Don’t Wait for Your Boyfriend in the Crematorium

Chapter 52: Medical miracle


Originally, after the villain Yan Huan was eliminated, the halo should have been completely weakened, but because Jiang Qingyue was too soft-hearted, she told Ren Shuhan in advance, tell Yan Huan, now Yan Huan has no signs of being blackened, so the effect is half weaker.

But Ren Shuhan's shielding range can already cover the city.

So when Shi Xi called Ren Shuhan later, Ren Shuhan said, "You must want to enter this circle. I can introduce you to a friend's company in another city."

At that time, Shi Xi will still be able to enjoy the protagonist's halo for two more days, which will last for about half a month. By then, Ren Shuhan's system will be completely updated, and this period will be enough for Shi Xi to develop his career.

If he doesn't salt fish like his original owner, he can use this time to work hard.

This is a small compensation from Ren Shuhan to him.

Because to be honest, Shi Xi is different from other protagonists. He is the protagonist who Ren Shuhan has the least contact with, and he doesn't even say a few words.

Shi Xi just wanted to play the plot, but he was beaten twice in a row, and he also suffered a certain blow in his heart. In Ren Shuhan's view, he was just a child, so he wouldn't really eat the jealousy of him and Qingyue. a bit.

But Shi Xi refused.

"I don't want to leave here, I just love this city."

Shi Xi called Ren Shuhan after calming down for a week after being slapped by Yan Huan. Before that, he had called Yan Huan several times, but it didn't work. He confirmed that he had been blocked. foggy water.

A man's mouth, a liar.

He suspected that Ren Shuhan was threatening Yan Huan secretly, because he really couldn't think of any other reason, but no matter how long he waited, Ren Shuhan would not take the initiative to contact him. He couldn't hold his breath and decided to take the initiative to attack. This call.

Shi Xi thought about it carefully. Although he is just an ordinary transmigrator, he must have abilities that others do not have. After all, he is the protagonist.

"I want to stay in this city, preferably by your side," Shi Xi said, "Just be an ordinary little actor."

Ren Shuhan: "..."

This is so awkward.

"I'm sorry," Ren Shuhan said bluntly, "It's too strange for you to say that, I already have a boyfriend."

Shi Xi was shocked.

Although he just said something ambiguous, he didn't mean to confess, he just wanted to make Ren Shuhan misunderstand, but he didn't expect to be exposed by Ren Shuhan, but the point is—


The protagonist is unclean!

Although Shi Xi himself is ambiguous with many men, in turn, his requirements for these men are still very strict.

They can't have an ambiguous partner, let alone an ex, and they can't hook up with others. They must concentrate on liking themselves wholeheartedly, not to mention the protagonist's attack.

Shi Xi gradually changed from shock to nausea, and finally to anger: "Who are you with?"

Ren Shuhan: "...Is it related to you?"

Shi Xi was speechless for a long time.

Ren Shuhan was leaning on the sofa, and Jiang Qingyue was lying on his lap to watch TV. He brushed Jiang Qingyue's hair with his hands, very leisurely. Be patient and continue to persuade Shi Xi.

"Shi Xi, you're not too young, you shouldn't be confused about this kind of thing, right? Do you have anything to do with me? No. How many times have you met me? How many times have we spoken? Why should I like you? "

Ren Shuhan said it very euphemistically, but when Shi Xi heard it, it was very harsh.

There are many people who like me, why should I chase you? What is special about you

In fact, Ren Shuhan thought so too.

do you have freestyle

It's no use, it's none of my business.

"My boyfriend and I have a very good relationship. I'll treat your phone call today as if you haven't called me, and don't call me again in the future. That's it."

Ren Shuhan said that he was about to hang up, and Shi Xi showed his trump card.

"and many more!"

Shi Xi said anxiously, "Isn't your lower body incapacitated? I have a way to make you stand up."

Ren Shuhan paused before asking, "What can I do?"

"You let me be by your side, you'll know after a long time," Shi Xi had nothing to do, but he was the protagonist Gong Shou, as long as he stayed by the protagonist Gong's side and took care of the protagonist Gong, it wouldn't take long for the protagonist Gong to be fine. "I didn't lie to you. If you don't believe me, just try it and you won't waste anything."

Ren Shuhan asked again: "I have a boyfriend, do you think it's appropriate to put someone like you by my side?"

Shi Xi said confidently: "For your legs, what's inappropriate? I don't like you, so don't be too narcissistic."

Ren Shuhan smiled: "Then what's your price?"

Shi Xi doubled the treatment Yan Huan had given him: "And you have to follow me all the time, I need to massage your legs."

Jiang Qingyue sat up vigilantly.

"It's too expensive," Ren Shuhan smiled and patted the back of Jiang Qingyue's head, "Forget it, the doctor I'm looking for is much cheaper than you, and the most important thing is that they belong to a regular hospital. certificate to work.”

Shi Xi: "… "

Damn, it's like I'm a liar!

Shi Xi was dying of anger.

"For your health, don't you even dare to try this? It turns out that you are not as decisive as the rumors, you are just a coward." He was so angry that he used his roommate's dialect, "Baba!"

"...Thank you for the compliment," Ren Shuhan thought, afraid that my wife would show me that I love my wife, and there's nothing wrong with me. "Anyway, don't bother me."

