Don’t Wait for Your Boyfriend in the Crematorium

Chapter 58: Child caregiver


The island where Ren Shuhan is currently located is the border of the tribe where Jiang Qingyue's family belongs.

The tribe is very small, there is only one big island, dozens of households of mermaids live, and there are two or three useless islands stacked with small reefs. It may be because there is a long river on the big island, so almost all the households are surnamed Jiang, Jiang, Of these three surnames, the one with the surname Jiang is the most, and the people around them call them the Jiang tribe.

A more powerful tribe with hundreds of inhabitants is located to the north of it, probably because there is a lagoon on the big island, so it is called the Hu clan. It is far away from the Jiang clan. There is no division of the sea between the two tribes. Clear boundaries, people from the Hu family often press the shoreline of Jiang's Island to fish, and the Jiang family has few people, so they can only give up the north beach and squeeze on the south bank.

Ren Shuhan's spaceship fell in the area between the Hu clan and the Jiang clan.

Now Ren Shuhan is on the beach north of Jiang's.

But lately there has been no one here.

In fact, this is not because the mermaids dare not come to check the "meteorite".

Both the Jiang family and the Hu family are very curious about this foreign object. They want to observe it for a while and then come back to check the truth, but the Jiang family mermaid tells the little mermaids to stay away from here, because they can't grab the Hu family mermaid. , for fear of disputes between the two sides.

Xiaojiang Qingyue picked up Ren Shuhan because he heard some big mermaids talking that there might be people in the stone, and humans can't live in water for a long time.

He was afraid that someone would be suffocated to death.

Jiang's mermaids think that if there are people inside, it may be a bad person. Even if it is not a bad person, if the people of the Hu family know about it, they will be suspected of taking useful things when they look back, not to mention the "meteorite" fell off. There was such a big movement at the time, and another half day passed. Even if someone inside was estimated to be dead, the flying thing was unknown to the marine civilization, so it was agreed not to approach.

But the child didn't know how to be afraid. Jiang Qingyue accidentally heard it, so she mustered up the courage to check it secretly.

Now it seems fortunate that he is here, otherwise what would the little brother do

So he made up his mind not to tell others, for fear that people would find Ren Shuhan, also for this reason—

Afraid of hurting the family.

If you don't say anything, you'll have to take care of it yourself!

Jiang Qingyue is very responsible, and never thought that as a male cub, as long as she is beautiful, seductive, and can do some housework in the future.

There are many types of mermaids, many of them are patrilineal clans, but Jiang's clans are all matrilineal clans, because their race has a low fertility rate and female fish tails are stronger, so generally non-pregnant women are responsible for hunting in the sea. Jiang Qingyue's family is in charge of her mother Jiang Chen's work on land, such as building and picking.

However, Jiang Qingyue's father is very special. His surname is Zheng, which is unique to all the nearby islands. His name is Zheng Zhilai. He is also the only teacher on this island, so he often teaches Jiang Qingyue that he cannot grow into another man. Like fish, they only know how to maintain their appearance and rely on mermaids.

Although Zheng Zhilai's job is only to enlighten the little mermaids, he is quite knowledgeable at this level of civilization. There are even rumors that his family had something to do with humans in the early years, so Jiang Chen would also discuss with Zheng Zhilai about anything. Hear his opinion.

Jiang Chen had been fishing outside yesterday, and Zheng Zhilai was cooking at home to clean up, and noticed that the clothes Jiang Qingyue picked up were too neat and beautiful.

"This, here are all holes?" Xiao Jiang Qingyue's eyes flickered.

"Our cub is really capable. We can pick up such a cute dress when we go out to play."

Zheng Zhilai lifted his cub up and turned around, how cute he looked, and he didn't pierce through the regularity of his holes.

In the evening, when Jiang Chen came back, he heard about it. He was only happy because of the lighter, but he didn't pay attention to the skirt at all. He was worried that he would be guilty of guilt and bring trouble to his body. He discussed with Zheng Zhilai whether to tell other people in the tribe, and Zheng Zhilai suggested that she hide it first. , don't go to sea tomorrow.

