Don’t Wait for Your Boyfriend in the Crematorium

Chapter 56: You have to get dressed


After some friendly exchanges with unclear articulation, Ren Shuhan knew his situation and informed Jiang Qingyue of his life experience without reservation.

His grandfather was the famous general Lu in the Star Alliance. His father was the youngest child of the Lu family. After giving birth to him, he naturally took his mother's surname, which is Ren, so General Lu was so angry that he severed the father-son relationship with his younger son, which made Ren Shuhan's father a joke of the interstellar people.

But Ren Shuhan's parents are both artistic, and their work is adventure activities such as exploring and developing new planets.

It just didn't occur to me that a few months earlier this year, the couple suddenly disappeared during an interstellar trip, and the whereabouts of the entire spacecraft were unknown.

After General Lu heard about it, the first thing he did was to fight for the custody of Ren Shuhan, forcibly get him from his grandparents' house, so that he could raise it by himself, and transfer his love for his younger son to his grandson, which greatly helped him. Cultivate the posture of the heir.

This time, Ren Shuhan's uncles and elder brothers were naturally dissatisfied and began to go the wrong way. On the way back to Lu's house, Ren Shuhan was tied into the small escape pod of the spacecraft and flew to the place where his parents' spacecraft disappeared. Disappeared.

On the surface, it seems that Ren Shuhan was young and ignorant and wanted to find his parents alone, but in fact he was murdered.

Fortunately, Ren Shuhan was fine. His escape pod was lucky enough to pass through the space wormhole and fell into the depths of the ocean on this planet. Xiao Jiang Qingyue found him and brought him to the shore from the escape pod.

"What a pity!" Xiao Jiang Qingyue heard tears, and hugged him pitifully, "Don't cry, don't cry."

Ren Shuhan accepted the hug with a blushing face, rubbed his dirty little hands on his clothes, and wiped the corners of his eyes: "I didn't cry, don't cry."

This is an unnamed planet. Because it is hidden inside a wormhole, it has not been explored by the Interstellar Alliance. It is in the early stage of civilization. The surface of the planet is basically covered by sea water, with only scattered islands.

Mermaids are the only intelligent species here, but they live like primitive people without even clothes.

As for humans, they are only legendary species that occasionally fall from the sky like meteorites, live in strange black hard shells, and are almost dead when they come here.

"In other words, are there still humans?" Ren Shuhan asked, "Will my parents be here too?"

"I've never heard of it," Jiang Qingyue shook her head, "maybe in the restricted area?"

Although this planet is all sea and mermaids can dive into the bottom of the sea, they all live in shallow sea areas and are close to the archipelago, because the fruits on the island are better than the small fish and shrimp in the sea, and they can make a fire to eat cooked food, which is also safer, so Mermaids near the tropics never leave their permanent residence, and the deep sea is their restricted area.

The restricted area is quite large, and we can only talk about it later.

At this time, Ren Shuhan suddenly heard an electronic voice: "It is detected that the host's parents are on this planet, but they are far apart and the host is young, so long-distance sailing is not recommended."

"Huh?" Xiao Ren Shuhan said in surprise, "Did you hear anything?"

Xiaojiang Qingyue shook her head like a rattle.

"It must be my light brain," Ren Shuhan said in surprise, "I'm so lucky, not only is I fine, but the light brain is fine too!"

The optical brain is a necessary portable electronic device for the Star Alliance people. Like a watch or a chip implanted in the body, it comes with functions such as artificial intelligence and space storage.

The system didn't explain it any further. After all, the host is young now, so it's easier to understand if he mistakenly thinks of himself as a brainless brain.

"It is recommended that you directly invest in the marine equipment for your parents' location, and it is expected that your parents will set off to find you within ten days."

Can it still be like this

Xiao Ren Shuhan nodded again and again: "Mmmm!"

He explained to Jiang Qingyue about Guangnao and his parents, Xiao Jiang Qingyue lowered her head and pointed her fingers: "Then, when they come back, will you fly away?"

Then he violated the teachings of the big mermaids and risked a lot of danger to secretly pick up the good-looking little brother from the big hard shell. Can't he play with him

"I will play with you for a while before leaving, or will you come back to my house with me to play in the future?"

Ren Shuhan was also reluctant to bear his beautiful sister.

"Well," Jiang Qingyue nodded, "I'm afraid my mother would disagree. The mermaids like to pick up fruits on the island during the day. Your spaceship smashed a large part of the island and reefs when you arrived, and they don't like you."

Ren Shuhan took his hand and said, "I'm going to see them with you, and I'll beg for mercy."

Jiang Qingyue shook her head, hugged her little fish tail, and shook her hand: "No, I'm afraid."

He is not afraid of his parents training him, because he is so cute and favored, but mermaids are very protective creatures, with wild instincts, he is afraid that the big mermaids will hurt Xiao Ren Shuhan.

Ren Shuhan thought for a while: "But I don't have anything right now. I need to ask the adults what they want to eat, otherwise I will starve to death."

