Don’t Wait for Your Boyfriend in the Crematorium

Chapter 66: Heavenly fiance


Ren Shuhan's mother's name is Ren Wan'er, and she is extremely inconsistent with her name. She is a woman who is big, three, and rambunctious. Her husband, Lu Xu, has a similar personality to her, so this couple can be so big-hearted that they have not been in a hurry to leave home for so many years. Contact the main star.

The spacecraft they had an accident on came from a trip, but they were all colleagues from the same unit. They were organized by the boss Lu Xu and his wife to build a team.

This kind of work is a bit inexplicable. In fact, it is looking for habitable and uncivilized planets everywhere, farming, spreading civilization, and transforming them. It is called poverty alleviation or performance art by interstellar people.

So when they first fell here, no one was nervous, but briefly tried to contact the outside world, check existing facilities, etc.

After finding that the signal here was not working with the Interstellar Alliance, and the spare spaceship was destroyed, these people calmly stuffed the unusable things into the storage bin and never opened it again...

Ren Shuhan's system helped them repair the contact terminal, which could receive information from the outside world, but unfortunately it was useless, and they didn't look back.

Then these people used the lifeboat mode of the spacecraft to float on the sea for a period of time, fishing for a living, accidentally found an uninhabited island and docked, and also mined the supplies of the spacecraft on the island, and repaired the spacecraft within two years. That's about it, start sailing around the world and explore other civilizations.

After discovering the mermaid tribe, they annexed several tribes one after another.

It didn't go well at the beginning, because the mermaids were very wary of humans, but after joining a tribe at the beginning, they used their knowledge to teach the mermaids to weave and make paper. Continue to sail, the mermaid communicates with the mermaid, and the expansion speed will be very fast.

Because annexation between mermaid tribes is very common, now Ren Waner and Lu Xu's team is several times the size of the Hu tribe.

Because the Hu clan has a strong fighting force, they have traveled far in groups and exchanged information with other tribes, so I have heard of this new big tribe before.

Hu Yang had long known that he would not be the next patriarch, so he was looking forward to being annexed by the new big tribe.

"Haha," he thought about this, forgetting the pain on his tail, and couldn't help laughing out loud, "If Ren Shuhan knew about it, there must be a big gap in his heart."

Hu Wang also agreed.

The mobile island did not dock, but dropped anchor a long way away, and the merman on board sang a song of friendship.

Ren Shuhan on the shore was stunned: "This..."

Why is it so ugly!

The mermaid's singing voice is very beautiful. Jiang Qingyue has a gentle and clear voice, and often hums popular human songs to Ren Shuhan, but now the sound from the boat can be said to be a magic sound.

"This is the frequency we originally spoke," Jiang Qingyue explained, "it's very high, maybe you don't think it sounds good, but we're actually more comfortable with the tone of this frequency."

Ren Shuhan asked in surprise: "Then the songs you sing to me are actually hard to listen to?"

The way he opened his lips slightly was very cute, very like when he was a child, so Jiang Qingyue smiled and touched his lower lip.

"No, my aesthetic span is quite broad."

Ren Shuhan couldn't tell whether he was joking or perfunctory, just touched Jiang Qingyue's cheek.

The first mermaid to respond to the big tribe was Jiang Chen. On behalf of the two tribes, she invited two mermaids and two humans to come ashore, and named Lu Xu and Ren Waner, saying that their sons were waiting in this tribe.

Lu Xu and Ren Wan'er were both stunned.

The patriarch of the Jiang clan did not understand what was going on, and was very dissatisfied. He felt that Ren Shuhan had not spoken, and Jiang Chen had meddled in such a big business. As a result, the other party actually brought a lot of gifts to Jiang Chen after they landed. She wept bitterly and thanked her for raising her child.

Hu Yang and Hu Wang who came to see the lively: "?"

"What? The new patriarch is the son of the patriarch of this great tribe?"

"Are they humans too? These mermaids actually obey humans?"

"What are you talking about... Isn't our new patriarch also human?"

"Wait, doesn't that mean that it wasn't that we were annexed by this big tribe, but that the big tribe and us were originally a tribe?"

The annexed tribes are relatively weak, they will be assigned to bad sea areas, and some have to pay protection fees.

"Fortunately, we have a new patriarch."

"If they come and see that we expelled humans when they were cubs, the consequences would be unimaginable!"

"It was Jiang Chen and Zheng Zhi who came to save us. I really regret not having eased our relationship with them a few years ago."

"Looking at it this way, Qingqing's love story is so romantic. If only I had rescued the human cubs, I'm envious..."

Hu Yang and the mermaids around him were about to cry.

How can humans be so strong

The elders of the Hu clan were very realistic. As soon as they saw such a large tribe coming, Ren Shuhan's biological parents were also there. They would definitely not be able to fool them in the future. They took the initiative to injure Hu Yang, Hu Wang and Ren Shuhan. Those mermaids were all imprisoned, and half of their tail fins were cut off as punishment, and they diligently told Ren Waner and Lu Xu about these things.

"You've been wronged." Ren Waner's nose was sour, she hugged Ren Shuhan and kept rubbing his head, and asked, "I thought you were the only human cub here, you should be protecting animals, you shouldn't be very Is it precious?"

Ren Shuhan: " think too much."

