Don’t Touch Porcelain

Chapter 112: Chapter 112


His voice was not loud, but it was loud enough for people in the building to hear clearly.

"One hundred thousand high-grade spirit stones! This is just a magical tool refined by my disciple, but he actually asked for such a high price."

"It is the number one magic weapon on the Hundred Green Rankings anyway. Besides, it can also withstand the spiritual power of a cultivator in the Spiritualization Stage. One hundred thousand high-grade spirit stones will be enough."

"It's too easy for a big sect like them to come up with 100,000 high-grade spirit stones, not to mention Kunlun Lu Chenhan. I heard that the spirit stones that Kunlun disciples get every year are too much to use up. Besides, didn't my sword sect spend 150,000 high-grade spirit stones to buy a thunder-eliminating talisman last year?"

"This is different. The Thunder-Dispelling Talisman was drawn by the Five Elements Sect's leader himself. It can dispel a bolt of lightning. If you plan well, and use it to dispel the last bolt of lightning in the Fusion Stage, you can successfully advance to the next level."

Everyone was talking about it, and most people were more inclined to believe that Lu Chenhan was determined to get it. One hundred thousand high-quality spirit stones were a lot, not to mention that he represented Kunlun, so some material shops would have no chance even if they wanted to pay for it.

"One hundred thousand high-grade spirit stones? You, Kunlun, can't be so stingy." Mei Chouren bid, "Hehuan Sect offers one hundred and fifty thousand."

Lu Chenhan raised his head and looked towards the third floor, his eyes filled with chills. The Hehuan Sect has always been unruly and unruly.

He met Mei Chouren's eyes and said coldly, "Do you think you can win with the Eight-Point Transformation?"

"It doesn't matter whether we win or not. We in the Hehuan Sect just love to join in the fun." Yan Hao stood next to Mei Chou Ren, fanning himself and smiling.

"Everyone, there are still trial stones that have not been tested." Huang Sanqian said hurriedly, "After the test, we will arrange the starting price, so please don't worry."

"We're not in a hurry." Yan Hao sat back down, "You continue."

On the stage, Lu Chenhan lowered his eyes, tiptoed, and stepped into the window he had opened. He turned around and stood in the room, his eyes swept past Gu Liangtian and the two people from the Hehuan Sect on the side, and finally fell in front of the window of the Qianji Sect opposite. It was unknown what he was thinking.

"Next, we want a cultivator who is in the early stage of fusion." Huang Sanqian asked, "Is there any fellow Taoist willing to come up?"

“Where would a fusion-stage cultivator come from?” The person in the middle of the first floor laughed, “This isn’t some large-scale auction.”

"Is the late stage of fusion possible?" Xin Chenzi walked out from the corner of the first floor and looked like he had been standing there for a long time.

Yi Xuan looked at Xin Chenzi, who had messy hair, downstairs and whispered, "... Third Master."

"Junior brother, why didn't your third master come with you?" Xia Er asked curiously.

Yi Xuan held the sword and lowered his eyes: "I didn't tell him."

He was too used to keeping everything to himself.

Huang Sanqian downstairs immediately said, "Of course." He also knew that cultivators of high levels would not come to this kind of auction.

"You can just hold back a little."

As soon as Xin Chenzi appeared, his fluffy, blown-out hair was enough to let everyone in the building know who he was.

—Crazy Xin from my sword sect.

He was a very popular figure in the sect competition more than two hundred years ago. He almost forced Kunlun to lose the top spot. In the last game of that session, he used only a sword to force Kunlun's eldest disciple to use up all the magic weapons on his body. Although he was defeated, he still won with honor.

Back then, the leader of our sword sect had asked him to bring a protective weapon, but Xin Chenzi refused and fought to the end with just his sword.

It was that final that earned him the nickname Crazy Xin.

"This thing feels quite heavy in my hand." Xin Chenzi picked up the Yaqi Bian and weighed it.