Xiaojiang Qingyue patted Bai Nen's little chest: "I'll help you hunt, and I'll raise you."

Ren Shuhan: ...Little sister, you don't even have any clothes.

Jiang Qingyue saw the helplessness in his eyes, jumped into the sea, and caught a large number of small fish in the shoal in minutes, took a handful of water in his arms like magic, and sprinkled his brain on the beach. .

"Well, I'm so tired!"

"Wow!" Ren Shuhan applauded the venue, then took out a bag of plastic-wrapped biscuits from the system mall out of thin air and handed it to Jiang Qingyue, "But Guangnao just told me that there is also something to eat in my space, give you a taste. taste."

Jiang Qingyue's sense of pride disappeared instantly.

He didn't know how to unpack the package, and he didn't open it after fiddling with it. He took a sullen bite of the biscuits in Ren Shuhan's hand, and instantly opened his eyes.

"Hmm! Mmmmm!"

Xiao Jiang Qingyue put the biscuits in her mouth, didn't swallow it, and couldn't speak. She used to lie on the beach like a little seal, but now she suddenly raised her upper body with her arms, and the fish tail kept flapping, like a quilt. Feeding puppy.

So cute, Ren Shuhan squeezed his heart and gave him another bite.

"Eat them all. I just discovered that there are countless things to eat in my space, and we can't finish them for hundreds of years."

Jiang Qingyue swallowed it, her eyes were shining, and she asked, "What is this?"

"Chocolate-filled soft biscuits," Ren Shuhan said a word he couldn't understand, "I have a lot of other things, you wait."

Ren Shuhan squatted down and took out the same, each brand and flavor of snacks only took out the same, and finally took out a small mountain bun.

After a while, Jiang Qingyue skillfully tore open a bag of yogurt jelly with her small fangs and said, "Don't dig it out, we'll be discovered if there is more."

Ren Shuhan thinks so too, the point is...

"You can't eat it anymore," he touched Jiang Qing's full moon belly. "The adults said that eating too many cool snacks will cause stomach upsets."

"It's okay, I rarely eat hot food," Jiang Qingyue also touched her stomach, "but I really can't eat it."

Because it is difficult to make fire, for sustainable development, the plants on the island are not enough to keep burning, so the mermaids cherish the fire very much, and the roasted things are reserved for the more vulnerable cubs to eat, and the adult mermaids often eat small fish raw Shrimp, not to mention heated to eat.

Ren Shuhan felt that he was so pitiful.

"Then take this," he took out a lighter from the system store, "for your big mermaid, just press the switch and you can light it at any time."

Xiaojiang Qingyue took it over, studied it, and decided to send it to the big mermaids now.

"You can't use it yourself," Ren Shuhan tapped his forehead, "Children can't play with fire."

Jiang Qingyue nodded, he also knew this.

"Wait," before he jumped back into the sea, Ren Shuhan stopped him and said, "You're like this... um, shy."

Jiang Qingyue tilted her head: "?"

"Do you know clothes?" Ren Shuhan blushed and tugged at his dirty T-shirt, "You are a little girl, and you need to wear clothes."

Jiang Qingyue didn't understand: "What is clothes? I thought it was your skin."

Ren Shuhan: ... that's a little scary.

He took out a small pink skirt full of lace from the space button and put it on Jiang Qingyue.

"Reach out, lift up, yes, that's it, you have to wear clothes in the future," Ren Shuhan said, "I have a lot of them here, any style you like."

Jiang Qingyue went crazy with joy, and the speed of the fish tail flapping became faster and faster: "God, how can the clothes look so good, do I look good?"

"... Looks good." Ren Shuhan was shy, and his ears burned uncomfortably. He turned his head but couldn't help but look at him. He liked it and felt distressed, "I'll give you more, you can give it to the big mermaids."

It would be a bit bad if we met in the future without everyone wearing any clothes.

"No," Xiao Jiang Qingyue was very cautious, although she was reluctant to give up, but her mind was clear, "I took back one or two things, which can only be said to be picked up, but too much is too fake, the mermaids will know. "

"Alright then," Ren Shuhan tugged at the edge of his little skirt regretfully, "then you come back early, I have other fun things, let's do it together."

"Well," Jiang Qingyue nodded heavily, "Let's play together after I come back."

So many goodies, sure to have a lot of fun.

Ren Shuhan nodded and waved to him.

"By the way," Jiang Qingyue twisted into the shoal and was about to plunge into the water. Suddenly, she remembered something and turned to ask him, "What do you mean by the little girl you just said?"

"It's... um," Xiao Ren Shuhan didn't know how to explain, "When you grow up in the future, you will be a mother."

"Oh, no," Jiang Qingyue shook her head and left, "I'm a male cub."


So cute, is he a brother? Ren Shuhan squatted down and covered his face, feeling that he was embarrassed, and he must explain it to him when his brother came back.

Unexpectedly, he waited for a whole day, and it was not until night that Jiang Qingyue sneaked out again.