"He had a hard time," He Ze watched and couldn't help but say, "If Qingqing had not rescued him, he would have died in the deep sea. Later, Jiang Chen's aunt took him in, but the whole family Those who have been implicated have been expelled from the tribe and have been seeking a living in the deep mountains, and they have nowhere to go to even fish."

Jiang Chen: "…"

No, in fact, my family is doing well and eating healthy.

However, it was inconvenient for them to hide it from the people of the clan, and Zheng Zhilai also kept silent with a smile.

Lu Xu saw that they didn't deny it, but He Ze, an outsider who couldn't stand it, complained. He couldn't help thanking Jiang Chen's family in tears, and blamed himself on Ren Shuhan: "It's our fault that we didn't find you sooner."

"I don't blame you," Ren Shuhan just smiled politely, looking a little cold, "It's not easy for you to recognize me at a glance after not seeing each other for so many years."

"You child," Lu Xu hugged Ren Shuhan and patted him hard, "do you know how much we have missed you all these years? I dream of you every day, how can I not recognize you?"

Ren Wan'er took off the stage and said, "Because you look so much like your grandfather."

Of course, there are some differences.

For example, Ren Shuhan's complexion has been tanned to a healthy wheat color, while General Lu has been pampered for a long time and his complexion is fair.

Their son still suffers.

Ren Wan'er and Lu Xu looked at him, and for the first time they felt that they were so obsessed with work and neglected to take care of their son since he was a child.

Ren Shuhan didn't have deep feelings for them anymore and was a bit embarrassed to tell the truth, so he didn't stage any sensational dramas, he told them directly about his murder, and affirmed that he would borrow their spare spaceship to go back to take revenge.

"Don't say that the spare spaceship is broken, even if it is not broken, you can't pass through the space wormhole casually?" Ren Wan'er disagreed, "It's too dangerous."

As a Lu family member, although he was at odds with his family, he also had other ideas: "You said you were going back for revenge, but how old were you at the time, are you sure what you remembered is correct?"

"It's not dangerous, my original spaceship has a memory path facility, and it can be assembled with your spare spaceship," Ren Shuhan retorted one by one, not discussing the posture with them at all, "I will investigate after I go back. Who and how harmed me will not wrong anyone."

It sounds very dangerous, Ren Shuhan is only an adult this year.

But Lu Xu and his wife couldn't persuade him, and Ren Shuhan got on the boat directly. The speed was so fast that it was not like a human being, only Jiang Qingyue could catch up with him.

"Forget it," Ren Waner grabbed Lu Xu, who was chasing him, and said, "the spaceship is broken, and he will give up when he finds out that it can't be repaired."

Jiang Qingyue followed Ren Shuhan, looked at the spacecraft he quickly repaired, and held his hand reluctantly, wanting to kiss his fingertips.

"Don't move, dirty."

Ren Shuhan withdrew his hand, leaned over, and kissed him directly.

"You have to be obedient at home alone."

Ren Shuhan had already arranged for the system to monitor Jiang Qingyue well, so that he would not have any safety problems, and then he didn't say goodbye to anyone, and just got on the spaceship and left.

The shore heard the sound and looked back at Lu Xu and Ren Waner: "..."

"How did he fix it?" Ren Wan'er was mad.

"No, he's gone now?" Lu Xu said dumbly.

It was Zheng Zhilai who knew Ren Shuhan better and knew that he must have run away because he was afraid of trouble, so he had to say a few words to him: "He must be afraid that you will be sad, so he left without saying goodbye, go to explore the road as soon as possible, so that you can get there sooner. Come back and take you home."

Jiang Chen scratched his head: "Yes, don't worry about the children when they are grown up, you can come to the shore, we will have a bonfire party to welcome you in the evening."

Lu Xu and Ren Wan'er had already seen that they were in-laws with them, and their son had already flown away... No matter how much they thought about it, they had no choice but to face the reality and chatted warmly with Jiang Chen's family.

Zheng Zhilai: … Well, this is really a big heart for the parents.

The mermaid and the humans were busy, but Jiang Qingyue did not go back, nor did he read the human books he liked to read. He just floated on the shoal alone, and occasionally changed his legs, raised him to look, and remembered that it was a pair of Ren Shuhan couldn't help but smile when he didn't dare to look closely at his legs.

Tired of looking at his legs, he looked at the moon for a while, then turned around again, looked at the bottom of the sea, and suddenly remembered his orb, so he swam back to the mountains, got out of the stream, and stumbled away barefoot Enter the cabin and find that his orb is missing.

He was stunned for a while, then smiled and turned to the terminal that Ren Shuhan gave him, and tried to make a call.

"Hey," the phone went through immediately, and Ren Shuhan's voice whispered over there, "Is this what you're missing?"

"Well." Jiang Qingyue nodded, "Can't you start the video?"

"It's not very convenient now," Ren Shuhan said with a headache, "I still have a few days to get to the main star. I'll make a video with you when that time comes."

Jiang Qingyue had to agree, but did not hang up.

After a while, Ren Shuhan said, "I miss you too."

In the end, he waited patiently for a while, until Jiang Qingyue hung up the phone reluctantly, and then the call from the main star that was interrupted just now came in again,

"Hey, cousin, what did you just say?" Ren Shuhan asked indifferently, "Why did you find me so quickly?"

"That's it," Lu Bin said maliciously, "Grandpa had an air crash two years ago and was rescued, and then in order to repay the other party's life-saving grace, he appointed him as your fiancé, whose name is Nanxi, since you are back now, hurry back to the main star to meet and meet."