Don’t Provoke the Turtle

Chapter 94: Meaning


The prison ghost is not a naturally existing evil object, but is man-made.

Perhaps it contained two kinds of jade, the divine power destroyed the "spirit" of the prison ghost, and Feng Yaya broke up the "body" of the prison ghost. As a result, they only got the other half of the jade.

This method of destroying the hell ghosts is probably not the orthodox way of collecting soul jade and warm jade.

But it doesn’t matter. There are countless prison ghosts in this space, enough to squander!

All the soul jades were collected, and three of them had increased quality when the dice fell. Feng Yaya didn't need soul jades, so Su He collected them without hesitation, and gave Feng Yaya a bunch of warm jades, some ordinary and some with increased quality.

Feng Yaya was swinging her little feet happily.

Su He threw a soul jade into his mouth and swallowed it whole.

The effect of eating warm jade is good, the whole body is warm and comfortable. The warm jade breath absorbed by the Guishou Changxi Jue will only nourish the meridians and acupoints, but eating it will nourish the whole body.

When the Soul Jade entered his stomach, a cool feeling soon rushed straight to his head, and the roaring sound of real blood flowing through his mind suddenly became louder.

The center point where the two dragon horns protrude and the two eyebrows cross is throbbing with pain. The blood in the body is flowing like a river, roaring past the forehead.

Suddenly, Su He could no longer hear any sound from the outside world, and could only hear the sound of the rushing river.

The mind is about to open up.

"Ya Ya! Soul Jade!" Su He shouted and swallowed all the Soul Jades in the external space in one gulp.

Feng Yaya blinked. She was simple-minded and childish, but she had seen many cultivators break through, so she knew what Su He was doing.

She stepped hard on the turtle shell, and with the help of the recoil of the outer mountain shadow, she turned into a flaming cannonball and rushed into the group of prison ghosts.

"Shake the mountain!" Feng Yaya shouted in a tender voice and punched the air. With her small fist as the center, an impact spread out, and the entire circle of prison ghosts shattered in an instant. The soul jades fell down like hail.

The little red ball fell to the ground. He scooped up a handful of it with mud and dirt on it, opened Su He's big mouth and poured it in.

One dice after another hit Su He's head, and the dragon's mouth was stretched wide.

Feng Yaya tilted her head and was stunned for a moment. Huh? Am I that powerful? Did I get back so many soul jades

Su He took two bites and swallowed them down.

The cool breath turned from a trickle into a rushing river, impacting his mind wave after wave. His eyes were blank and he could no longer see the outside world. He was forced to look inward.

In his inner vision, the real blood was like a great river, pouring out from his heart, rushing upwards, and constantly bombarding the cliff wall at the center of his eyebrows. The essence transformed by the soul jade penetrated through the cliff wall, and continuously bombarded him from the inside out.

This is the eyebrow center, also known as the Niwan Palace in ancient times. It is located at the intersection of the Yintang point and the Baihui point. Su He also has two horns here. Although the horns have only sprouted a little bit, it can be distinguished that the roots of the two horns are connected to this place.

A cultivator who has opened his mind acupoint cannot actively control it. It will only explode spontaneously when the power of true blood is reached and the strength of spiritual awareness is sufficient.

Su He stuffed a handful of warm jade into his mouth and started to practice the Turtle Longevity Technique.

True blood rushed up like a dragon. Divine consciousness blasted out like lightning, and the two sides met. There was a crackling sound of the eggshell breaking, followed by the sound of a huge bell in the mind.

Su He looked inward as his true blood suddenly flowed into a space.

The mind has been opened!

Different from the dark red and yellow of the heart, the space of the mind was clear and bright, without the blood vessels of the heart. Above the head, there was a sun and a moon at the same time. Upon closer inspection, they should be two dragon horns that had not yet grown.

The spiritual consciousness slowly converges towards the acupoint of mind. Opening the acupoint of mind and concentrating the spiritual consciousness is the sign of this state.

The spiritual consciousness that was previously imperceptible and uncontrollable now appears clearly - the cultivator who has opened his mind can naturally sense and "see" his own spiritual consciousness.

Divine consciousness is not exclusive to cultivators. Any living being, even plants and trees, has divine consciousness. Mortals with keen senses can often sense the malicious gazes of others from behind. This is the unintentional use of divine consciousness. The more a person cultivates his character, has a broad mind, and has experienced thousands of things, the stronger his divine consciousness is.

There are even some mortals who have been in high positions for a long time, and their spiritual consciousness is always being tempered, so ordinary people can't even withstand a glance from them.

The sea of consciousness is initially formed!

With spiritual power and sea of consciousness, you can start practicing and applying various spells and talismans now.

In a sect, whether a disciple has combat power is distinguished by the state of Yiqiao. Before reaching Yiqiao, one is only considered a powerful warrior relying on the slight magical powers brought by the magical object of Yiqiao. The limit is to use the magical object of Yiqiao to deal with one or two evil spirits.

After the mind is opened, one can practice magic. The combat power suddenly soars.

Watching the sea of consciousness condense, Su He slowly opened his eyes. His mind moved, and with his spirit as his guide and his soul as his power, a stream of water formed a talisman in front of him, with lightning flashing on the talisman.

An ordinary thunder talisman.


As his mind moved, thunder talismans shot out, and a bolt of lightning appeared out of nowhere and struck the prison ghost in front.

The prison ghosts do not hurt.

An angry, childish voice yelled out from the group of prison ghosts: "Who is going to strike me with lightning again!" Feng Yaya rushed out in a rage, holding a bunch of soul jades. Following the smell of lightning, her eyes fell on Su He.

Su He shrank into his turtle shell.

"Big Turtle!" Feng Yaya felt wronged, tears were about to come out of her eyes. She hadn't seen her mother for a long time, so she was prone to crying. Big Turtle always bullied her.

"I'm not, I didn't!" Su He shook his head: "You know, there are thunder and lightning when I break through. Last time when hibernation ended, I was struck by lightning nine times."

Su He didn't dare to make the baby cry, as it was really hard to comfort him once he started crying.

Feng Yaya tilted her head and thought about it, but she felt something was wrong. She blinked and forced herself to hold back her tears.

"I'll watch when the big turtle breaks through next time." If you were really struck by lightning, you didn't lie to me.

"Here!" She poured all the soul jade at Su He's feet.

This is exactly what I need.

When the mind is just beginning to open up and the consciousness is concentrated, it is the best time to improve the consciousness. Su He took out some warm jade and various spiritual fruits in the outer space and gave them to Feng Yaya.

He put away the Soul Jade, lay down under the ruins, retracted his limbs into his shell, and began to absorb the Soul Jade as if hibernating.

Feng Yaya held the fruit in her hands and happily jumped onto Su He's turtle shell, chewing the fruit and swinging her little feet.

The soul jade soaked, and the sea of consciousness expanded visibly. This was accumulated by external objects, and it was still very weak. But it didn't matter. I would go back and ask my master for a method to condense my consciousness, and slowly compress and condense my consciousness.

Now use the little trick of spiritual awareness in the spiritual communication chapter to compress it slowly.

The best way to condense spiritual consciousness is to use it. Learn and release various spells and talismans, and constantly hone them in use.

Su He now has quite a few skills that he can learn, but in the dream state, it is too troublesome to do two things at once and it is inconvenient to learn.

Su He started by learning little tricks like Water Mirror Technique and Dust Cleansing Talisman.

(End of this chapter)