Don’t Wait for Your Boyfriend in the Crematorium

Chapter 63: crush


Hu Yang's whole fish was dumbfounded.

The other merfolk are also whispering:

"How did he get here?"

"It seems to be swimming here..."

"You he | Mom is teasing me? He is human, this is the deep sea!"

"Jiang Qingyue said just now that he swims very fast, but, uh..."

"Is he Ren Shuhan? I didn't believe it when I heard it. I didn't expect humans to be so beautiful. It's not a loss to go to the deep sea this time."

"No, have I misunderstood humans?"

"So what Mr. Zheng said makes sense. I still need to read more..."

Hu Yang had met Ren Shuhan many years ago, and he also had a good impression of Ren Shuhan, but at that time Ren Shuhan was a cute little dumpling of ice and snow, and now he has grown into a tall and wild figure with aggressive looks. The youth, who did not meet Hu Yang's aesthetics, became a thorny rival in love.

Hu Yang also heard Zheng Zhi give a lecture, and also knew that Ren Shuhan was rescued from the bottom of the sea by Jiang Qingyue when he was a child...

But why is it different now

"Do you think I'm going to be fooled by you? You must have happened to ride the wind just now, and you must have been nearby!"

Hu Yang said to Ren Shuhan, actually speaking to himself and his younger brothers:

"Humans can't breathe in the sea, you can't hold it for long, I never bully the less with more, let me meet you before your anger runs out!"

After he finished speaking, he pretended to move his neck and deliberately delayed for a while before slowly swimming in front of Ren Shuhan. He made a fake move and swung his tail...

Ren Shuhan grabbed his tail and got used to the ground in front of him.


Hu Yang landed on the mermaid who had been beaten down by Jiang Qingyue before, and never got up again. The two screams overlapped, and then there was silence at the bottom of the sea.

All the fish, look at me, I look at you, there are question marks all over your head: "..."

The patriarchs of the mermaids are selected based on their strength, which is simple and rude. Although Hu Yang is not necessarily the most capable of fighting among the juniors, he is the only son of the patriarch of the Hu clan, and he can be considered to have inherited the most capable gene. Ren Shuhan was crushed by one move

The so-called one-power-to-ten will be expected from the beginning, this human may be able to do some tricks and be able to deal with ordinary mermaids, so he dares to stand out, but he will definitely be quickly defeated by Hu Yang's extremely powerful force. Mermaid is suppressed...

Is the result the other way around

Several mermaids stepped back.

"Come on with me!" Hu Yang shouted aggrievedly, "He, his mother is a human being! He will lose his anger immediately, so many of you crushed him to death!"

Ren Shuhan indifferently hooked his palms at them, indicating: There are a few of you, let's go together.

Hu Yang brought a total of nine followers, including his ten small sharks. One of them was the first to find and catch up with Jiang Qingyue, but he was thrown down by Jiang Qingyue's tail because he underestimated the enemy. The other eight, Now seven rushed up in one breath, none of them were stupid, and after looking at each other and weighing them, they all came towards Ren Shuhan.

After all, persimmons have to be soft. How long can a human being be fierce in water

Then they all fell on Hu Yang in an instant, forming a small mountain.

Jiang Qingyue: "..."

Hu Yang: "..."

There was a dead silence again at the bottom of the sea.

Jiang Qingyue: "...Brother?"

Ren Shuhan couldn't speak in the water, but just tilted his neck at the only remaining mermaid, raised his eyebrows, and at the same time stretched his hand behind him and pointed at Jiang Qingyue.

Jiang Qingyue knew very well what he meant by this action, that is, "You need to clean up". When he was a child, he used to wet his shorts repeatedly. It was estimated that after Ren Shuhan finished the last one, it would be his turn. Jiang Qingyue held the beads tightly and shrunk aside, obediently, and stopped talking.