"The food reserves at home are enough to eat, so don't work too hard," Zheng Zhi said, "I think Qingqing is a bit strange today, you should accompany him more."

"He's really been playing too wild recently," Jiang Chen said worriedly. "He's still so young, and he can't be seen all day long. How can a male cub be so careless?"

"It doesn't matter, our island is very safe," Zheng Zhilai comforted. "I will observe it tomorrow and you will know where he went to play."

Jiang Chen tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. He woke up early the next day and couldn't get enough time. He wanted to go out to sea to continue working. As a result, seeing the little fish that came back in a hurry, he was instantly furious, and he couldn't bear to reprimand him when he picked it up.

Jiang Qingyue knew she was wrong, and cried herself.

"Oops, baby Qingqing," Zheng Zhilai hurriedly hugged him and coaxed him for a while, "what's wrong with you?"

Jiang Qingyue was very young, so she recruited her little brother out.

I heard that there is only a human cub in the shell, and the human is dominated by the patriarchal clan. The cub was given to Qingqing to eat, and Qingqing was allowed to stay there. He must be paying attention to Qingqing! Jiang Chen was eager to protect the cub, and was determined to teach the bad boy a good lesson. He found Ren Shuhan, but he did not expect that his husband would defect first.

"I'll give it a hug, oh, it's so soft, this little short legged little foot," Zheng Zhilai picked up both children with one hand and one hand, and coaxed him in his arms, "It's so cute!"

Jiang Chen glared at his husband, and then reprimanded Ren Shuhan: "How dare you be so daring, you have ruined my family, and he never dared to stay home at night!"

Ren Shuhan admitted that he was wrong and did not speak, but Jiang Qingyue said, "I am the one who came to find my little brother on my own initiative!"

Jiang Chen was very tired.

"Can you let my little brother come to live at our house?" Jiang Qingyue asked in a low voice.

"My parents are on the other side of the sea, and they should come to me soon," Ren Shuhan said nervously, "I won't bother you for too long."

Zheng Zhilai agreed, but Jiang Chen patted him: "What nonsense? It's not allowed in the clan!"

Even if the clan allows it, it is not enough to be known by the opposite Hu clan.

"We'll keep it secretly," Zheng Zhilai joked. "Hide Shu Han at home and give Qingqing a child-raising husband."

In order to avoid danger, families with small cubs basically eat and live on land. It is possible to hide a human cub, but it is too dangerous.

In the end, Jiang Chen did not agree with Zheng Zhilai's opinion, and decided to discuss with the clan.

The two children were very nervous. Zheng Zhilai took them home and coaxed them for a day. Ren Shuhan and Jiang Qingyue thought they were all right. In the evening, Jiang Chen went home with a serious face and brought them all out. Came to the meeting on the beach to the north.

Before going out in the morning, Zheng Zhilai discussed with Jiang Chen that he must not tell Ren Shuhan's background, so as to prevent outsiders from being detrimental to Ren Shuhan because of their fear of Ren Shuhan's parents, and let Ren Shuhan keep all his things in the space. It was hidden, and now before going out, he warned Ren Shuhan and Jiang Qingyue again, and they all nodded obediently.

Then Ren Shuhan was surrounded.


"so cute!"

"It's a human cub!"

At the beginning, there was cheers for a while, and Ren Shuhan really almost didn't cry in fear of the eight or nine big brothers and sisters who were naked.

Jiang Qingyue hid behind her father, secretly grabbing Ren Shuhan's clothes, trying to grab him a little behind.

There are two big mermaids with two small fish cubs, they can't tell whether they are male or female, and they whisper together:

"I like him… "

"I like him too, I can't give him to Jiang Qingyue."

"But I also like Qingqing..."

"Only female mermaids in their tribe can marry multiple male mermaids. You are a male cub, and you will be a male in the future."

"But we can marry two men here. Can't I marry both of them?"

"It also makes sense, but I heard that human males can't marry, just like us."

"Then do you think I should marry a human in the future, or should I marry Qingqing..."

The two little cubs didn't speak in the same way as adults. Ren Shuhan and Jiang Qingyue were very nervous when they heard it, because they were from the Hu clan on the opposite side, and their tone seemed to be able to handle them at will.

