Don’t Provoke the Turtle

Chapter 95: Shaving your head


I don’t know how much time passed.

The sea of consciousness expanded to its current limit. The entire consciousness became a world of water. But the sea of consciousness was not pure water, it was somewhere between water and mercury.

The next step is to condense the spiritual consciousness, and then continue to expand the sea of consciousness, while consolidating the mind. This is not a short-term task, but a process that runs through the entire practice process. Even those great masters in the Heavenly Realm are doing this.

Su He slowly opened his eyes and spread his consciousness. He saw Feng Yaya curled up on his tortoise shell and fell asleep. Feng Yaya was floating five feet away in the Prison Ghost Capital, and the shadow of the outer mountain was not visible. Feng Yaya curled up on the top of the tortoise shell, with half a warm jade in her left hand and half a spiritual fruit in her right hand.

The little one with a frown on his face makes people feel inexplicably distressed.

Has it been five or six days since I concentrated my consciousness this time? Feng Yaya just woke up and fell asleep again. Has she been lying on the tortoise shell alone for the past five or six days

Feeling dejected

Su He felt a pang of pain in his heart for some reason.

He moved slightly, and Feng Yaya woke up on the tortoise shell. He blinked and saw Su He stretching out his limbs.

"Hey, big turtle! Are you awake?"

Isn't it the sleeping period after five or six days? Is he taking a nap out of boredom? Su He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Big turtle, big turtle, have you evolved new abilities? Can you fly?" Feng Yaya looked excited.

Sorry, no!

Su He did not evolve this time, his body did not grow, but his realm was elevated. The use of his acquired spiritual consciousness could not be seen by outsiders.

If we talk about the characteristics of the dragon turtle... I think so too!

Su He's eyes have their own divine sense, and he doesn't need to use the spiritual communication chapter to control it. However, this is not a unique ability of the dragon turtle. All divine beasts are like this. The eyes have their own divine sense, which can not only see, but also detect.

Su He crawled, and the water waves under him were more and more handy. He climbed up a mound and looked into the distance with a pair of dragon eyes wide open.

The gray fog in the Hell Ghost Space could no longer cover his eyes. This was not just seeing, but also exploring with his spiritual sense.

"Yaya, have you been here before? Have you seen other people here?" Su He looked around. This space was not big, probably about forty or fifty miles in radius, not as big as the sea or lake.

A quick check revealed that there were only him and Feng Yaya. Those who had Yaya's aura were indeed gone.

Feng Yaya shook her head: "I've been here twice, both times my father brought me here. I killed these ugly guys when I came here. I've never seen anyone else... Huh?"

She seemed to have just discovered something, her eyes sparkling with curiosity: "Big turtle can talk?"

Feng Yaya had no problem understanding animal language, and after communicating for a while she realized that Su He was speaking human language.

"I said that Big Turtle is more powerful than Da Zhuang! Da Zhuang has been speechless for such a long time and has been hiding under the small tower, not daring to come in. Idiot!"

Su He laughed loudly. The prison ghost's lair let the camel in, which made things difficult for the camel.

Su He was observing the ghost prison space. A ball of golden light in the direction of his left front paw attracted his eyes. He stared intently and saw a palace in the distance.

It's not very clear, but it's shining brightly, and it looks like a plaque with the words "I have a treasure" hanging up.

"Ya Ya, do you know what the palace in front is?"

Feng Yaya tilted her head and thought for a long time before clapping her hands and shouting, "Ah! It's a ruin. Mother said that a ruin was found under Qingyun Gate, right under Zhenyu. Come on, Big Turtle, let's go take a look."

Su He pondered for a moment, then carried Feng Yaya on his back towards the ruins. There were ruins in the Hell Ghost Space, and Feng Yiju and Ge Laodao hadn't warned him, so he thought there was no danger. It would be okay to take a look.

Su He crawled, and water waves rolled under him, like thunder in the empty space. Feng Yaya jumped up from time to time, attacking the prison ghosts to obtain the soul jade. Su He occasionally asked her to cover her ears, and use her divine power to obtain the warm jade.

Divine power attacks the soul, which should have nothing to do with sound. However, Feng Yaya was not affected when she covered her ears. It was quite miraculous.

Su He always felt that this little guy was a human-shaped divine beast.

They walked and stopped, hunting as they moved forward, and before they knew it, the ruins were right in front of them.

"Space?" Su He was puzzled. This was a space membrane. Su He himself had external space, so he knew more about space.

The ruins and the Hell Ghost Space were not in the same space. At this moment, the two spaces were just intertwined. It was like a mirage, illusory. Su He and Feng Yaya passed through without feeling anything.

Feng Yaya jumped up and punched, the air on all sides shattered, and the ruins of the palace remained the same.

Su He squinted his eyes and carefully explored, vaguely seeing that there were stone statues standing upright in that space. However, the direction of that space was different from that of the Hell Ghost Space, and it seemed that the ruins of the palace and the stone statues were lying flat.

It's useless if you can see it but can't get in.

No wonder Master and the others didn't mention it. Su He increased his eyesight and tried to look towards the Golden Palace space. There was no effect.

But vaguely, a peacock spread its wings and flew by.

The peacock is not real either, it is half illusory, as if it is projected by the ruins.

The peacock flew past Feng Yaya without her noticing anything.

Not alive!

The peacock's eyes were lifeless, and its wings were flapping too regularly, making it look like a puppet or an afterimage.

It flew for a moment and disappeared.

I didn't feel any danger or discomfort, it should be a normal event in the ruins. I asked Feng Yaya, the little girl knew nothing, but her eyes were full of surprise, she wanted to fly on the peacock again.

I am even more curious about this relic.

The ruins were isolated by space, and the man and the turtle could not reach them no matter how hard they tried. Su He expanded the outer space and moved it towards the ruins.

Since the ruins appeared here, it proved that this was the time when the space barrier was weak. I wonder if the outer space can sense it

When the outer space was put on, Su He's eyes instantly brightened. He felt it!

Is this the hair bun of the statue that is pushed into the outer space

Even in the external space, the statue's hair bun was still illusory and had no real shape, but Su He could sense it.

This statue gave Su He an extremely powerful feeling, with a domineering aura and a bit of madness. If it weren't for the space between them, Su He would have turned around and ran.

The material of this statue is extraordinary, but unfortunately I can't enter.

I wonder if Fushan can absorb it across space

In theory, it is possible, after all, Fushan can even absorb space.

Su He activated Fushan. A majestic aura flowed from Fushan into the shadow of the outer mountain. The outer mountain appeared in an instant.


Su He was overjoyed.

In the Fuyang Sect of Dongyun Mountain, grief and excitement were intertwined, and the atmosphere was indescribably awkward.

Today, Changfeng Sect teamed up with Zhaoyao Sect to attack Fuyang Sect. Dozens of disciples were killed or captured, leaving the entire Fuyang Sect in grief. They wanted to blame Zuo Suer for treasure hunting and making enemies, but the treasure they brought back made their hearts beat fast.

Zuo Suer squatted on the throne of the head of the sect and said, "It's just a few dead guys, isn't it? I will go find my former brothers in the village later and fill the gap in one day. I guarantee that the number of people in the Fuyang Sect will be no less than the number of people!"

The headmaster's wife closed her eyes and didn't want to pay attention to him.

Can this be the same? The thieves from your village have come. Is Fuyang Sect a den of thieves or a sect? Is it yours or your husband's

Just as he opened his mouth to yell, he saw Zuo Suer put the suckling pig down and rubbed his head back and forth with his greasy hands.

"Hiss! Who is shaving my head?"

(End of this chapter)