Don’t Touch Porcelain

Chapter 25


To be on the 100 Green List, one must first spend 500 middle-grade spirit stones to select a magical instrument. For an instrument refiner who has the ability to be on the 100 Green List, this amount of spirit stones is really pitifully small.

After all, the selection also requires a certain amount of manpower and material resources, and the annual trial stones alone consume an astonishing amount of money.

At the same time, it is also to prevent some low-level equipment refiners from sending some messy magic weapons every day, trying to rely on luck to enter the Hundred Youth List.

A mere 500 middle-grade spirit stones was still a huge sum of money for Ye Su and his companions. Moreover, there were four of them in total, and they needed 2,000 middle-grade spirit stones to send their magic weapons for selection.

Ye Su earned more than two thousand spirit stones in Dinghai City, but most of them were sent back to Qianji Sect. The sect leader distributed them to other fellow disciples and sisters. Now he only has more than one thousand spirit stones in his hand, which is almost enough.

"Big sister, send your magic weapon over first. We are not in a hurry." Xia Er said, "Five hundred middle-grade spirit stones are enough. Quan Jiaying from Poyuan Sect also said that you can make it."

Ye Su sat on the stone bench in the yard without saying a word.

At this time, Ming Liusha came over from outside, holding a Qiankun bag in his hand. He sat on another stone bench and placed the bag on the stone table. "My junior brothers and sisters gave it to me."

He spoke so normally that Ye Su couldn't help but look at him twice.

"What is that?" Xiyu reached out and took it, opened it and looked at it. After a moment of silence, he asked, "Where did they get so many spirit stones?"

Ye Su frowned: "Give it to me."

She took it and took a look. Sure enough, it was full of medium-grade spirit stones, several thousand in total.

"Master gave it to my junior brothers and sisters, but they kept it without saying anything." Ming Liusha felt complicated, "I originally planned to keep it for us to break through the realm, but the day before yesterday, I heard you say that you wanted to collect money to get on the Hundred Young Masters List, so I took it all out."

"… I sent the spirit stones back so that they can practice well." Ye Su pressed his forehead and threw the Qiankun bag to Xiyu, "Take the spirit stones away. During this period of time, make sure they use them up."

"Okay." Xiyu agreed.

"Also, send the Black Whip and the Moon Spear this time." Ye Su looked up at Ming Liusha and Xia Er and said.

"But..." Xia Er hesitated, "We are not good at these two magic weapons."

Ye Su stood up and said, "What we want is for you to send the magical weapons that you are not good at. The Black Whip and Moon Spear will not rank very high on the Hundred Youths List, but they should be able to make it."

These two magical weapons are not in the styles of Ming Liusha and Xia Er. If there are really problems with them, we can make other plans.

"I know." Ming Liusha returned to his original slow pace.

Ye Su then turned to the door of the first room and knocked on it: "Junior brother, get up and practice."

All day long, sleeping in.

The person inside neither came out to open the door nor said "Come in".

Pretending not to hear again.

Ye Su pushed the door open and walked in. As expected, the new junior brother was leaning on the bed. He was clearly awake and playing with his hair.

When Youfu heard footsteps, he looked up to meet the mortal's gaze, then closed his own eyes and slowly slid into the thin quilt, looking like he was asleep.

Ye Su: “…” She reasonably suspected that the head master deliberately threw this hot potato to her.

"I saw it."

The person on the bed was indifferent, lying quietly, with his black hair scattered on the mattress, as if he was fast asleep.

It's weird that such a shameless person actually looks like he is always right in everything he does.

Ye Su was originally in a bad mood, but at this moment, a smile appeared on her face. She sat down at the table slowly, took out a gong and a hammer from under the table, and began to strike them rhythmically.

"Clang, clang, clang-clang-clang—"

You Fushi: “…”

He sat up, picked up a pillow and threw it at the mortal sitting not far away. There was only anger on his handsome face.

Ye Su reached out and grabbed the pillow, put the gong and hammer back under the table, and smiled slightly, "I haven't played it for five or six years, so my hands are a little rusty."

She is the best at teaching her fellow junior students.

Because Ye Su's move was unexpected, You Fushi stood up with an unhappy look on his face: "Today? What are you practicing?"

He still has something to find.

You Fushi thought about it, and suddenly couldn't remember what he was looking for.

"You are very good at drawing qi into the body." Ye Su returned to her senior sister's serious instruction. "Today, we will learn carving."

Magical weapons come in many shapes. A qualified weapon refiner must ensure that the shape of the magic weapon is correct and does not hinder the flow of the user's spiritual power.

Normal weapon refiners would learn to carve shapes by refining a large number of magical weapons, but the disciples of Qianji Sect did not have this condition, so they could only learn to carve shapes with wood. Sometimes they would even go to the blacksmith shop in the town at the foot of the mountain to forge iron in order to get a feel for it.

In short, Ye Su and his friends had done a lot of things that were useful for refining equipment.

Ye Su took the new apprentice brother to a pile of wood and sat down: "First learn to carve shapes with wood."

"No need to carve." You Fushi refused without thinking.

Ye Su forcefully stuffed the carving knife and a piece of wood into his hands: "Follow and learn. Today, carve a knife first. Can you draw?"

"No." You Fushi looked at the dirty wood in his hand with disdain. This mortal was so annoying.

Ye Su asked him to hold the carving knife and stretched out her hand to press his fingers: "Try it. If you really don't have the talent for refining tools, I will ask Master. You can learn other things."

"What do you want to learn?" You Fushi asked her, obviously not wanting to learn how to refine weapons.

