Don’t Wait for Your Boyfriend in the Crematorium

Chapter 53: rebirth


In the cheers, Ren Shuhan showed an embarrassed but polite smile, and waved his hands in all directions: "...Thank you, thank you everyone."

He paved the way for several months, and today he was finally able to stand up confidently. The response from the business people at the banquet was very intense, the applause was continuous, and many who could perform were even moved to tears, quite a kind of "Emperor, old minister died. And no regrets." The feeling made Ren Shuhan speechless.

Sit down, all sit down, normal operation!

Even though Jiang Qingyue knew that he was fine, she was very happy. She helped him walk around the hall slowly, and then pushed him to the small balcony on the second floor to bask in the moon.

"The weather is fine today, too," he said, wrapping his arms around Ren Shuhan's waist and burying it in his chest. "You can see the constellations."

No one was around, Ren Shuhan kept standing, half leaning on the railing, stroking Jiang Qingyue's hair with one hand, looking at the sky and thinking, now that the plot is over, we must cherish the next honeymoon, otherwise I don't know when it will start I have to wear books again, and I don’t know what the next world will be like.

Thinking about it, he suddenly felt that the fabric on the shoulders of his shirt was a little wet.

"Baby is sad?" Ren Shuhan stroked his neck and ears, comforting him, "It's all over, I don't even feel it."

"No, I was just infected by the atmosphere just now," Jiang Qingyue rubbed on his shoulder and said, "You know, I didn't cry on the day of your accident, I was strong."

Because if you want to be someone you can rely on, you can't just rely on him.

Ren Shuhan has memories of the ABO world, and he doesn't remember the past as deeply as he did, so he kissed his cheek in distress.

He was about to say something when the system suddenly said: "It has been detected that the protagonist of this world is about to collapse completely due to the halo, and the safety factor has been greatly improved. The mall has added the latest additional reward 'trial rebirth pack', you can restart the system and start the experience. ."

Halo about to collapse

It was the first time that Ren Shuhan had encountered such a situation.

In the first two worlds, he kept the firewall on all the time. Could it be because the aura of this world is strong and the protagonist is weak, so he is prone to psychological collapse

"Restart," Ren Shuhan thought. If the halo is gone, it doesn't matter if the system is turned off for a while. "But I need to think about the experience of rebirth."

Then the system reminded before closing: "The protagonist is approaching, please be careful of the host."

Ren Shuhan: "..."

But there is nothing scary about Shi Xi now, just come.

It's just too coincidental.

Shi Xi felt the same way.

The news that Ren Shuhan and Jiang Qingyue were together was actually not kept secret by anyone, and all the new students knew it, but they were all younger than Shi Xi, and Qu Chong was too late to hide, so it was impossible to take the initiative to say so. Coincidentally, it never reached Shi Xi's ears.

Later, when Shi Xi graduated, he didn't have any contact with his past classmates, let alone.

But some messages are like remote controls and keys, you can't find them when you need them, and they will pop out suddenly when you don't need them, making your heart tiring.

Today, when Shi Xi heard Jiang Qingyue's voice, she found a place to tidy up her appearance to make herself look pitiful, and moved her heart to reunite with Jiang Qingyue.

Although Jiang Qingyue is scumbag, but after all, she has never done anything wrong to him, and the outdated big-name clothes and shoes he wears every day are all bought by Jiang Qingyue when he was with Jiang Qingyue, but unfortunately the two of them are in In the few years we were together, Shi Xi was at the age of growing taller and fatter. As a result, there are only a few pieces left to wear. Everything else is sold second-hand. There are only a few of him, and it is secretly rumored that he has been nurtured before...

It's annoying.

So Shi Xi thought, it's okay to be with Jiang Qingyue again, even if he doesn't like him, it's okay to spend some of his money.

And Shi Xi is willing to suffer this grievance mainly because he has no spare tire now.

I don't know since when, those fish and fish that he had been keeping and didn't care about suddenly swam away. One or two were too busy to die. They didn't answer his calls and avoided him. The little wolf dog's roommate lent it to him before. He has a lot of money, and now he doesn't even want it, and he doesn't reply to his news, it's really outrageous.

Maybe, only Jiang Qingyue really loves her deeply...

Shi Xi also disliked it, but there was nothing he could do.

But just as he was mentally prepared, he wanted to step forward to hint Jiang Qingyue, but found that Jiang Qingyue was still pushing Ren Shuhan.

Then, before Shi Xi could think, Ren Shuhan actually stood up!

Shi Xi's whole person is not good. Ever since he was rejected by Ren Shuhan, he has hated Ren Shuhan very much.

It was because of this thought that Toshi Xi's mind could barely maintain a balance.

But now Ren Shuhan has stood up

How can he

No... Without me, he couldn't stand up. Shi Xi repeatedly said to himself, even if this crippled man can walk now, he is pretending. …

That's right, and he definitely won't be able to become a real man again.

Shi Xi had mixed feelings in her heart, and she was afraid that she would be distracted, so she used her identity as an insider to secretly follow him all the way to the balcony on the second floor, and peeked from behind a curtain.

