Don’t Touch Porcelain

Chapter 10


Quan Jiaying is the direct disciple of the head of Poyuan Sect. He is only 18 years old now, but he has already reached the middle stage of foundation building. Last year, he made a withered bone whip and soared 72 places in the list of 100 young weapon masters. He is now ranked 185th.

It may not sound very good, but in fact, the ranking of the Hundred Young Talents List is very particular. This list is intended to select young talents. There are a total of 300 rankings, and each hundred represents the highest level of equipment refiners in the Nascent Soul, Golden Core and Foundation Establishment realms.

As soon as the Withered Bone Whip refined by Quan Jiaying came out, it directly jumped into the top 200. This meant that the magic weapon he refined in the Foundation Establishment Stage defeated the best magic weapons refined by fifteen Golden Core Stage refiners. And there are currently only three people on the Hundred Youth List who can defeat Golden Core Stage magic weapons by relying on magic weapons refined in the Foundation Establishment Stage.

Except Quan Jiaying, the remaining two are in another super weapon refining sect - Zhanjin Sect.

"Basically the same." Quan Jiaying reached out and carefully touched the pattern on the blade and said, "The wind pattern on this blade is more complete than the one I refined three years ago."

"More complete than yours?" Fang Xiu couldn't believe it. Quan Jiaying relied on that sword to enter the Hundred Youth List and ranked 257th. At that time, he had just established his foundation and already had a tendency to leapfrog.

"These two rare deformed wind patterns are rarely used because they lack key patterns. It took me half a year to fill them in myself and finally engrave them on the blade." Quan Jiaying lowered his head and outlined the wind patterns on the blade with his fingertips. After a long silence, he said, "The wind patterns filled in by this blade are far better than mine."

Fang Xiu subconsciously said: "This is impossible."

The most important reason why Quan Jiaying was able to reach the 257th place on the Hundred Youth List with the help of that magic weapon was that he perfected two types of deformation wind patterns that had been missing for a long time. Otherwise, based on the true level of that sword, it would probably only be ranked outside the top 280.

"Nothing is impossible. There are many talented people in the world of cultivation, so this is the original intention of our Po Yuan Sect to hold the competition, to observe the skills of other refiners and extract their essence." said the elder holding the knife.

"More than that." Rong Chuqiu handed the piece of paper he took out of the box to Quan Jiaying, "There are three kinds of patterns engraved on the blade."

"Three?" The elder holding the knife was the first to react and looked at the blade. "Not two?"

Rong Chuqiu pointed at the elder's hand holding the knife: "On the handle."

The elder immediately let go and grabbed the blade instead: "It really is, it's the weight loss pattern."

Quan Jiaying finally came back to his senses from filling in the two more complete wind patterns. He was puzzled: "Elder, why do you want to use weight loss patterns?"

In his opinion, it was just a waste of time. Could there be some deeper meaning that he had not figured out

Rong Chuqiu observed for a while and said with a smile: "Weight loss lines are naturally caused by weight loss."

Quan Jiaying and Fang Xiu both frowned, not understanding what Elder Rong meant.

"The black iron used in this sword is the inferior kind. It has the most impurities and is the heaviest. This is the function of the weight-reducing pattern." The elder holding the sword explained step by step.

Fang Xiu was still puzzled: "Why not use good black iron? You have to carve the weight-reducing pattern, it's unnecessary."

"Not everyone has spirit stones to afford the best materials." Rong Chuqiu felt helpless. Fang Xiushen was a senior inner sect disciple, but he was still too naive.

Quan Jiaying lowered his head and looked at his hands. He was a man who couldn't even afford slightly better black iron, but he could fill those two wind patterns so completely.

"Elder Zhang, let's continue trying other magical weapons." Rong Chuqiu said. The four boxes were close to each other, and she wanted to see what magical weapons the other three people had refined.

The elder put the knife back into the box, glanced at the name on the paper, and said to the disciple who was in charge of recording, "Write down this name first. Xiyu can take part in the preliminary examination."

Elder Zhang was in charge of all these magical instruments. When the others saw that he was about to open another box, they prepared to go back and complete their own tasks.

However, before he could turn around completely, he heard Elder Zhang shout again: "Good sword!"

Others: “?”

An elder turned around and said, "Could it be that you have come across another good magical weapon?" Are you so lucky

"Look." Elder Zhang grabbed the sword in the box and stood up, "Is it worthy of being a good sword?"

The sword body is straight and sharp, the blade surface is as smooth as a mirror, and it reflects light with a slight bend. Just looking at the forging skills, he is already among the top thousand in the preliminary test.

"The basic skills are indeed good." The elder next to him walked back and took a look. Among a bunch of incredibly rotten magic weapons, the forging level of this sword was definitely among the top three.

The other selection elders shouted to Elder Zhang, "Try it quickly. Could it be that you have come across all the better magic weapons today?"

Elder Zhang smiled and said, "Everyone, get out of the way. Let me try."

He swung his sword towards the trial stone in the air, feeling the resistance of the sword breaking through the air and releasing his spiritual power. When he retracted his hand, the trial stone slowly cracked in the middle and finally fell to the ground with a loud bang.

Elder Zhang excitedly waved his sword and looked around, "The level of this sword is no worse than that of our inner disciples of Poyuan Sect."

The other elders swarmed over and said, "Let me see."

Rong Chuqiu glanced at the inner disciples present: "There are always people better than you, and now you know it."

However, this was not the end. Elder Zhang then took out a lotus hairpin, the carving level of which was unmatched even among the inner disciples of Poyuan Sect. After the test strike, it proved to be even more powerful, and each lotus petal directly pierced through the trial stone.