In fact, Ren Shuhan's legs will be healed soon.

When the aura is weak, he can stand up naturally, but recently he has to perform in front of other people step by step.

He just wanted to test Shi Xi.

The system has already analyzed that Shi Xi wanted to have a relationship with him while he was by his side, so as to attract him and let him dump his current boyfriend and chase him instead.

Hehe, I dare to think about it.

Ren Shuhan felt that this kind of person was not worth helping, and asked the system to block Shi Xi directly, so that he would never meet him again. After cleaning up this tail, he could continue to enjoy life.

Although his shielding range has long since become larger, the distance between the chains on Jiang Qingyue's collar has been stopped at 20 meters long. The two of them didn't mention it at the same time. Seeing all shouting perverted.

But everyone just shouted in their hearts.

The rich and powerful are the bosses, and the bosses show affection, can you say no? I can only endure it. Anyway, it is eye-catching. I can imagine it every day. Maybe I can dream of my beautiful love when I fall asleep.

The most sour of these people is the first dew.

He used to really like Jiang Qingyue, but now he is not so fanatical about Jiang Qingyue, but he still has a good impression, and the more he looks, the more he feels that he actually likes Ren Shuhan more.

This is probably the trouble of Gemini. Chulu feels that only children make choices, and adults want it.

In the last world, Chulu liked Ren Shuhan. Although his memory was not bound, the system said that this was the initial value set by others. Ren Shuhan couldn't change it. He could only lead his wife and stay away together. He, anyway, this made Chulu even more depressed.

Hey, I can only think about it, the US attack and the handsome attack do not belong to me.

"The only thing that belongs to me is this damn career." Chulu often complained to her classmates.

"You didn't catch Jiang Qingyue?" The classmates were curious.

"No," Chulu put it down now and confessed to everyone, "Actually, I never chased him."

"Ah?" The classmates expressed surprise, "Then how did you get to Jiang Qingyue's third uncle's company?"

"His third uncle's company signed me, what does it have to do with him?" Chulu shrugged, "Qu Chong also has a company with me, does he have something to do with Jiang Qingyue?"

Qu Chong's classmates all know that he has a high emotional intelligence and is very popular. It is impossible for him to do such a thing.

So everyone was a little bit yin and yang: "Oh, Shi Xi always said that you got up because of his ex, so I said that his ex was so good to him, if he can help you, he will definitely help him, he doesn't know how to cherish it. , How hard is it to find a job now, I heard that he hasn't landed yet."

"Oh, it's past tense to be nice to him," Chulu sneered, "Now Brother Jiang's boyfriend is amazing. He and Shi Xi are in the same sky and the ground. I guess he even forgot who Shi Xi was."

"Ah, do you have a new love so soon?"

"It's not so much a new love, it's a reunion," Chulu said melancholy, "The two of them have been in a relationship for many years. According to my analysis, Brother Jiang was with Shi Xi halfway through, probably trying to use Shi Xi to stimulate him. Now this - Shi Xi said that he didn't care about Brother Jiang, and it's very likely that Brother Jiang didn't care about him either."

The students were stunned when they heard the gossip.

"So complicated?"

"The predecessor of Shi Xi was as scumbag as Shi Xi, don't tell anyone."

"Why is it scum? I also want such a scumbag ex. I invite you to eat and drink every day, buy whatever you want, and get along with each other as pure as a girlfriend..."

"Don't tell me, Shi Xi's predecessor's appearance makes me greedy after seeing it. I hope he can give me a relationship that doesn't require a pure relationship."

"To put it bluntly, Shi Xi doesn't know how to cherish it. Brother Jiang also invited us to dinner. What a wonderful person."

"But why does he want to stimulate him now? Who is it? Say it and see if you have heard of it?"

Chulu shook his head: "I'm afraid my job won't be guaranteed if you say it."

"Damn it," someone guessed immediately, "it won't be his three..."

"Shh!" Chulu went mad, "You Holmes! Don't gossip about my boss for me, or I'll be finished."

Of course everyone nodded in agreement, but it was impossible not to speak out.

Moreover, Ren Shuhan and Jiang Qingyue are both celebrities. It can be seen that they are relatively low-key and rarely seen in newspapers, so...

Shi Xi knew that they were together a long time after graduation.

Shi Xi's own conditions are good, and he won't find a job, but he is too arrogant and lazy. He stays in a place for a long time, and he has changed two places within half a year of graduation. He doesn't earn much, and his family pays back rent , and without the protagonist's halo, I don't eat any more and don't get fat. The salted fish has been salty for a long time. I have gained a lot of weight in the two months without the company's control of food intake. Lost.

The family was also not satisfied with him and stopped supporting him.

Shi Xi had to find a part-time job in a hotel first. The appearance of a doorman was more than enough and the salary was high, but he was afraid of running into someone he knew before, so he chose to go to the private room to be a more tired waiter. He complained every day and almost became depressed.

Fortunately, this store is very luxurious and only serves members. He will never be found in his current embarrassment by his former classmates.

But one day he saw someone he didn't want to see.

There was a reception in the hall that day. Jiang Qingyue pushed Ren Shuhan, stood in the middle, tapped the cup and said, "Everyone, I have something important to announce."

Shi Xi squatted in the corner and couldn't see anyone, but could only hear someone shouting in the middle: "My God! This is a medical miracle!"