Don’t Touch Porcelain

Chapter 66: Chapter 66


"It's just a blessing from heaven." Ye Su didn't care too much about this kind of accidental thing. Getting it didn't mean her weapon-refining ability would be improved. "But it should be able to sell for a good price."

Huang Erqian was still in shock, with the words "It's just the blessing of the Heavenly Dao" echoing in his ears. He stared at Ye Su with wide eyes, and his thin face flushed with excitement: "What do you mean it should be! Do you know how valuable a magical instrument with the blessing of the Heavenly Dao is? I tell you, this time it's a big deal!"

"Only good magic tools that you refine yourself are stable. You don't have to pin your hopes on the illusory heavenly way." Ye Su said calmly, "I'll ask you to sell it for a good price when the time comes."

"Of course." Huang Erqian was so moved that he almost cried. "At first I doubted whether you could do it. Fortunately, I agreed to let Wendong join Qianji Sect."

This is made of cold crystal mud and is also a magical tool blessed by the Heaven. He has followed the right person!

"Don't worry, I will sell it well!" Huang Erqian immediately and carefully let go of Ye Su's hand, "You must protect this hand well, this is the hand that refined the Heavenly Dao Blessing Instrument."

Ye Su: “…”

When she returned to the inn, Ye Su saw Xu Chengyu talking to a stranger in the lobby. She paused slightly and then went back to her room.

Later it was discovered that the movement of Tiandao's blessing was seen by someone with ulterior motives, but fortunately, the people outside could not see what exactly it was. Xu Chengyu stepped forward to block it, saying that it was his own sudden enlightenment that caused the strange phenomenon.

"You don't want anyone to know for the time being, so I took the initiative to block it." Xu Chengyu came back and explained.

"Thank you, Brother Xu." Ye Su thanked him. She glanced at Ma Congqiu who was standing behind her and asked, "Is Zhou Yun not back yet?"

"Still in the Five Elements Sect." Xu Chengyu said, "I wonder if Lian Lian can succeed in forming a baby."

The time of conception is uncertain and depends entirely on the individual.

Within a few days, a crescent shovel with blessings from heaven and engraved with talismans appeared out of nowhere. It was made by Master Mu Ji himself and spread throughout the world of cultivation through a public auction.

Huang Erqian was very good at creating momentum. He used the connections he had accumulated over the years and quietly found someone to use Shuohui Image to record a monk using a crescent shovel. He then posted it on a public channel and held an auction three days later to the highest bidder.

He let 'Master Mu Ji' come into the public eye again, saying that the master was not in it for money, but only wanted to give everyone a chance to get a good instrument.

Even though some people sneer at it, there are still quite a lot of people who are tempted and want to buy the crescent shovel.

Three days later, the public communication channel was almost overwhelmed with people bidding for the crescent shovel.

Ye Su originally wanted to go up and take a look, but was pushed down.

The communication jade disc is too bad.

In the end, I watched the entire auction process with the help of Xu Chengyu's communication jade disc. The starting price was 10,000 high-quality spirit stones.

As soon as it was taken out, many people felt that it was too expensive. It was just a crescent shovel. Although it had great power and was added with all kinds of messy talismans and blessings from heaven, ten thousand high-quality spirit stones were too expensive.

As a result, once the bid was called, the price went up rapidly and kept rising.

In the end, it was sold at a high price of 50,000 high-quality spirit stones by a man named Hehuan Sect's Ugly Monster.

Huang Erqian, who was standing behind him, turned pale when he saw the name. With such a straightforward name and the person who produced it, fifty thousand high-grade spirit stones, it was obvious that he must be from the Hehuan Sect.

However, he was not against money, so he accepted the bid and finally successfully concluded the contract.

The man from the Hehuan Sect was very quick. He asked for the address and came over directly with a teleportation scroll. When he saw Huang Erqian, he immediately covered his eyes in disgust and said, "Why are you here again?"

"... 50,000 Spiritual Stones." Huang Erqian stretched out his hand.

The other party threw a bag of spirit stones over: "Fifty thousand spirit stones, where is my crescent shovel?"

Huang Erqian used his spiritual sense to probe and confirmed that it was 50,000 high-quality spirit stones, so he handed the crescent shovel to the other party.

"This crescent shovel looks good. It's the first time I've seen a magical tool blessed by the heaven." The other party said just this while holding it in his hand, and then disappeared on the spot.

Huang Erqian: “…”

Forget it, as long as you have money, you are the boss.

Huang Erqian opened the spirit stone bag and looked at the spirit stones inside. He immediately swallowed his saliva. These spirit stones should have been picked by the Hehuan Sect from their own spirit veins. Each of them had a uniform and beautiful shape, and one could tell at a glance that they were full of spiritual energy.

He quickly rushed to the inn to meet Ye Su and handed the spirit stones to her: "Fifty thousand spirit stones were bought by the direct disciple of the Hehuan Sect."

