his body, and the ordinary turtle body would be transformed into a real dragon turtle.

The cultivator's acupuncture points are blasted open by running spiritual power. Su He can't do that. He wants to use the dragon turtle's real blood to sacrifice bones, but he doesn't know how to start.

Acupoints are in the meridians, not in the blood vessels!

Su He was worried and couldn't figure it out after thinking for a long time. So he just did what an ordinary cultivator did and circulated his spiritual power to an acupoint on his left front paw.

This acupoint is not on the route of the Guishou Changxi Jue, so even if you make a mistake, it will not affect your practice. The Qingyuan Jigu Pian said that after melting the acupoint, you need to nourish it repeatedly, otherwise the acupoint will close again.

If something goes wrong, just ignore it and wait for the acupoints to close automatically.

The spiritual energy in the body circulated, flowed out of the meridians, and condensed at the left front paw. The more it was pressed, the more it gathered until it was formed into a solid spiritual energy ball. The whole paw glowed faintly.

Then, guide the drill directly into the acupuncture point and release it suddenly.

The claws felt painful and the acupuncture points suddenly opened.

Su He felt as if there was a nail in his heart, and he quickly looked into his heart. He saw the shadow of a dragon turtle in his heart, with a bright spot on its left front paw, shining.

Sensing carefully, it was as if there was a nail that nailed the claws of the dragon turtle phantom in his heart and his claws together, and a trace of Taoism from the phantom flowed into his body through the nail.

The condensation of true blood, which had stagnated, started again at this moment.


Su He was overjoyed, and concentrated his attention on finding an acupuncture point on his right front paw and did the same thing.

Nails, pipes, together.

This method is correct, Su He found the way forward.

Thirteen acupoints were opened that night. Su He even tried to open an acupoint from the seven pictures of the martial arts.

It did not affect the operation of the technique, and even improved it slightly.

Su He was overjoyed.

It was already bright above the water. Su He waved his tail and floated up. Feng Yaya had woken up at some point and was eating a bun by the island, kicking her little feet.

The two little hands held the buns and the whole face was buried in them.

Seeing Su He coming up, he immediately laughed out loud and handed over Baozi: "Big turtle!"

Su He responded with a long groan.

In the distance, a disciple came over with a yellow-turbaned warrior, saluted Su He from afar and said, "Uncle Dragon Turtle, I am You Xu from the Tianji Pavilion, and I am here to set up the place for apprenticeship!"

So early

When Su He took a look, he found that there were more Yellow Turban warriors setting up the venue than the ones who set up the formation for him that day.

You Xu said respectfully: "Master Ge has a wide range of friends, and there are many seniors who have come from far away, and they will arrive early. There will be many Taoist friends, and we need to set up a temporary market, a competition arena, a teahouse, an auction house, a discussion hall..."

The fact that Ge Zushi accepted disciples was no less than a large-scale gathering of monks. It was impossible for everyone to drink tea here for several days, then attend a ceremony of paying respect to the master and then return.

Various activities are arranged every day.

"Uncle Dragon Turtle, is the auction's finale ready? Do you need your disciples to print out a brochure in advance?" No matter how many activities there are, the protagonist's presence cannot be suppressed, so most activities must have Uncle Dragon Turtle or Grandmaster Ge as the finale.

At the auction house in the Demon Realm, Grandmaster Ge sent six treasures, enough to be the finale.

The treasures for the Transcendent Realm should be prepared by Uncle Dragon Turtle, but they have not been delivered yet.

Su He: “?”

"There are also competitions. There is no competition in the Demon Transformation Realm, but there are five competitions in the Mortal Transformation Realm, namely, fighting, alchemy, formation, talisman, and weapon refining. Uncle Master will only reward the top three or the top ten? Do I need the disciples to help pack the prizes?"

As the host, Su He naturally couldn't go on stage to compete in person. It would be embarrassing whether he won or lost. As long as he prepared rich prizes, he would have both face and money.

Su He: “???”

"Uncle Master, do you want to add a few more arenas? Sword skills, magic, fairy cooking... you can add as many as you want. It's just that setting up the prizes is a big expense for Uncle Master. And Uncle Master should also set up a stall and sell some treasures at a low price, as a little benefit for the younger generation who come to celebrate for you."

Su He: “???”

His eyes gradually became strange. Why are there these things? Why do you want me to prepare them

Isn't becoming a disciple just a matter of kowtow and offering tea

You Xu's voice became quieter as he spoke: "Master, uncle-master isn't ready yet?"

Su He was silent: I didn't know I needed to do all this! And you're making things difficult for me! I'm so poor that I don't even have clothes to wear!

You Xu opened his mouth wide: "Master, uncle... these common senses of the cultivation world have all been mentioned by Li Nanyuan."

Su He became even more depressed.

Don't talk to me. I hibernated and skipped classes, and didn't learn anything. In the blink of an eye, all the students in Nanyuan are about to graduate.

"Uncle Master, you must prepare these. Otherwise, if you make a fool of yourself, you will become really famous in the cultivation world."

Aren't all the parts of a mythical animal supposed to be treasures? The shed shells, scales, and nails can all be used as prizes.

Besides, Master Longgui guards such a large dojo, has he never run one before? Those rare fish and shrimps would be great to catch as prizes!

Su He didn't. During the month since he woke up from hibernation, Su He used his mysterious perception to recover all the shed turtle shells, and used his innate magical power to absorb them and turned them into his defense.

Going to be famous.

Su He splashed in the water and rushed towards the Beast Taming Valley.

Master, please give the treasure-hunting mouse back to me first!

(End of this chapter)