Hu Yang and his younger brothers were all wiped out, leaving only one standing mermaid, but he was taller than Hu Yang, and he was not to be underestimated.

"What's wrong with this man?"

He looked like he was in his twenties or thirties, but he had a face that was about to wrinkle, there was a scar on his right eye, his back was slightly hunched, and his voice was very rich, staring at Ren Shuhan with interest:

"He's good at fighting?"

"No, I don't know." Hu Yang was almost exhausted by the mermaids on him, "He hasn't been out of the mountains, maybe Jiang Chen taught him a few tricks? But he can't beat you, Brother Wang, you want to Help us out!"

The mermaid suddenly laughed. He was very excited, unlike those who wanted to pinch soft persimmons.

"Okay," he slowly swam in front of Ren Shuhan and said, "Jiang Chen is just ordinary. I didn't expect to teach an apprentice who can play against me. It's a bit interesting."

"He is Hu Wang," Jiang Qingyue's fish tail swayed quickly, she came to Ren Shuhan carefully, and whispered next to him, "Hu Yang's cousin, he caught a real shark some time ago and brought the fish with him. After fleeing back, the scar on his eye was left at that time, and the next patriarch of the Hu clan has already appointed him."

Sharks usually come in groups. Even if they are alone, they will find them when they smell blood. It is really amazing that this person can kill one and escape from the mouth of a fierce shark.

Hu Wang could probably guess what Jiang Qingyue was talking about, he laughed twice, looked at Jiang Qingyue up and down again, and said, "You are what Hu Yang said Qingqing? We seem to have seen each other when we were young. It looks better now."

Hu Yang's face became even worse: "Cousin..."

He didn't want to take Hu Wang with him at first, because he knew that Hu Wang was also lustful, but the deep sea was dangerous, and his family petted him.

Hu Yang was dismissive, but he didn't expect that Hu Wang would really come in handy.

Hu Yang had no choice but to grit his teeth and say, "The male mermaids of the Jiang clan are all very good-looking. When you annex the Jiang clan in the future, some mermaids will be chosen for you, and you don't need to form a partner at all. Now is the chance, Brother Wang, give them a slap in the face! "

annex the Jiang tribe

Jiang Qingyue groaned in her heart, turned her head nervously to look at his little brother, and found that Ren Shuhan pursed his lips, expressionless.

so cool>///

Jiang Qingyue spit out a bunch of bubbles from her mouth, feeling that his little brother is so reliable!

But in fact, Ren Shuhan was holding back his laughter—

Hu Wang has such a name, combined with his somewhat Beijing-like image, now in Ren Shuhan's eyes, he is already a sea dog.

There is no such thing as a dog hook on this planet, and others can't get Ren Shuhan's laughter. Ren Shuhan can only hold back, and he has been holding his breath since he entered the water, although he has not felt any discomfort after so long. , but also did not dare to procrastinate, so can not laugh.

Under his feet, all the fish in the mermaid hill were shouting in pain:

"Brother Wang, come on!"

"Give him some color and see!"

"Brother Wang, be careful, this kid is very strong!"

"What nonsense are you talking about, Brother Wang is an adult, it's not easy to kill a human being in the sea?"

There is a huge gap in the combat power of mermaids before and after adulthood, especially when fighting against the same clan, because they can release pheromone coercion after adulthood, and the same is true for humans who can accept pheromone, and those who just fought against Ren Shuhan, strictly speaking, are all Or little fish.

So Hu Wang doesn't take it seriously, because he can also turn over this group of cubs with a single fish.

"They want to kill people! It seems that they are here to find fault," Jiang Qingyue said anxiously, pulling on her little brother's shorts, "Let's run?"

Ren Shuhan brushed away his hand embarrassingly, lifted the waist of his trousers, pushed him away, and waved to him.

