Don’t Provoke the Turtle

Chapter 89: Jade


The moon set and the sun rose. A night passed unnoticed, and Qingyuan Sect became a little quieter. After a day of adjustment, the disciples had basically adapted to the golden pagoda above their heads, and they also knew how to carefully protect it while walking.

The golden pagoda above Qingyuan flickered suddenly. There were always prison ghosts rushing down.

The prison ghosts have no intelligence and only mechanically sense living beings. They collide with them again and again, and some prison ghosts go west with the wind.

Under the Tinghai Lake, Su He was in a daze.

Just now, when the little fur ball was jumping on him, it knocked the golden pagoda down head-on, and then two prison ghosts swung their tails and charged towards him, but like a headless fly hitting the glass, they were bounced back by the Foreign Minister Shanying.

The prison ghost, who could penetrate anything and even ignored the Qingyuan Sect's formation and the Seven Veins Mountain Protection Formation, was blocked by the shadow of the outer mountain.

Su He was stunned for a moment, but then he felt relieved.

That's right!

The outer shadow of the mountain is formed by the innate magical power of Fushan absorbing various spiritual powers and treasures. Fushan basically absorbs everything, including sword energy, merit, magic tools, and tortoise shells. Since it can absorb all things, whether real or fake, the condensed outer shadow should naturally be able to block all kinds of attacks.

No matter how strange the prison ghost is, it is essentially an attack, so it is reasonable that it can be blocked by external forces.

Su He raised his head.

I am Su He, the dragon turtle, different from others!

It's a pity that I can't stand with my hands on my hips.

Yesterday, I saw Feng Yaya’s peculiarity. To be honest, I felt a little jealous. I was amazed at Feng Yaya’s peculiarity, but I also had a little hope that that special individual could be myself.

Isn't this coming? Although he can only defend and not attack, Su He just tried it, and the sword energy in the outer phase had no effect on the prison ghost.

He has not yet obtained the Dragon Turtle's inheritance, and only has some of the Dragon Turtle's natural magical powers. His attack methods are too poor, only water control, sword energy and divine power, these things are not effective against the Hell Ghost...

Su He was stunned. The divine power was aimed at the soul. Are prison ghosts considered to be evil ghosts or evil things

He was silent for a moment, then opened his mouth and let out a powerful roar.


The sound waves exploded in the water, pushing the water ripples to form waves that spread in all directions. The small fish around me flipped over with a patter.

The sound waves passed through the prison ghosts, and the two prison ghosts were like two ice cubes thrown into a red-hot iron pan, making a sizzling sound, and the black cloud was instantly evaporated and peeled off.

Rising from them was a grey mist, carrying a cold and gloomy aura, just like the grey mist emitted by the Prison.

In just a moment, the two prison ghosts disappeared, leaving behind two amber jade stones as big as sweet dates that fell into the water and sank to the bottom of the lake.

The power of God can hurt the ghosts in prison.

Su He swallowed a few mouthfuls of lake water with gulps, and he suddenly realized something. Although he had been called a divine beast for almost a year, he had long since adapted to his identity as a divine beast.

But he didn't seem to understand what a mythical beast was and what a dragon turtle was!

Ge Feng once said: The infinite and mysterious is called God, the ferocious and sharp is called beast. This is what is called a divine beast.

The mythical beast is majestic, holy, and powerful...

The ignorant do not understand the difference between mythical beasts and exotic beasts; they just think they sound majestic.

Su He also felt that the dragon turtle sounded much stronger than the black turtle and the strange turtle, and he also felt that he was extraordinary. He was now condensing true blood, and his realm was equivalent to the true blood realm of the cultivator and the three-star strange beast.

But in fact, the True Blood Realm and the Three-Star Beasts didn't even have a chance to resist in front of Su He. Su He beat them like crushing chickens, and could easily crush the cultivators and beasts of the same realm.

Su He thought this was a divine beast.

Invincible in the same realm, able to fight across borders.

It was not until this moment that he realized that he was different.

Taoist Ge is highly skilled in Taoism, and the leader of the Seven Clans has many immortal swords and magic weapons like clouds and rain, but they just can't hurt the Hell Ghost, unless they are willing to sacrifice their entire Taoist skills and dare to die together with the Hell Ghost.

In terms of Taoism, ten Su Hes cannot compare to them, but Su He can kill prison ghosts, but they cannot.

This is a kind of...disparity in life class.

I remember someone asked Ge Feng, humans are innate Tao bodies, and divine beasts are also a kind of Tao body. Since they are almost the same, why can't humans of the same realm beat divine beasts

At that time, Ge Feng smiled and said helplessly: "There are countless tigers in the heavens and the myriad worlds, but it is difficult to produce a few divine beasts like white tigers. There is only one dragon turtle in a lake full of turtles for tens of millions of years. Isn't it natural that it is blessed by nature? If you really want to compete with divine beasts, you should have a special Taoist body among humans."

Su He now has some understanding, maybe Feng Yaya is a special Taoist body

Chasing the two amber jades sinking to the bottom of the lake, Su He poked the jade. The outer phase mountain shadow did not automatically guard, and the jade was not in danger. This was not a pure hard stone, but had a slightly fleshy texture.

Su He looked at the jade, and an uncontrollable greed arose in him.

It's not greed, but the body's desire to absorb it. This is an instinct of animal evolution, just like seeing the demon fruit, the mind is blank, and the only thing you want to do is swallow it in one gulp.

