Don’t Wait for Your Boyfriend in the Crematorium

Chapter 57: True love kiss


It was the first time for Xiaojiang Qingyue to sneak out of the house at night, because the big mermaids said that it was very dangerous at night, and the little fish must not go out, so he was also very scared.

But when he thought that Xiao Ren Shuhan was also a cub in the wild, he thought, no, he was going to accompany his little brother.

And the little brother has food and a lot of good things. He looks very reliable. It shouldn't be dangerous to be with him, right

From a distance, he saw Ren Shuhan waving at him and whispered, "Kiss!"

The little brother is better-looking and gentler than other little mermaids of the same age. He doesn't always like to play and tease people like them. Instead, he is very mature and makes people feel very secure. When he sees the little brother, Jiang Qingyue is a little bit more. Not afraid anymore.

Today, Jiang Qingyue brought the lighter and clothes back to the tribe and was questioned by the mermaids for a whole day. They were afraid that he had approached the newly fallen "meteorite" without authorization, but he insisted that he came from the sand on the beach. It was dug out, didn't you see that the lace of the clothes was broken with holes

Because he has always been obedient and sensible, the mermaids no longer doubt him, so it is even more unexpected that he would dare to sneak out at night.

Ren Shuhan also understood that he would be questioned. He was bored by being alone during the day, so he explored the system and talked with "Guangnao", and found that "Guangnao" seemed to be smarter than before. There are also many useful resources in Space New. s things.

When he was at home, adults helped to clean up these things, so he didn't know what was supposed to be in it, and now he doesn't feel strange.

The system has also considered a lot for him, avoiding his exposure, not building a house for him at once, and only providing some useful things.

Enough for him to show off with Jiang Qingyue.

"I'm all ready." In the evening, Ren Shuhan showed Jiang Qingyue his small tent, with a latex mattress and two soft quilts inside, "Let's sleep here tonight, you still eat Anything else, I have all the toiletries ready."

Xiaojiang Qingyue hesitated a little: "Ah? Am I going to sleep here? If I can't get up tomorrow morning, will the big mermaids find me?"

"It's okay," Ren Shuhan took out the alarm clock, "I set the time."

Jiang Qingyue was relieved, and lay down with him in the small tent, excitedly took off her wet skirt, wiped herself dry, rolled in two circles, and wrapped herself into a small roll with the quilt Son.

Seeing him having fun, Ren Shuhan was still pushing him to help him roll, bringing him milk, and other things like building blocks and puzzles. to be quiet.

Because the sea water on this beach is very clean, after playing tired and resting for a while, Ren Shuhan picked up Jiang Qingyue, who was much younger than himself, and took him to wash by a small river on the shore that flows underground.

The mermaids don't even have an electric toothbrush, they don't even have a toothbrush, they all brush their teeth with some kind of special blade of grass. Jiang Qingyue is young and adaptable. Once he has used the things prepared by Ren Shuhan, he likes it very much. After taking a shower, I cleaned myself up, and tried a hairdryer. For the first time, I felt the feeling of dry and loose hair, and then I was carried back to the small tent by Ren Shuhan.

"By the way, you don't have water, will you be uncomfortable?" Ren Shuhan noticed how inconvenient he was on the shore, "I can put a bathtub here and you sleep in it."

Jiang Qingyue didn't know what a bathtub was, and shook her head: "I don't need water. When I grow up, I will become like you, and I can walk, run, and jump."

Ren Shuhan was surprised: "Will the tail turn into a leg?"

"Yes," Jiang Qingyue said, looking at his legs, "can I touch yours?"

Ren Shuhan touched him, and a pair of white and tender hands gently rubbed on his knees, soft.

"Wow, natural legs, so convenient!"

"Fishtail is convenient, right?" Ren Shuhan envied him even more, "Can you change at will in the future?"

"Well," Jiang Qingyue nodded proudly, "I'll touch mine too."

Ren Shuhan touched his tail along the scales of the fish. The scales were small and soft, with a smooth and delicate touch. When he touched the scales against the scales, he would make a "hum" sound like a kitten, and sometimes he would laugh.

"Why can you change when you grow up?"

Although the fish tail is also beautiful, Ren Shuhan still has a lot of fun and needs to play with him on the shore. He acts like a little seal on the shore. Although he is cute, it is a bit laborious.

And he can be in the water, but he can't go into the water himself, and it's not interesting to only swim, resulting in a very limited range of activities for the two of them, confined to the beach close to the coastline.

"I don't know either," Jiang Qingyue rubbed her face with the quilt. It was the first time he came into contact with something as comfortable as a quilt and a mattress. You'll know when you grow up."

"Hey," Ren Shuhan sighed, "If only I had fish tails like you."

Jiang Qingyue blinked: "Do you want to go to the sea to play?"

Ren Shuhan nodded: "I swim very well, and I can hold my breath for a long time, but my family says I'm too young to dive, otherwise it would be fun to go to sea with you."

"Actually..." Jiang Qingyue covered her face with a quilt and hesitated for a while before she said, "I have heard of a way."

"What way?" Ren Shuhan lifted his quilt, afraid that he would cover himself.

