Don’t Provoke the Turtle

Chapter 93: Soul Jade



With a long roar from the dragon turtle, the eight prison ghosts in front of him disappeared, and eight pieces of warm jade fell to the ground. Su He put them away, and the dice fell. Two pieces were improved in quality, and the remaining six pieces became seventeen pieces.

The prison ghosts were not released by Feng Yi Ju.

Su He confirmed that there was someone else who released the prison ghosts.

After a whole day of clearing out the prison ghosts along the Xiangshui River, Feng Yiju and Ge Laodao appeared and told him that he no longer needed to worry about the prison ghosts outside because the purchased captives had already been delivered.

Su He is now in the third level of the Prison, the lair of the prison ghosts.

This is Feng Yi Ju supporting him in hunting down the prison ghost, but after killing him, the dice still fell, and the lord of the prison ghost was someone else.

The atmosphere here made him feel very uncomfortable. With a long roar, the eight-headed hell ghosts around him dispersed.

The ghosts in the prison are not divided into different levels, only their size is considered. The big ones are as big as a small courtyard, and the ordinary ones are only the size of a water tank. The bigger they are, the harder they are to kill. The group of ghosts floating above Su He's head, constantly bumping into the shadow of the outer mountain, has already withstood five divine powers.

The volume is only reduced by half.

But no matter how big or small the Hell Ghosts are, their attack power is the same. They rush over and wrap around like blood vessels, then suck the monks dry.

However, when a weak Hell Ghost entangles a powerful cultivator, its True Essence will be rubbed out. Generally, the larger the Hell Ghost, the more likely it is to seek out a powerful cultivator.

Su He lay down in front of a broken wall and took a short rest. At the same time, he took out two pieces of warm jade with improved quality and put them into his mouth. The Turtle Life Long Breath Technique was activated, and like a whale sucking water, the warm jade slowly melted and turned into a warm breath that flowed into Su He's body.

With his eyes closed and looking inward, the warm jade-like aura accompanied by spiritual power flowed through the meridians, and whenever it passed through an opened acupoint, it seeped into the meridians.

The acupoints nourished by the warm jade seemed to be soaked in hot water, and the whole acupoints became relaxed and lazier. The true blood flowed through the acupoints and infiltrated the bones.

Su He's mind moved, and a line of words appeared before his eyes:

Dragon Turtle True Blood: 89.3%

The power of Mingjian is very magical. The handwriting and habits it displays are all formed by the habits of its owner.

Senior Qing Yuan made a huge mirror with dragon and phoenix characters on it. Su He's mirror was in simplified Chinese with a percentage sign.

Its database is also based on Su He's own knowledge and cannot display anything beyond the owner's cognition.

If Su He wants to test what ingredients are contained in his tortoise shell, it will show the amount of calcium, lipids, and unknown substances.

It’s not that it can’t be detected, but even if it is detected, Su He wouldn’t be able to recognize it.

Nearly 90% of the dragon turtle's blood, with the warm jade, it increased by three points in just one day. Su He could faintly sense the blood flowing, and there was a roaring sound in his mind.

This is a sign that the mind is about to open up.

For an average cultivator, 60% to 70% of his true blood is enough to blast open his mind orifice, but Su He's is almost 90%, but his mind orifice has not yet been opened.

The two warm jades absorbed, and the spiritual power and true blood circulated at the same time. The two acupoints belonging to the two meridians opened at the same time. Two sounds of frying beans came from Su He's body. It fell on the tortoise shell like a huge bell. There were echoes, as if there was an empty hole in Su He's tortoise shell.

With the warm jade, the speed of blasting open the acupoints suddenly increased, as if returning to the starting point. Su He lay there motionless, consuming four pieces of warm jade in two hours and blasting open twelve acupoints.

There are less than a hundred acupoints and all of them will be opened.

It was originally estimated that this time would be around the hibernation this year. With the help of Warm Jade, Su He felt that this time could be shortened to ten days.


