Don’t Provoke the Turtle

Chapter 80: Taoist heaven and earth


No, wait!

That’s all we have to say about this practice, are you going to stop here

How big a water mirror would it take to contain so many talismans and skills

Don't be secretive!

You, a turtle boy, have been blessed by heaven and earth, and have developed supernatural powers, but we haven't learned them yet! How can we shrink the mirror? How can we hide it in the sea of consciousness or prevent others from seeing it

Everyone felt the magic of this technique. It could objectively display one's own attributes, which was a great help to practice: Was he injured? Was he poisoned? Did he make a mistake in the technique

Just like the name of the technique, it’s clear!

It is enough to make a person more powerful.

But this little dragon turtle is not authentic, it is not finished! If they want to really use it, they must improve it.

Everyone was complaining, but they saw that the dragon turtle on the altar did not come down, but instead tilted its head to look at the world.

Do you want to talk more

Everyone was happy, but the dragon turtle did not move.

In Su He's eyes, the area around the altar was full of colorful light, which was the manifestation of the Dao of heaven and earth.

Can this thing be absorbed by Fushan

This is a real treasure, right

Su He activated his magical power of carrying a mountain and absorbed energy from all around.

The people watching below were confused. Suddenly, Qiao Changlun's expression changed drastically: "He wants to absorb the Dao rhythm of heaven and earth!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

Taoist Ge jumped up and down: "Are you crazy? Are you stupid?! Are you tired of living? Bastard! Get down!" He cursed loudly, wishing he could fly up and kick Su He down.

Asshole! These days, I have been busy entertaining guests and investigating the headmaster, and neglected to teach my disciples. Who dares to steal the Dao rhyme of heaven and earth at this time

There is death and no life when the punishment from heaven comes!

The old Taoist was very anxious and wanted to fly up with his sword, but the pressure from heaven and earth prevented him from flying. He could not go up to the altar either, because that was the place that connected heaven and earth, and no one except the dragon turtle was allowed to set foot there at that moment.

The audience below cried out in shock. Some even closed their eyes, unable to bear to watch the next scene. Some were afraid of being affected by the punishment from heaven, so they immediately fled far away.

Su He used the Fushan technique and inhaled hard, allowing the Dao rhythm to enter his body.

Tao rhyme is a wonderful thing, just like a person's temperament, it is elusive but real. Fortunately, Fushan refines all things, both real and imaginary. From merit to luck and fortune, nothing is impossible.

A cool and inexplicable feeling spread from the tortoise shell to all parts of his body, and Su He felt refreshed all over, as if a stream of clear and abundant water was being drawn into his body.

Taoist Ge below was cursing so much that he couldn't say any more and was left with a look of shock on his face.

They could see that Su He was absorbing the rhythm of the Dao. Instead of sending down divine punishment, the Heaven and Earth seemed extremely happy, pouring the rhythm of the Dao into Su He's body all at once, as if they were afraid that it would not be enough for him.

God’s illegitimate child

Ever since the existence of praying to heaven and earth, there has never been a Tao rhythm being absorbed, right

Or is it because of the mythical beast



The rhythm of Tao entered his body, as if he was one with the heaven and earth. Su He's mind roared, and the scenery in front of him changed. He seemed to be standing at the highest place, and at the bottom of the Nine Nether Valley.

You can see the whole world from top to bottom and from left to right.

Is this... the perspective of heaven and earth

He can be a tree, a blade of grass, a mountain, or a river. It seems that the whole turtle is integrated with the world.

Looking down, on the altar of the Longevity Island of Tinghai Lake, the body of the dragon turtle was wrapped in the rhyme of Taoism, and below was a quiet crowd. There were also two things similar to merit floating around Su He's body.

These two auras were not visible just now, but now they appear with the help of the perspective of heaven and earth.

This should be something like "Yin De blessing". Su He has merits and will bless his relatives. But he is a turtle and has no relatives.