On the shore during the day, Ren Shuhan originally took a harpoon from the system, but he walked in a hurry when he first entered the water and threw it on the shore. In addition, this was his first fight. He thought there was resistance in the water. Big, it's okay to use a little force, not to mention that these people want to bully his cubs, so just now I forgot the severity, and without using the system, I pushed the merman who rushed up one by one into the ground, and now those mermen are all moaning| Yin, it is estimated that a lot of tails are broken.

So he has to be careful.

It's better not to kill the fish first...

Ren Shuhan clenched his fist with one hand, wrapped his fist with the other, and moved his wrist and fingers.

Hu Wang grinned, rushed over, opened his mouth wide, tilted his head and exposed his mouth full of fangs to intimidate his opponent, raised his hands, the blue veins on the backs of his hands bulged, and his five fingers were claw-like and grabbed straight towards Ren Shuhan's neck.

Ren Shuhan doesn't have these pretense anymore.

He raised his fist and thumped Hu Wang's chin lightly, knocking him upside down and flying out, and soon disappeared, only a few broken teeth flashed in the distance .

"Um… "

This time even Jiang Qingyue was silent.

Hu Yang and the younger brothers under him: "..."

Nothing but silence.

After a long time, a younger brother of Hu Yang asked in a low voice, "Who, who are you?"

Another mermaid whispered, "What's the matter? Brother Wang just flew out like a coconut."

Hu Yang: "...Shut up."

Everyone stopped talking.

Ren Shuhan, who loves to worry, also feels a little embarrassed for Hu Yang. For some reason, a poem appeared in his mind: Silence is Cambridge tonight.

The minds of the other mermaids were still blank, but Jiang Qingyue reacted quickly and rubbed on Ren Shuhan's arm to please, her voice soft, sincere and full of admiration: "Brother, you are amazing!"

In his heart, his little brother should be as powerful as he is.

"When I go back, I'll tell everyone that you defeated Hu Wang..." Jiang Qingyue thought about it, and then said, "In this case, the patriarch of our tribe might be you!"

Ren Shuhan felt that winning against such an opponent seemed like there was nothing to brag about, as if he had beaten a big dog...

It doesn't sound like a very imposing Ako.

Jiang Qingyue took Ren Shuhan's arm and walked with him intimately. Hu Yang wanted to vomit blood and shouted, "You, you, you wait!"

"Who wants to wait for you?" Jiang Qingyue grimaced at him, "Slightly slightly~"

Ren Shuhan really couldn't stop.

He was a little curious, Hu Wang was already the strongest, what helper could Hu Yang call.

As a result, Hu Yang held back for a long time and said, "Wait for me to call my parents over!"

Ren Shuhan and Jiang Qingyue: "..."

After speaking, Hu Yang blew his conch.

In his case, the fish tail was injured, and he was in the deep sea. No one could come and bring them back without calling the parents, so he must have to move people, and he also threatened Ren Shuhan: "You human, heresy. When I look back, I will bring the mermaid to the Jiang clan and tell them that if they don't hand you over, the entire Jiang clan will be buried with you!"

Jiang Qingyue hugged Ren Shuhan's arm tightly, but Ren Shuhan patted his shoulder, took his hand, and wrote a few words on his hand:

"I'm here right now, and I'll take care of them all."

Call the parents, right? Come, Ren Shuhan thought indifferently, come here, I will also clean up the parents, anyway, the bottom of the sea is still buried.

Jiang Qingyue looked at him worriedly: "But, but you..."

Can't stay in the water for so long

Ren Shuhan shook his head, indicating that it was all right.

He hadn't tried how long he could hold his breath, but he had never been able to hold his breath before. Even if he forgot the time after playing for a long time, he didn't feel anything. It's the same now, even more flexible in the sea than on land, as if The flow of water obeyed his commands.

He raised his hand and clenched his fist, quietly waiting for someone from the other side to be called. Jiang Qingyue didn't know what to think, but suddenly blushed and said, "Yes, or else..."

Why don't you try the kiss of true love