He groaned loudly to expel the foul air from his chest.

"Big turtle!" A silver bell-like joyful voice came. Feng Yaya, dressed in red, ran over with a small ball shouting. About thirty or forty feet away, she stepped on the ground, blasted over, hit the shadow of the outer minister again, and slid towards Su He's neck.

But it hit the stone tablet with a bang.

There was a stone tablet outside the mountain shadow where merit entered the body, blocking her way to the slide.

Feng Yaya covered her head with tears in her eyes.

He stomped on the turtle shell angrily and jumped down.

The prison ghosts that kept hitting Su He's outer shadow were cleared the moment Feng Yaya shot over. They formed a ball and circled five feet away.

"It's you annoying guys again!" Feng Yaya was in a bad mood. Seeing the prison ghosts becoming more and more depressed, she jumped up, caught a prison ghost, and punched it.


Just like a balloon bursting, the prison ghost was directly shattered, and a light blue jade fell out.

Not warm jade.

Su He was puzzled. He had been killing prison ghosts for the whole day, but only the warm jade dropped. Feng Yaya came and casually broke one, and the one that dropped was a special treasure. Was he so lucky

Su He had already guessed that Feng Yaya could attack prison ghosts.

Feng Yaya was seen rising and falling, her small body rushing around among the prison ghosts. The prison ghosts had no room to escape - in fact, it was not escape, because the prison ghosts had no intelligence. It looked more like Feng Yaya was repelling their magnetic field, just like a magnet pushing away other magnets. It was a natural phenomenon.

It was quite difficult for Feng Yaya to hit him. She needed to burst out quickly, exceeding the speed at which the prison ghost was pushed away, and kill him with one punch.

Every prison ghost killed by Feng Yaya dropped a light blue gem.

This is no longer just luck.

Su He opened his mouth and roared towards Feng Yaya.

Feng Yaya covered her ears, turned her head and frowned at Su He, stamping her feet. The big turtle roared again, shaking her head and making her dizzy.

As divine power swept over, the four prison ghosts in front of Feng Yaya turned into ashes, and four amber warm jades fell.

It was indeed not luck. The prison ghost killed by Feng Yaya dropped a blue gem, while the one he killed dropped an amber warm jade.

Treated differently.

Su He crawled towards a blue gem. This thing also gave him a strong attraction and he still wanted to eat it.

"Huh?" Feng Yaya exclaimed in surprise: "Big Turtle, why are the things dropped by the ugly thing you killed different from mine?"

She picked up a warm jade, looked at it in confusion, then opened her mouth, bit off a small piece and chewed it. A light suddenly flashed in her eyes, and she looked very happy. She swallowed the warm jade in two or three bites.

Su He was stunned.

Is this thing edible

He took out a warm jade, put it into his mouth, and swallowed it whole - the dragon turtle had a mouth full of sharp teeth and no molars for chewing, so even when eating meat, it had to tear it apart and swallow it directly.

I didn't taste anything, but the warm feeling in my stomach was very comfortable.

Feng Yaya chewed two more warm jades with satisfaction, then reluctantly held the last one in her hand and jumped onto the turtle shell to take small nibbles of it.

"Big Turtle, what kind of jade is this?"

"Warm Jade."

Feng Yaya tapped her feet and said, "What I beat out was the Soul Jade. Mother said it is good for the consciousness, the mind, and the soul, but I don't have the mind open."

Feng Yaya’s skills are special. She only cultivates the body and does not practice magic.

Su He took out a pile of warm jades and dropped them on Feng Yaya's head. Feng Yaya opened her eyes wide with surprise.

Little sailor Su He picked up the soul jade on the ground.

Doubts arose in my heart.

Why did Feng Yaya get the Soul Jade when she was killed, but he got the Warm Jade when he was killed


Many thanks to "book friend 20230311161425920" for another 100,000 reward. I will update once more. Four updates today.

(End of this chapter)