Compared to Lu Chenhan, he obviously comprehended the changes of the Eight-Division Transformation faster. Standing in the middle of the remaining eight trial stones, in almost the blink of an eye, everyone didn't even see how he made his move, the eight trial stones on the stage that could withstand a full-strength attack from the fusion stage were all shattered.

Xin looked down at Yaqi, who had transformed into a fire stick again, and said, "The magic weapon is quite useful nowadays."

Huang Sanqian was overjoyed to receive praise from a master in the fusion stage, as if the master was praising him. His already skinny face looked more like a shriveled lychee skin when he smiled like that.

After Xin Chenzi finished the test, he walked back to the corner of the first floor. As soon as he stopped, he felt something was wrong. He turned around and saw his beloved disciple standing there.

"Disciple!" Xin Chenzi walked over quickly.

"Third Master." Yi Xuan asked him, "Why are you here?"

"Isn't there a Qianjimen auction today? I thought you would come, so I came to take a look." Xin Chenzi scratched his hair and said.

Yi Xuan nodded, without asking any more questions, and did not go upstairs. He stood there with Xin Chenzi, looking at the center of the stage together.

"I think everyone has seen why Yaqibian was voted first on the Hundred Youths List." Huang Sanqian stood in the middle of the stage and said with a smile, "Because there is no higher ranking."

As soon as he said this, the people in the middle of the first floor couldn't help but sneer, but they were unable to refute it.

This kind of magical weapon, which can withstand the use of cultivators in the late stage of fusion, is far beyond the level of the Baiqing List.

"A good magic weapon requires the right time, place and people. Buy one less." Huang Sanqian put the Eight-branch Transformation back into the long plate. "Everyone, the starting price of the Eight-branch Transformation is 99,999 high-grade spirit stones. There is no limit to the price increase each time."

On the third floor, Lian Lian couldn't help laughing when she heard the starting price. It was really not too much, not too little, just the right amount. She was the first to bid: "One hundred thousand and one."

"We just said we would pay 150,000." Mei Chouren leaned out and knocked on the window next door.

Lian Lian pushed open the window on this side and rested her hands on the edge: "Participation is the most important thing."

"Okay, then one hundred and fifteen thousand." Mei Chouren turned his head and shouted.

"One hundred and sixty-one." Xu Chengyu made the bid.

The cultivators downstairs have quieted down and are watching the bidding of the major sects. Adding tens of thousands of high-quality spirit stones together is not something they can afford.

"One hundred and seventy thousand." Gu Liangtian, a disciple of the Wanfo Sect, suddenly also made an offer.

Someone downstairs couldn't help but say, "These disciples of the big sects are really rich. Don't the Ten Thousand Buddhas use magic wands and prayer beads? What can they do with them?"

"You don't understand. This Yaki transformation was not auctioned earlier or later, but was stuck after the third level. It is so powerful before the third level that it may change the outcome of the game. Maybe I can't get the first place, but I can definitely strive for the top three."

"That's right, Kunlun and the Ten Thousand Buddha Sect definitely don't want other sects to get it."

"Speaking of which, why didn't you keep Ye Su from Qianjimen? I remember that she had already reached the late Nascent Soul stage, and she didn't have a fixed magic weapon."

"Who knows?"

Lu Chenhan could hear the voices of everyone in the building. His gaze fell on the monks who were gossiping, and his cold eyes sank slightly.

After a moment he looked at Huang Sanqian below the stage and prepared to make a bid.

"Three hundred thousand." A voice came from the corner of the third floor.

Everyone in the building suddenly fell silent, as most of the monks were shocked by the high price.

Lu Chenhan stood by the window and didn't say anything else. He stared at the room on the third floor. As a person in the early stage of the Spiritual Transformation Realm, he didn't even notice that there was anyone inside.

—Who is it

At this time, the third floor was particularly silent, and it was obvious that no one from the various sects noticed that there was someone in the room on the third floor.

This only means one thing, the other party either used some magic weapon to isolate everyone from prying eyes, or... his strength far exceeds that of the people in the building.