"Learning sword skills is also possible." Ye Su said casually, "My former junior fellow apprentice is also your fifth senior brother. He is not good at refining weapons. He should be a swordsman in the future."

On the top of Jiuxuan Peak, there was only one person You Fushi hadn't seen before. He asked, "Yi Xuan?"

"It's him."

Just as Ye Su finished speaking, he seemed to hear a sneer coming from the side, but when he turned his head, he saw nothing unusual.

"Not a good swordsman." You Fushi refused, "You are poor and ugly."

Ye Su: "...There is not a single poor sword cultivator in the world of cultivation."

He didn't make any sound while hiding, and pretended not to hear anything.

Ye Su did not dwell on this matter for too long, and picked up a carving knife and said, "From now on, the spiritual fire will be the carving knife of the weapon refiner."

She gently drew a rough outline on the wood and then slowly shaved off the excess.

You Fushi had no interest in carving wood, but he was involuntarily attracted by the movements of Ye Su's hands.

Her hand holding the carving knife was very flexible. The seemingly hard wood was like a piece of soft tofu in her hand. In less than half an hour, a rough knife shape was carved out.

You Fushi had already thrown away the wood and carving knife in his hand and sat beside him, watching Ye Su carve the figure attentively.

But this mortal suddenly stopped, and You Fushi was about to look up and ask her why she didn't continue carving.

"Are you watching a trick?" Ye Su said coldly, "Pick up the carving knife and the wood."

Unlike the day when he learned to draw the Qi into the body in one go, Ye Su spent a whole day teaching You Fu how to tell the shape, and in the end he only learned how to blow his fingers.

"I can't learn it." You Fushi rubbed his fingertips and said casually, "It's OK if you can learn it."

Ye Su frowned: "I would care about you? What's the matter?"

You Fushi tilted his head: "If I want any magic weapon, I can come to you. Why should I learn it?" Isn't this mortal a weapon refiner

Ye Su suddenly remembered the purple pear gallwood that was forced upon him by his junior brother, and fell silent.

I almost forgot how rich my junior brother is.

Such people don't need to practice hard, they can just spend money on pills and reach a higher level even when lying down.

"Why did you come to Qianjimen?" Ye Su suddenly stopped and stared at You Fushi. That strange feeling had never disappeared since he came.

You Fushi was still looking at his fingers: "I can't remember clearly. I promised to come before."

These words were too vague, but Ye Su inexplicably felt that he was telling the truth.

"Big sister." Xia Er came running over from a distance, "The two magic weapons have been registered and sent over. The Hundred Youth Ranking will be changed on the 10th of next month. We will see if anyone is on the list then."

"I know." Ye Su looked back at You Fushi, "Purple pear gallwood is priceless. Just scraping off a layer can be exchanged for a lot of good magic tools."

"If you touch it, it's yours." You Fushi felt that this mortal wanted to return the ugly box to him again, so he was about to leave.

"Wait." Ye Su grabbed him and said, "I'll take the purple pear gallwood. From now on, if you want any magical tool, you can ask me to refine it."

You Fushi looked back at her. Was the ugly box finally going to be thrown away

"I personally think that I have some talent in refining equipment, and maybe I can become a great refiner in the future." Ye Su said bluntly, "The purple pear gallwood can be regarded as your bet on me."

There is no way Ye Su would not want the natural treasure like the purple pear gall wood, but it is not hers.

You Fushi's words just now enlightened her. If she could exchange the reward for a lifetime of refining equipment for the purple pear gall wood, she would still make a profit.

"No." You Fushi refused.

Ye Su was stunned, but she was not surprised: "You? If you don't want to, forget it."

You Fushi stood under a tree, half of his face hidden in the shadow. He slowly raised his eyelids and said in a lazy and gorgeous tone: "I want to be able to add more at any time."

Ye Su narrowed her eyes: Does this mean... you want to give her something else

I always feel like something is wrong.

"Okay." Ye Su agreed.

As the saying goes, fortune and honor are achieved through risk. It is worth taking any risk for the purple pear gall wood. There are many weapon refiners in the world of cultivation who want this opportunity but don't have it.

As soon as Ye Su agreed, You Fushi regarded her tattered bag as his own and began to think about what to throw into it.

"Big, big sister." Xia Er looked at the little apprentice brother who was walking away, then turned back and asked Ye Su stutteringly, "What is purple, purple pear gallwood?"

He must have heard it wrong.

"You know that purple pear gallwood." Ye Su took out the box from the Qiankun bag.

Xia Er gasped and even began to hiccup with excitement. He couldn't believe it and said, "Is this fake?"

Ye Su handed it over: "Take a closer look."

Xia Er didn't dare to take it. He stared at the box with wide eyes. After a long time, he reached out and touched it. Sure enough, the characteristics were exactly the same as described in the book.

"How did you make a box?" Xia Er smacked his lips and said with concern, "Everything inside was dug out?"

Ye Su nodded: "Probably."

Xia Er reluctantly withdrew his hand: "I actually touched a real purple pear gallwood."

The purple pear gallwood string on the junior sister's neck was only taken out for them to take a look at, and no one had the chance to touch it.

Ye Su raised her eyes and said, "Let's divide it."

"Me, me too?" Xia Er was confused.

"Everyone from Jiuxuan Peak has them." Ye Su looked down at the box and drew a line in the middle with her finger. "The remaining half will be placed in Qianji Gate and redeemed with contribution points."

The Deacon's Hall, which has been abandoned for 500 years, should be reopened.

Xia Er stared at the purple pear gallwood box in the hands of the senior sister and murmured, "I have one too."

After he finished speaking, he fainted.

Ye Su: “…”