Even the connection between the mother turtle and him was cut off by Ge Laodao.

Taoist Ge already has merit, and he also has the blessing from Su He's merit.

It seems that these two auras are about to be wasted.

I wonder if I can move these auras and let them bless the people I want to bless? Su He's mind was slightly moved.

As if sensing his thoughts, the two auras slowly began to move.

The past life cannot be traced back, and the person Su He wants to protect here, Feng Yaya is one of them anyway. Su He looks for Feng Yaya.

There were also dozens of beams coming from the direction of the Law Enforcement Hall and the Prison.

Su He looked over and saw dozens of people who had nothing to do with Feng Yaya. For some reason, they all had the aura of Feng Yaya.

Su He was puzzled, and there seemed to be something in the direction of the Prison Blocking his investigation, so he couldn't see clearly.

The only thing that can block the exploration of heaven and earth is something outside of heaven and earth.

Taking this into consideration, he moved his mind slightly and directed the aura of protection toward the sleeping Feng Yaya.

The little girl frowned as if she was having a nightmare, then a blessing entered her body and her brows slowly relaxed.

There is one more, give it to Su Huanian. Since entering Qingyuan, thank you for your care. Su He's eyes fell on her fairy sword, following the sword's aura to sense where Su Huanian is.

In the depths of the distant starry sky, they echoed each other.

Su Huanian is not in Xuanhuang Realm!

Master said that she went to Qingcheng Mountain to snatch soul beasts, so how could she be in the depths of the starry sky

The vision of the Xuanhuang Realm's heaven and earth cannot see the scenes deep in the starry sky, but Su He just moved his mind, and the power of protection disappeared.

Since then, I have followed Su Huanian.

This thing is not mana or spiritual power, it is more like a conceptual thing. It is unreasonable.

Su He could feel that the Dao rhyme absorbed by his body was gradually decreasing.

This was a rare opportunity, so he looked towards Qingyuan Mountain.

From the perspective of heaven and earth, when looking at people, we don’t look at their appearance, but the most essential things such as their aura, soul, and origin.

Everyone's aura is unique, even father and son, or brothers born from eggs, are completely different in the eyes of heaven and earth.

Ge Laodao's aura is like a raging fire, yet hard to capture. Feng Yaya's aura is like a sturdy calf.

There are no two identical scents in this world, just like there are no two identical leaves...


As if to slap himself in the face, Su He saw two identical auras.

One of them was Feng Yi Ju, who was sitting in the hall with his hands behind his back, quietly watching the body of the dragon turtle absorbing the Taoist spirit on the altar.

Another aura exactly the same as his was rushing towards Qingyuan Mountain with a group of people.

That man didn't look anything like Feng Yiju, but in the eyes of heaven and earth, they were exactly the same, as if they were the same person!

It's like a person is divided into two halves, left and right, each moving independently...

This was the only description Su He could think of.

Praying to heaven and earth has ended, the rhythm of heaven and earth slowly dissipated, Su He was pulled back to his body from the perspective of heaven and earth, and a feeling of being full spread through his body.

This wave made a lot of money.

The altar slowly descended after the heavenly sacrifice formation was activated. Ge Laodao rushed over and kicked Su He down, his beard twitching.

"Traitor! How dare you!"

You dare to absorb the Dao of heaven and earth? How do you attend classes in Nanyuan

Qiao Changlun came over and said, "Senior Brother Ge, please wait a moment. Perhaps the dragon turtle has a unique inheritance and can absorb the Dao rhyme of heaven and earth."

They had seen the mythical beasts, but not the dragon turtle.

Each mythical beast has its own magical power to rule the world. Who can tell for sure

Su He heard that the rhythm of heaven and earth seemed impossible to absorb.

Just as he was about to ask, laughter came from outside Qingyuan Mountain: "Junior Brother Feng, Uncle Ge, you are so polite. Why didn't you inform me of such a big event?"

(End of this chapter)