Don’t Provoke the Turtle

Chapter 85: Unspeakable


The water seemed to have been sprayed with insect repellent, and became much quieter within a day. Even the fish and shrimps were reduced in number.

The hell ghosts were not as overwhelming as they were during the day, but there was still a dark mass of them in the sky above Qingyuan, and from below they looked like a flock of crows.

At this moment, small towers were floating in the sky above Qing Yuan, like stars. The light emitted by the small towers connected to form a light curtain, isolating the prison ghosts from outside.

Under the small tower, in the Qingyuan Gate, there were wailing, cursing, and the sound of swords... and the formations were flashing with light everywhere.

There was no sound of fighting anymore; the Wuxiang Sword Sect had probably retreated or been captured.

Su He did not go ashore, but swam around with his tail. After a while, he appeared in Tinghai Lake, which was completely unrecognizable. It was at least two or three times larger than before.

From time to time, golden pagodas would light up on the lake, but there were still people here, but no sound was heard. Su He did not approach.

Take a deep breath of the chaotic water energy floating over Tinghai Lake.

The participants were twenty-eight ruined islands.

Su He was a little confused. Is this the path of cultivation? After looking into Feng Yiju's plan, he knew that fighting and casualties were real.

This is no different from making a living as a turtle in Tinghai Lake a year ago.

The same fighting, the same ambush, the same life and death.

There is actually no difference between humans and animals.

In the chapter on transformation into beasts taught by the master, a person must first have a beast heart before he can transform into a beast. This step stumped most of the cultivators. People cannot think like beasts, and cannot behave like beasts. So how can they have a beast heart

At this moment, what is the difference between the hearts of animals and humans? They all want to live, and they all want to live better by gnawing on the corpses of other species.

Maybe it’s the state of mind

The rhythm of the Dao of heaven and earth in his body began to flow slowly. Perhaps in the eyes of heaven and earth, there was really no difference between humans and animals, so it should make no difference whether the skills were created for humans or animals.

If Master's Turtle Longevity Technique could be further developed and turned into a technique that could be practiced by all strange beasts, and if we also prayed to heaven and earth, the rewards should be even greater, right

Two sword lights fell and stepped on the water. It was Ge Laodao and Qiu Hu. Ge Laodao waved his hand and was about to tease his apprentice, but when he looked up, he saw Su He's eyes were dull, and there seemed to be stars flowing in his eyes, and the sun and the moon rising and falling.

"Back off!" he growled, pulling Qiuhu aside.

Qiu Fox was confused.

"He is sensing the Dao rhythm of heaven and earth in his body. The Dao rhythm is flowing in his eyes. At this moment, it is like heaven and earth observing everything. Nothing can hide. If he looks at you, you will be revealed."

Qiuhu was startled and looked behind him. Sure enough, there was a fox tail floating behind his buttocks. No wonder he felt so comfortable just now. It turned out that he had let go of his body.

The two waited for a full hour before the stars in Su He's eyes slowly faded away. The feeling of being full eased a little, and Su He came back to his senses.

Qiu Hu immediately stepped forward and said, "Nephew Longgui, what did you see from the perspective of heaven and earth?"

Observing the world from heaven and earth, what a great opportunity!

Su He's scales began to tremble when he called him nephew, and the sound was like a chain mail shaking.

Ge Laodao snorted coldly: "If he dares to speak, do you dare to listen?"

Qiu Hu's old face turned red and he stepped back.

Su He blinked: "Can't I tell you?"

"If you want him to die, then you can tell me. What you just saw is what the heaven and earth saw. If you are not worthy enough to try to see it, you may not even know how you died."

Qiu Hu's fur instantly exploded, and he hid behind Ge Laodao: "My dear nephew, stop making trouble! Have you forgotten that I also gave you a gift for meeting you?"

Ge Laodao slapped Su Helong's head with a slap: "Why are your eyes so bright? I know what you want to do. You'd better put that little trick away."

"Whatever the heaven and earth see is the Tao. A person, a dog, a blade of grass, and a tree are all the Tao. Since you have this opportunity, you should comprehend it well. Do you want to use the 'speech of Tao' as a means of attack and tell it to everyone you meet? You will only hurt the enemy by 800 and yourself by 1,000. If you leak it casually, it will be a greater sin. If one day the heaven and earth hate you, when you pass the thunder tribulation, your power will be doubled. I will see what you will do."