"Three, three hundred thousand at a time." Huang Sanqian's voice trembled slightly. The price was rising too fast. Before the auction, he had fantasized whether it could reach three hundred thousand high-quality spirit stones.

Suddenly, no one from the sects on the third floor made any bids, and their attention was drawn to the person in the room on the third floor.

"Three hundred thousand twice." Huang Sanqian's heart was pounding.

The disciples from the big sect upstairs simply gave up the bid.

Huang Sanqian saw that no one was bidding, so he banged the gavel again: "Three hundred thousand high-grade spirit stones, deal!"

There was a sigh of relief downstairs. This Eight-Division Transformation could actually be auctioned at such a high price. The most important thing was, no one knew which sect the person on the third floor belonged to that could come up with 300,000 high-quality spirit stones at once. They must be selling spirit ores at home.

"You have one chance to regret." Huang Sanqian pointed at the Eight-Pointed Transformation in the long plate, "You can try it first."

After these words were spoken, Kunlun's Lu Chenhan and Wanfo Sect's Gu Liangtian both looked towards the room on the third floor, waiting for someone to come out, wanting to know who it was.

"No need." The voice from the room on the third floor came again, revealing extreme calmness.

As the last item was sold, the auction ended. According to the process this time, the seller could conduct the transaction in the backstage, and there was a door in the room that led directly to the backstage.

Just when everyone thought that they would no longer see the person in the room on the third floor, the door suddenly opened and the person inside walked out.

Lu Chenhan, who had already walked out and was about to leave, turned around and saw the people in the room, his eyes narrowed.

—He is from Penglai.

Two extremely ordinary-looking people walked out one after the other, wearing green clothes and wooden hairpins, and their faces were basically unrecognizable in the crowd.

"Why would people from Penglai come out of the mountains?" Xin Chenzi frowned and looked at the two men.

"Penglai?" Yi Xuan naturally knew Penglai, the center of the entire Floating World Continent, but apart from that, he had never heard of anything else.

"Penglai doesn't come out easily, it's very likely that something happened." Xin Chenzi was rarely calm, "It's not a small matter."

Yi Xuan looked at the two people walking down the stairs. They were so ordinary, so ordinary that as soon as he closed his eyes, he could not remember what they looked like.

"Disciple, I'm going back first." Xin Chenzi patted Yi Xuan's shoulder, "Go and tell the sect master."

"Okay..." Yi Xuan just finished speaking, and when he turned around, Xin Chenzi disappeared on the spot.

The two Penglai people walked to the middle of the stage and took out a bag of spirit stones: "Three hundred thousand, can you give us the Eight-branch Transformation?"

Huang Sanqian took the bag of spirit stones and used his spiritual power to probe it. He was dazzled by the spirit stones inside. He turned around and handed the Eight-Headed Transformation to the other party: "This is your Eight-Headed Transformation."

The two people who came took it, turned around and left through the main gate, merged into the crowd, and soon others could not find them.

"Why... why did the people from Penglai come out?" Mei Chouren touched his chest, "Maybe something happened."

The people from Penglai are both difficult to recognize and easy to recognize. They always wear green clothes and tie their hair with wooden hairpins. Each of them looks extremely ordinary and cannot be found in the crowd.

Ye Su just came out of the room and heard Mei Chouren's words. She asked, "Why do you say that?"

"Penglai is good at calculating." Lian Lian, who came out from the next room, leaned against the door and said, "Their coming out of the mountain means something has happened, or is about to happen."

Ma Congqiu came over and said, "I know this. One of their most famous things is that they predicted the death of the gods. No one believed it at the time. When the gods fell, there would be no more miracles in the world of cultivation."

Because of Peng Lai's sudden appearance, Lu Chenhan and Gu Liangtian had already left, and disciples from other sects were also preparing to go back to see if there was any news from the sect.

Yan Hao from the Hehuan Sect was stopped by Ye Su before leaving.

"I need your help with something." Ye Su said with a smile.

The author has something to say: One update, and two more to come!!!

Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or gave me nutrient solution during 2021-11-01 23:44:26~2021-11-02 18:59:33~

Thanks to the little angels who threw grenades: Shiqishun, 29836749, Xingzhe, Yinsheng, 55250066, and Aikan Huantuowenla for one;

Thanks to the little angel who cast mines: Pansi Daxian. 5; 48136409 3; 24723721 2; I love to watch Huantuo Wenla, 42760084, l □□, Yan Jinzhi, 厸厸, yum, 14415114, cute lemon essence, Yutu pounding goose, zx9587, Xiaomin, 29836749, Tong, "If there is someone", Tuzai Danzhuang Moyu, heavy love of romance, Yun Xihe, 31035787, IU is not bad, Yangme, Lingzi, Zifei, hao, Ersan 1;

Thanks to the little angels who filled the nutrient solution: maywryg 122 bottles; Zhan Mengxia 78 bottles; Sangsang, Reading 70 bottles; Red Bean Porridge 68 bottles; Wei Deng Leng Shuang Mu 66 bottles; Yesterday and Today 60 bottles; Ge Zi Er 58 bottles; 37758969, Yan Jin Zhi 50 bottles; Xiao Hao, Zhang Lei Lei, Dou Dou Tang, bore 40 bottles; thus25, ah youyou, ya wangye, martian, shengli, yu chu 30 bottles; daydreamer 29 bottles; history of education in China 28 bottles; pufferfish 26 bottles; reasoning questions 21 bottles; demon blood glass, neverever, xiaomin, chipmunk, yujin, ah no, happyface, sparrow chirping, 1 book lover, call me at nine o'clock, fairy sister, mu mujin, ask for wine and die rouge flower, two big bowls of rice, swaying, zhu family song, can attack or receive, can act cute or act mean 20 bottles; no two 15 bottles; shrimp shrimp shrimp slices, sha 13 bottles; Xinxi Xinxi 11 bottles; Want to cut short hair, Northeastern people who love to eat rice noodle rolls, Meat bun warrior, Never forget, The fox who sings ballads, Xiaoluolu, Yiyi, Naisheng, □□alldouble, 18410722, Mee Mee, Lost Paradise Express Inspector, Big plus+, Banmen got a small axe, Young Master Binds Life, Castor, Cherish to the Point of Forgetting, 27468337, ヾ_, Ansheng ~ Liangcheng, Often Walk by the River 2333, Mrs. Qian, estrella, Mianmian, Zhong Yiyi, A Fei, Ketchup, A Dong, Xiao Qiao Check Nao, Mirror Master, Little Forest, cry, 44882161, Meatball Pu Pu ~ 10 bottles; Naiyue, user 6010656189, Yang Qiqi 9 bottles; Yutu Pounding Goose 7 bottles; Nanguo 6 bottles; 24304198, Orange Flavored Soda, Anran, Mikong, Chive Rice Bowl, Midnight of the Year of the Tiger, Guangyuyu, Xiaohuaer, Morning Bell, Momo, Fortunately, Qixi, Weiying, zrzrzr 5 bottles; Camellia, Zhonglvshuowu 4 bottles; Pick up the light, one person and one horse, Qingshan Jichong, Xiaojiu, Xiaolou last night and warm wind 3 bottles; Qinzhu Tingyu, Xizai Jiaxing, Xiaoxiao Zhuge, the second circle, salty but not sweet, today, Luojia, Nuonuo 2 bottles; Lu Xiaoah, Guoguojiang, kfpyl, bow to life, elk, Xiaoqi, red carp and green carp and donkey, I am a salted fish, Qingmu, Baicao, I want to see the moon, lean on the stone as a pillow, Mingzhonglou, mika, Xixi Chaochao, cream cake, Wuchengcheng, 54438544, baby fish, Sanqi is picked, yellow leaves, Shishiye, Lagrange's mean value theorem, three jars, Xi Xiaohe, Zhong Bilan, the hat of the mad hatter, the face spirit, the fog, Samoyed yeyeye, Nanmu, yum, tiger watching romance, rich woman Xiaozao, Zhang Tingyu 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!