There were not many people in the meeting that night, only the patriarch and elder of the Hu family, the patriarch and elder of the Jiang family, and Jiang Qingyue's family. The family has been notified by the patriarch, and the elders and patriarchs on both sides discussed the issue of the spaceship yesterday.

At that time, they didn't reach an agreement, but now a human cub has appeared, and the matter has been resolved. That is, the Jiang clan can no longer touch the spaceships in this sea area. Humans belong to the Jiang clan, and materials belong to them.

So Hu's mermaid was naturally happy, and brought the little fish cubs over to watch Ren Shuhan.

Ren Shuhan was also watching them.

Their fish tails are not like Jiang Qingyue with gleaming soft scales, but a bit like sharks, and their teeth are sharper when they speak, which is very scary. Ren Shuhan can see that although it is a negotiation, Jiang's side has almost no right to speak.

Yesterday, the Jiang Clan could still argue with reason, but today he found out that the little fish in his tribe had rescued the humans inside, and naturally he had no negotiating capital.

"Our people have already searched your tribe, and it is true that there is nothing hidden, so there is nothing to say." The patriarch of the Hu clan said gloatingly.

They got a human cub, although it was fresh, it was just a fuel bottle.

The Jiang clan chief wanted to say more, but the Hu clan showed his fangs at them, the implication: you have to agree if you don't agree.

So the meeting was over soon, and as soon as Hu's mermaid swam away, the patriarch of Jiang's side gave Jiang Chen a "good for yourself" look, and said, "From today, you stay on the north coast, don't Going to the south coast to fish again."

"What?" Jiang Chen was mentally prepared and knew that he would be punished, but he didn't expect the clan to completely evict their family, "Then what should my family do when I usually teach students?"

"It was useless to learn so many words," the patriarch said with disgust. "There are no teachers in the surrounding tribes, and there are not many students in your Zheng Zhilai, so the school will be closed tomorrow."

Jiang Chen had no choice but to say, "I see, I'll move in tomorrow."

Although there are not many things in the house, Jiang Chen is able to do it on weekdays and has saved a lot of food. After all, with two small children, it takes a long time to move such a long distance.

The patriarch said, "Let's move tonight, the people in the clan don't want to see you anymore."

Jiang Chen nodded this time, but said nothing.

Her parents died early, and she grew up by herself in the wild. Even if there were so many changes in the family, she would face Ren Shuhan's parents in the future, and she didn't know who they were, but she didn't waver.

After all, she also knows that she can't leave such a cub alone, and she can only take one step at a time.

The patriarch said this to her alone, so it was good that the children didn't hear it.

After Jiang Chen came back, Zheng Zhilai just exchanged a look with her, and then he understood, and said to the children, "Can we camp here today?"

Jiang Qingyue felt very strange, but he never objected to anything, so he happily said "Okay".

Ren Shuhan actually guessed it a bit, but he wasn't quite sure, and he didn't think much about it, because he stayed at Jiang Qingyue's house for a day during the day and didn't feel very comfortable.

There was a simple shed made of wood. Although it was decorated with some shells and the like, it was also sleeping on the beach, and there was no quilt, so he hoped that Jiang Qingyue's family could live in his own home. Can't make super powers too obvious, but the system will give him something suitable.

Jiang Chen and Zheng Zhilai were not as optimistic as the cubs.

Human cubs do carry some magical things with them, and they can also make them disappear, but those are the sizes that cubs can use. Not to mention Jiang Chen doesn't like to use other people's things, it is Jiang Chen who wants to use their adult mermaid. You can't use it, and you can't take his things out for food, otherwise Ren Shuhan will definitely be taken out and tortured.

Fortunately, the mermaids can sleep on the beach in the open air, or sleep directly on the bottom of the sea, just to make vulnerable human cubs wronged.

Moreover, Jiang Chen felt a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, the cubs were obedient and didn't ask any embarrassing questions to her. What she and Zheng Zhilai didn't expect was that Ren Shuhan took out another big tent.

"Yesterday was too small, let's change to a bigger one today!"