Su He stepped back and hid a little further away, squinting at the two jades. Unknown things, but with a fatal attraction, should be kept away from.

Su He poked the hair ball on his head and said, "Contact Master and ask him to come over and take a look."

In the Hall of Longevity, Feng Yiju was pacing back and forth with an anxious look. At this moment, a small sword shot through the Qingyuan Sect's mountain protection formation and went straight into the Hall of Longevity, landing on the ground and turning into a projection.

A young man dressed as a businessman.

It should be a similar method to Su Huanian.

"Master Feng!" The young man lowered his eyebrows and opened his mouth to scold.

Feng Yiju was as happy as if he had met a savior. He showed surprise on his face and hurriedly came forward to greet him: "Master Luo, you are here. Please ask Xuantian Sect to grant me a piece of land as soon as possible. Qingyuan Sect... our Qingyuan Sect must move!"

The young man's voice of scolding was stuck in his chest. He was the head of Xi'an Hall of Xuantian Sect's Foreign Affairs Hall. He came to scold Qingyuan Sect's guards for not doing a good job in keeping the prison in check, but before he could even open his mouth, Qingyuan Sect revealed a big bomb.

Grant a piece of land? Move house

Feng Yiju looked miserable: "Master Luo must have seen it when he came in just now. The sky above Qingyuan is full of prison ghosts. They can't be driven away or killed. How can we survive in this place? I hope that Xuantian Sect will consider that Qingyuan Sect has protected Dongyun for many years and allow Qingyuan to move out immediately!"

"Impossible!" Master Luo opened his eyes. At this moment, the Qingyuan Mountain Hell Ghosts were wreaking havoc. If the Qingyuan Sect left, who would clean up the mess

"Then please ask Xuantian Sect to send experts immediately to deal with the prison ghost as soon as possible. Qingyuan Sect really can't hold on any longer!"

The master opened his mouth.

This was his original statement, right? He first severely reprimanded Feng Yiju, then threatened and warned that if Qingyuan Sect didn't handle the situation well, Xuantian Sect would send people over - which sect would allow another sect to move in

Is it easy to leave after coming in

Why did Feng Yi Ju interrupt him and ask for it on his own initiative

For a moment he didn't know how to respond.

"Back off!" A voice came from him faintly. The projection flashed and a new person appeared in an instant. A dignified middle-aged man appeared and glanced at Feng Yiju faintly: "Master Feng, since I am here, please stop teasing a child and tell me what you want directly."

The master of the Xuantian Sect's Foreign Affairs Hall. A true high-ranking official in Xuantian Sect.

Feng Yiju cupped his hands, and all the expressions on his face disappeared: "In the name of Xuantian Sect, urge all the sects in Dongyun to sell all the prisoners and captives to Qingyuan."

The hall master glanced at Feng Yiju with a meaningful look in his eyes: "Yes!"

Feng Yiju cupped his hands, and the projection instantly disappeared. The small sword on the ground shattered and dissipated.

Feng Yi Ju looked at the dust on the ground and wondered what he was thinking.

In front of an inconspicuous thatched house at Xuantian Gate, the head of the Foreign Affairs Hall was feeding chickens, ordinary farm chickens.

Outside the chicken coop, Master Luo looked at him puzzledly: "Grandfather, why did you agree to Feng Yiju's request? The elders have said that the prison was most likely done by Feng Yiju himself!"

The Palace Master shook his head: "Do you know what is the most important thing when two armies are fighting against each other?"

Hall Master Luo frowned, not knowing why his grandfather mentioned this.

The hall master sprinkled a handful of corn and looked at the chickens pecking at the corn. He said, "It means knowing how to put aside the present and look directly at the essence. We don't need to care about what Feng Yiju is doing. If we watch too much, we will easily fall into his trap. We just need to know what he wants to do in the end."

"What does he want to do?" Master Luo gently kicked a hen away.

"It's nothing more than wanting Qing Yuan to go one step further and dominate Dong Yun!"

Master Luo looked at his grandfather.

The hall master put down the chicken feed and walked out of the chicken coop: "If he wants to dominate Dongyun, he must do two things, eliminate all the sects in Dongyun, and clear out the ghosts in the prison."

"We don't need to know what he is planning, we just need to pay attention to these two things. The Hell Ghosts have always been in the hands of the sect, he can't take them away or eliminate them. If he just wants to rely on the true essence of the cultivators to destroy them, then Qingyuan will need nearly 100,000 cultivators to destroy 100,000 Hell Ghosts. Where do so many cultivators come from?"

"Only rely on purchasing Dongyun prisoners? Dongyun sects have a limit of 3,000 to 5,000 prisoners, so why not let him buy them? It's a good opportunity to see what he can do. It's also a good opportunity to let him buy some to feed the prison ghosts. The soul jade and warm jade consumption in the sect has been extremely high in the past two years, and it will take some time for the Tianshou world to mature. It's a good opportunity to raise a batch here."

I spent a whole day writing, and it felt like a lot, but I only wrote three chapters...

I tried to write in the Internet cafe, but it was too chaotic on Saturday. I went home to light a candle, paper and pen and continued writing. When the power came back at night, I changed to the computer and wrote and sent it out. If the power didn't come back by 11 o'clock, I would go to bed early and get up early tomorrow morning. The power should be back when I get up. A one-day power outage is the limit now.

I'll hurry up and write tomorrow morning.

In addition, my friends have made suggestions. In the future, I will only post the main text, so as not to affect everyone's reading experience. I moved the chapter of gratitude list to the work related ^-^

(End of this chapter)