Ye Su didn't expect to get the spirit stones so quickly. She took out 20,000 high-quality spirit stones and gave them to Huang Erqian: "Send 10,000 to Qianjimen, and the other 10,000 is yours."

Huang Erqian was about to take it, but stopped when he heard this and wanted to refuse: "I didn't do anything..."

"Wendong Materials Store will also be part of Qianjimen in the future." Ye Su looked at him, "Wasn't the scroll stolen? You will need spirit stones to buy materials when you stay in the materials store in the future. Use these ten thousand first. When Wendong develops, it will be easier for us to do business."

Huang Erqian was silent for a long time, then he took the spirit stone solemnly, bowed and said, "I will definitely not disappoint Master Ye."

Ye Su frowned and turned aside, helping the man up: "Not really, you and I are both from Qianji Sect."

Huang Erqian rolled his eyes, chuckled, and then shamelessly shouted, "Senior Sister Ye is right."

Ye Su: “…”

"Okay, go and do your thing. We'll be going to Wujian Sect soon." Ye Su waved his hand.

"Okay." Huang Erqian was full of energy again and left the inn in high spirits.

Ye Su still had 30,000 high-quality spirit stones in her hand. She looked down and felt that the spirit stones came too quickly.

She herself felt that the crescent shovel was not worth such a high price. Ye Su also watched the public auction. The reason why the price soared so high was because the person called "Hehuan Sect Don't Want Ugly Monster" and another anonymous person had been bidding.

At that time, Ye Su thought that the anonymous person was hired by Huang Erqian, but after asking, it turned out that it was not him.

The cost of the teleportation array was already enough, and Ye Su also took out 10,000 high-quality spirit stones and returned them to Ma Congqiu.

"A good magical weapon made by you weapon refiners is really worth a lot of money." Ma Congqiu sighed, "My 20,000 high-quality spirit stones are all saved from all these years of missions."

Ye Su smiled. This was the first time they had received so many spirit stones. In previous years, their Qianji Sect didn't even have the chance to issue tasks. After all, the sect leader had no spirit stones to distribute.

The incident with the crescent shovel has not passed.

As soon as that night passed, a piece of news spread widely in the cultivation world: Master Mu Ji was the one who killed Jin Zong.

The next morning, when Ye Su woke up, she heard many people discussing the news on the first floor of the inn.

"I knew it was someone from Zhanjin Sect. In fact, I initially suspected it was the two disciples of Zhanjin Sect."

"You're very perceptive to have suspected it so early."

"That's not right. Think about it, which weapon refiner doesn't seek fame? Only the weapon refiner of Zhanjin Sect dares to hide his identity and do good deeds."

"Heaven wishes that in the past few hundred years, only the leader of Zhanjin Sect has had this experience."

"Not only that, I heard that there are actually several powerful weapon refiners in the Zhanjin Sect who have refined weapons with the blessing of the Heavenly Dao. Some people also said that this crescent shovel is a trial weapon that the two geniuses of the Zhanjin Sect refined together."

“Is this true or false?”

"Didn't the Hehuan Sect bid for that magic weapon? They spent 50,000 high-grade spirit stones! They must have gotten some inside information in advance."

Ye Su stood in the corridor, listening to the discussions downstairs, her face rarely looked gloomy.

The author has something to say: See you tomorrow!

Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or gave me nutrient solution during 2021-10-13 20:49:02~2021-10-14 00:08:46~

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: Xiaomizhou, Liupiaoxu, hao, a heavy lover of romance, and 1 concubine;

Thanks to the little angels who filled the nutrient solution: Yansheng 40 bottles; waiting 35 bottles; yoyo666, Xuezhizi 30 bottles; ah ah Shuang, lazy, spend a long time with cats, Qinghuandu, soft lantern against cats, kenchen, 2046, grapefruit, Mao Shiqi, Xiaowei v 20 bottles; mm0710, Fusu Youshan, is it today?, every exam must pass, happyreader, 31770645, Chenfu attack Laos, please call me scum, Jiangyuan, rui, paper Yinyun, nicole, 18852082 10 bottles; twenty-nine, breeze comes 9 bottles; savior, 31915469 7 bottles; smart as me 6 bottles; the breeder of the big hair family, white, Nanmu, what to do with greed, 38334729, trustyourself, sleepy, little rotten raccoon, kathy 5 bottles; Cute Little Princess, Erha's Foodie, Baomucao Xiyang 3 bottles; Second Circle, wqbudaoweng, ice, 41754241 2 bottles; Di~ Student Card, Corn is Not Silly, 3t Sugar Soup, Spider Web Signal is Bad, vole, Xiaobai~Meow, Don't Let Me Down, je, It's Really Happy to Be a Salted Fish, Simuheng, Ming, Xiaoxiao, Wishful Thinking, 36969623, It's Cat Cake, Baicao, Recurring Decimal, Summer Sunset 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work hard.