"Each of these three magical instruments can be included in the Hundred Young Masters List." Elder Zhang shook his head and sighed, "Are the weapon refiners out there already so powerful?"

"Write down the names first." Rong Chuqiu said to the disciple in charge of recording.


Fang Xiu, who was standing nearby and had gone from unconvinced to silent, looked at the box that Elder Zhang continued to pick up, and finally remembered that this was the box of the talisman seller.

At that time, it was Elder Rong who stood up and collected the boxes, so Fang Xiu only vaguely remembered what number was engraved on the first box selling talismans. Now thinking back, it seemed that the boxes of those four people were two large and two small.


Fang Xiu shook his head. He didn't believe it and thought he must have remembered it wrong.

"Hidden weapon?" Elder Zhang took out a black snake-shaped bracelet from the box.

To be honest, there are quite a few hidden weapons like this bracelet among the magic weapons for voting. The elders are almost dazzled. The most this hidden weapon has is its lifelike and interesting shape.

However, Elder Zhang couldn't help but exclaimed "Huh" when he held it in his hand. He couldn't tell what material the bracelet was made of for a moment.

The other elders stepped back and forth several times, and finally one of them couldn't hold back any longer: "It can't be another good magic weapon, right? Why haven't I found one in the past few days?"

The team, which was about to disperse, gathered together again, all looking at the magic weapon in Elder Zhang's hand.

The bracelet is in the shape of a lifelike black snake, with a hint of golden light shining through it. At first glance, it looks like the tip of the tail is attached to the snake's eyes, but if you hold it in your hand and observe it carefully, you will find that it looks more like the tip of the tail is resting on the snake's eyes.

"Elder Zhang, let me take a look." Rong Chuqiu had been waiting for the magic weapon in the box, wanting to know how good the little Taoist friend who could draw talismans was at refining magic weapons. Moreover, the magic weapons refined by the other three were not bad, so she became even more curious.

"It just so happens that you are good at small magic tools." Elder Zhang handed the bracelet to Rong Chuqiu, took out the paper from the box, and looked down at the words on it, "Mist Killing Flower... Why is the snake-shaped bracelet named like this?"

"Wing sand and gilding liquid." Rong Chuqiu carefully observed the appearance of the bracelet and thoughtfully named the two materials.

In terms of forging technique, the shape of the bracelet is lifelike, and one can even see a hint of agility in the movements of the little snake. But what kind of hidden weapon can be made by mixing these two materials

"It says there are also ice spider silks." Elder Zhang finished reading the paper and said, "Chuqiu, try turning your head and injecting spiritual power."

Rong Chuqiu nodded slightly, then raised her hand slightly, and gently moved the head of the bracelet with her other finger, aiming it at the trial stone.

The moment she injected spiritual power, all that was left in everyone's eyes was a thin mist, a natural and spiritual beauty.

However, this beauty, as if being in the mist of the forest, only lasted for a moment. The next moment, its ferocious appearance was revealed, and countless mists stretched out, forming snake shadows, biting towards the Trial Stone.


The mist spread over such a wide area that some of it even reached the inner disciples standing in the distance.

When Rong Chuqiu realized something was wrong, it was already too late.

All the trial stones that were touched by the snake shadow were shattered and exploded. The disciple who was originally standing outside the trial field watched the snake shadow bite towards him and subconsciously raised his hand to block it. A beam of light flashed and faced the snake shadow head-on. Then, the snake shadow and the light all disappeared.

"Is there anything wrong?" Elder Zhang frowned and went over to pull the disciple over.

The disciple shook his head with lingering fear: "I'm fine, but... the golden turtle talisman is broken."

The elders looked at each other in bewilderment. Their disciples had various protective magic weapons on them, and the Golden Turtle Talisman was the most common one. It was made by the Five Elements Sect and could withstand a blow from a middle-stage Golden Elixir. But just now, just a little afterimage of the bracelet spread and shattered the Golden Turtle Talisman.

Even Rong Chuqiu's expression faded. If she had been appreciative before, now her attitude had begun to turn into vigilance.

This person's weapon refining level is probably...

Rong Chuqiu looked at the bracelet for a long time before turning to Quan Jiaying next to him and said, "This time, you may have met your match."

These four magical weapons, especially the Mist Killing Flower, caused a huge stir in Po Yuan Sect. There were still more than two months before the formal competition, and all the disciples of Po Yuan Sect were training hard every day as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

However, the parties involved were completely unaware of this because they were no longer in Dinghai City.

After delivering the magic weapon that day, Ye Su and his companions continued to practice forging magic weapons. When they went to buy materials, they heard the owner of the material store say that a secret realm near Dinghai City was about to open.

"It's not a big secret realm, and it's not famous in the Floating World Continent. But there's no threshold, and even cultivators in the Qi training stage can go there." The shopkeeper said casually, "When the secret realm is closed, our Wendong Material Store will go there to collect a batch of materials first."

Most secret realms are full of dangers, and generally only people with a certain level of strength can enter. There are naturally no powerful treasures in secret realms without thresholds, but anyone in the Qi training stage can go there, and Ye Su also wants to take his fellow disciples to try it out.

"Boss, I heard that secret realms are often full of spiritual energy?" Ye Su suddenly asked, "Is there any spiritual energy in the secret realm outside the city?"

The shopkeeper was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses and said with a smile: "Any secret realm must have abundant spiritual energy."

So, that night Ye Su and his companions rushed to the secret place outside Dinghai City.