Su He closed his mouth in dismay.

Qiu Hu came out from behind the old Taoist priest and looked at Su He with eyes full of joy and satisfaction. He chuckled and said, "My dear nephew, I am here to invite you to Xuantian Gate."

Su He jumped up and down instantly. The evil bastard is still determined to get married to me?! Come closer, you damn fox, let's die together! He growled in a low voice, and Qiu Hu's ears were deafened.

He covered his ears and shouted, "Your master agreed to this!"

Su He tilted his head to look at Ge Laodao, but heard Qiu Hu say: "Qingyuan Sect is in turmoil. Not to mention the Wuxiang Sword Sect and dozens of demons who escaped today, the prison ghost above the head alone is a death warrant. The Zhenyuan Golden Pagoda can't protect it for too long. Without cultivators locked up in the Zhenyuan Pagoda, the Zhenyuan Pagoda will be useless."

He shook his head with a serious tone, "Just follow me. Xuantian Sect is one of the ten great sects in Xuanhuang Realm. It is more than enough to protect you. When Qingyuan is peaceful, it won't be too late for you to come back."

He said nothing more, and Ge Laodao stood aside and did not respond. Su He was silent. Master believed his lies? He wanted to come back after entering Xuantian Sect

He really didn't have a deep feeling for Qingyuan Sect. They had gotten along quite well in the past few months after hibernation, but at most it was just like how he felt about his own school in his previous life. He couldn't reach the level of risking his life for it like Ge Laodao.

But here is Feng Yaya, here is Ge Laodao, here are a bunch of guys who attend classes in Nanyuan, and here is Su Huanian, who he has only seen twice since waking up from hibernation.


Su He shook his head: "Let's not talk about the fact that I was born in Qingyuan. If I leave immediately when Qingyuan is in chaos, what will my reputation be like? Just to say that the enemies I faced in Qingyuan Sect were only Wuxiang Sword Sect and the Dongyun Sects. If I go to Xuantian Sect, I will face the same ten major sects, right? Is there another master there who dares to beat up the head of the sect for me? Is there another Su Huanian who dares to protect the short sword and suppress the Law Enforcement Hall?"

Su He laughed out loud: "Qingyuan Sect is just a small sect, and there are all kinds of fights. I heard that Xuantian Sect has 23 branches, and even each branch has its own schools. Any school would be bigger than Qingyuan Sect, right? How fierce would the fights there be? If I follow you today and join a branch, I don't know how many people would secretly want me dead."

How could a place like Xuantianmen be without fighting and ruthless people

Su He shook his head: "Thank you for your concern, Elder Qiu, but it's better for me not to go."

Not to mention that this chaos was probably a farce led by Feng Yiju, just the fact that he became a disciple today and then switched to another sect today, did Xuantian Sect trust him? How could we know that the ban would not happen again

Qiu Hu sighed. This time he was inviting them sincerely and naturally would not lie to them. The problems that Qingyuan Sect had would only be bigger for Xuantian Sect.

He bowed to Ge Laodao and Su He and said, "Then I will go back today. The incident at Qingyuan Prison is not just the Qingyuan family's business. The prison ghosts have already drifted to the Dongyun territory. I need to go back and report to the sect. What happened this morning was my fault, Meng Lang. I hope you two will forgive me."

Taoist Ge waved his hand, and the fox, with a small tower on its head, walked on the waves and went eastward along the water.

Taoist Ge looked at Su He with a smile.

He didn't know what he was thinking, Qiu Hu came to him and told him that he wanted to take Su He away, and explained the reason. Ge Laodao felt that he shouldn't stop him.

A little turtle, no matter how noble his bloodline is, is useless before it becomes a fighting force. He should now be a little animal curled up in a den and protected by his mother.

But in the end, Su He didn't leave, and he was happy from the bottom of his heart.

That's right! I am here in Qingyuan Sect. How can I, Ge Jiansan, not be able to protect my own disciples

(End of this chapter)