"There is a legend about our mermaid, which was told by the big mermaids. I accidentally overheard it once," Jiang Qingyue blushed and said with a "shhh", "Don't tell anyone else."

Of course Ren Shuhan wouldn't say it, he didn't know any other mermaid.

Xiaojiang Qingyue gathered up her courage and said, "It is said that the kiss of true love between a mermaid and a human can turn a person into a mermaid."

The civilization here is in the early stage, and the planet does not even have a name, but the daily life of the mermaids is still very rich, mainly because the mermaid tribe where Jiang Qingyue is located is in the subtropical zone, with abundant food and safe seas. In Ren Shuhan’s view It's like a holiday island, so there are also family names and other distinctions, there are words, and naturally there are stories.

And it is said that the earliest characters of the mermaids were learned from humans, so Ren Shuhan was able to communicate with Jiang Qingyue without obstacles.

The legend of the kiss of true love is the same as the bedtime stories told to children in the Interstellar Alliance, but it has become an adult version here, which probably means that one day a meteorite fell from the sky, and in the stone lived a man without a fish tail, who would not The human being who was swimming, the kind-hearted mermaid rescued the comatose human being, the human being taught him language and writing, and soon they fell in love.

Humans who were originally unable to swim became like fish after receiving the kiss of true love from a mermaid and could breathe in the water.

This story is too old, the tribe has not seen a human for many years, so Jiang Qingyue is not sure if it is true or not.

"Or let's try?" Ren Shuhan suggested.

Jiang Qingyue didn't answer, and shyly "tweeted" on his side face.

"Let's try it in the sea tomorrow?" Jiang Qingyue quickly pulled up the quilt, covered her face and said, "The water is cold at night, you are very fragile."

"Well," Ren Shuhan has always been a strong child, but after communicating with Jiang Qingyue today, he also felt that his physique was average, and said disappointedly, "That's right."

Such a cute little mermaid brother, playing in cold water without clothes every day, and eating cold food three times a day is all right, he is really embarrassed.

Ren Shuhan patted the small drum bag in the quilt beside him: "Tomorrow we will go to the sea to play."

Early the next morning, the alarm clock rang, and the first thing Ren Shuhan did was to get up and change his swimming trunks, put on his swimming goggles, and go to the sea!

He set the alarm clock earlier, because he was afraid that Jiang Qingyue would be found at home, but the sea water was still very cold so early in the morning, and the sea breeze was also a little cool. Ren Shuhan knew that he might catch a cold, but it was still a child who was submerged in the water. .

As a result, the legend was really just a legend, and he failed.

Ren Shuhan is still an ordinary human being and still can't breathe in the water, but what he didn't expect is that he actually held his breath in the water for more than half an hour!

At the beginning, Jiang Qingyue was also very disappointed, saying that he would have to go back after playing with him for a while. After all, Ren Shuhan couldn't hold his breath in the water all the time. As a result, he played for a long time and finally rushed back to the tribe. Feeling:

How is the little brother so powerful? At such a young age, he can move freely in the sea and on land, so strong!

In fact, Ren Shuhan felt a little strange yesterday.

Because Jiang Qingyue is the same age as herself, although she is a little smaller than herself, she is not strong enough to carry him so far without getting tired.

The system has switched to a tone at this time and told him: "Your body has been strengthened to a certain extent, and it is stronger than Jiang Qingyue~"

If Ren Shuhan still had memories, he would definitely have black lines all over his face.

Now he was coaxed very satisfied.

In this case, then I can follow Robinson's example and build a small house on the island first, so that I can live together for a while when my parents come, right

Ren Shuhan made this request, and the system had no choice but to agree, and put him directly on the beach with a house similar to a doll's house, with a bedroom, a kitchen, and even a pipe leading to a bathroom in a different dimension. Although Ren Shuhan was young, But he wasn't stupid. After asking carefully, the system had no choice but to explain that he was not a brainless person, telling him that this was his own unique superpower.

"How intelligent you are, hey," Ren Shuhan sighed maturely and shook his head again and again, "There are too many flaws, I'll say how can the light brain be so strange."

System: "... The host has learned a lesson."

So Ren Shuhan was alone during the day, and he didn't need to hide his superpowers, so he simply didn't need a small kitchen and ordered meals directly from the system.

He wrote down a few dishes according to Jiang Qingyue's taste for sweets, and planned to wait for Jiang Qingyue to sneak out at night to confess his superpowers to him, and give him a taste of delicious food, but he didn't expect to wait at night. Three mermaids.

Jiang Qingyue lowered her head and said ashamedly, "I'm sorry, little brother, I was discovered by my parents."

The other two beautiful mermaids stood on the beach with their tails upright. One of the long-haired female mermaids lowered her head with a serious expression, pinched her waist with both hands, looked at the human cub in front of her, and asked, "Our family is clean and clear. Did you sneak out to play with you yesterday?"

Ren Shuhan was a little scared and guilty, but he bravely walked in front of Jiang Qingyue and stretched his arms to block him: "I asked him to come to me, don't blame him."

Another male mermaid held his face in his hands, and said the same words in the same tone as when Xiao Jiang Qingyue first discovered Ren Shuhan: "My God, is this the legendary human cub? It's so cute!"