Cruelly, this time, he actually found that Ren Shuhan was standing very naturally, just like a normal person. He was obviously pretending to be staggering downstairs just now. Jiang Qingyue was still leaning on Ren Shuhan's shoulder, and Ren Shuhan also without any shaking...

Wait, Jiang Qingyue is leaning on his shoulder? ?

Shi Xi's jaw almost dropped in shock.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Ren Shuhan lift Jiang Qingyue's chin, hug him and kiss him, slowly pressing him on the railing, and squeeze one leg into him...

What the hell!

Shi Xi opened the curtain and rushed in: I won't allow it!

Both of you are fish raised by this sea king, what are you doing now!

Jiang Qingyue was startled, and her whole body trembled violently. If there was a tail, all the hairs on the tail would have exploded. She pushed Ren Shuhan away with all her might, but didn't.

Wife, this is too cute... Ren Shuhan wanted to laugh, but felt sorry for him, and blamed himself for being too careless. How can I scare my wife.

Because if the system hadn't just shut down and Shi Xi was still on the blacklist, logically speaking, he wouldn't have appeared. He blamed himself for being too careless and accustomed to the blacklist function.

Ren Shuhan hugged Jiang Qingyue tightly and kept stroking his back along the hair. Jiang Qingyue was quickly appeased, grabbed his shirt, and stared at Shi Xi blankly.

"You, you, you..."

Shi Xi pointed at them, stuck for a long time, there were too many slots, and he didn't know what to say.

What shocked him the most was that he just saw that these two people were a little emotional, and Ren Shuhan was probably a normal man.

Without himself, Ren Shuhan lived a good life. He was rich, famous, powerful, healthy, and when he was with the person he loved, so did Jiang Qingyue. Shi Xi suddenly felt a chill all over his body.

"Why are you here?" Jiang Qingyue said proactively, "You peeped at us?"

"You still blame me?" Shi Xi pointed at Jiang Qingyue angrily and asked, "How could you get together with your third uncle! Do you still have morals?"

"What happened to us together?" Ren Shuhan took a step forward and protected Jiang Qingyue behind him, "We are not related, what's your business?"

By the way, Shi Xi only remembered now that they were just family friends.

The two people stood together, dressed and looked the same, and the scene when they just kissed was very harmonious, just like a loving couple who have been together for a long time.

Like, it's none of his business.

"I've already called the security," Ren Shuhan said, "please leave now."

In such a hotel, even if the security did not come, there are many other waiters who came in as soon as they heard the sound. Just now, I thought that Shi Xi was providing services such as meal delivery and did not stop him, but now they have stepped forward to stop him. time tidal.

"Let go of me!" Shi Xi has gone crazy, "Why! Why are you two together, Jiang Qingyue, you are my ex!"

"Shi Xi, are you crazy?" a waiter who knew him whispered, "Do you still know that he is your ex? Can you control who your ex is with? Let's go, don't be ashamed!"

Soon the supervisor came too, bowing to both of them and apologizing.

"It's okay," Ren Shuhan said indifferently, "you don't need to apologize, it's not your problem, you've worked hard with this lunatic."

The supervisor turned back and reprimanded Shi Xi: "You still haven't apologized to others!"

Shi Xi had stopped struggling, looked at Ren Shuhan and murmured: "You shouldn't like other people, you should like me, you have to apologize to me, just like me."

Both of you should go to the Wife Chase crematorium.

The supervisor's face turned green: "Do you know who he is! You... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, this person has a problem with his brain, and we will definitely screen people strictly in the future."

Ren Shuhan waved his hand and said that it didn't matter, he didn't even want a wheelchair, and hurriedly took Jiang Qingyue to go.

Shi Xi looked at Ren Shuhan's fast-paced back, suddenly thought of another question, and shouted to Jiang Qingyue, "He's not a man anymore, he can't be humane! You still want to be with him?"

Ren Shuhan stopped and looked back at Shi Xi for the last time.

"If you can't be human, then you're not a man? As a man, do you have nothing but that stuff?" Ren Shuhan smiled lightly, "Besides, who said I couldn't be human?"

Shi Xi was completely dumbfounded.

Ren Shuhan left, Shi Xi was pressed by his colleague and walked in the opposite direction, listening to his colleague's rebuke:

"Your brain is crowded by the door? It's too perverted to go after people suddenly!"

"You are fired, and the liquidated damages will be compensated according to the provisions of the contract. Prepare yourself mentally in advance."

"Do you know who you offended today? How much damage this has to do to us."

"That's your ex? Didn't you say that you didn't like your ex at all, why did you make trouble with him, like a resentful woman?"

Yes, Shi Xi thought, I obviously don't like him.

He should like me, he should be entangled with me, why did he change

"I didn't expect him to become like this now." On the other side, Jiang Qingyue couldn't help but sigh, "Why bother so much."

Ren Shuhan couldn't understand either, he felt that the protagonists in these worlds were more paranoid than him.

Although in this world, he used to be very paranoid.

"Then do you have anything to worry about?" Ren Shuhan asked, "Want to go back to the past?"

Jiang Qingyue was stunned for a moment: "Is it okay?"