Don’t Wait for Your Boyfriend in the Crematorium

Chapter 74: old friends


Jiang Qingyue's family was invited by Ren Shuhan when he graduated, and came to the main star to attend Jiang Qingyue's graduation ceremony. Just after the ceremony, they went to the B612 planet for vacation and wedding together.

The only regret is that Ren Shuhan was busy preparing for the wedding and missed his baby's graduation ceremony, but his baby didn't care, because there are still books to read for a long time in the future...

This led to a very strange situation, that is, Ren Shuhan and Jiang Qingyue were not familiar with each other's comrades and classmates.

The two of them have been very busy in the past two years, and they have a lot of other important things to talk about when they are together. They don't have the energy to discuss people they know each other. Jiang Qingyue talks a lot, and occasionally some classmates talk about it. Interesting, but I won't explain it in detail, I will only say "there is someone", so Ren Shuhan has no idea what his classmate's name is, until the wedding day, a wonderful thing happened...

The wedding started like this:

Ren Shuhan first had to entertain Jiang Chen and Zheng Zhilai, as well as relatives and friends from Mermaid Planet to join in the fun, running around with a large group of mermaids and introducing scenic spots.

It made all his ignorant comrades look stupid.

"What's the matter, are you familiar with so many mermaids?"

"I'll go, are you the leader of this gang of beauties?"

"Brother, can you introduce me to one?"

Ren Shuhan was too lazy to pay attention to them, but more trouble came to him.

Nanxi has been following the mermaids on the live broadcast. At first, he was quiet and quiet, maintaining his restrained personality, showing the appearance of wanting to make friends, but being too embarrassed to strike up a conversation, focusing the camera on Jiang Chen and He On Zheng Zhilai, he wanted fans to see their embarrassed appearance.

Because Nanxi himself made a lot of jokes when he first came to the Interstellar Alliance. He never saw or used anything, and sometimes he seemed silly. The blacks also laughed at him for being a hillbilly, so he dared to Certainly, Jiang Qingyue's parents would make the same mistake.

But he miscalculated...

Jiang Chen and Zheng Zhilai have lived a fairly modern life since they adopted Ren Shuhan, so they have never made a fool of themselves, and even if they make any embarrassing mistakes, the interstellar people who love mermaids now will think they are cute.

"It turns out that the people of the same clan are very strong," Nanxi tried to sell a weak person, "I am the only one who is useless."

The sunspots said: "Yes, only you are useless."

There are many fans who praise him and feel sorry for him, but Nanxi is extremely unbalanced now, and he can only see those who scold him, and his psychology is even more distorted.

The wedding is held in accordance with the tradition of the mermaid, and one party should greet the relatives. Before that, the newlyweds cannot see each other. The bride is the one who gets married, and both men and women will say goodbye to their families at home.

Where has the interstellar people ever seen such an extreme minority, they all want to watch the fun, but only Nanxi is broadcasting live, and other guests have no right to live broadcast, so a lot of people poured into Nanxi's live broadcast room, and the proportion of fans has changed. Less, the direction of the live broadcast gradually cannot be controlled by Nanxi alone, and it becomes what the audience wants to watch and what he wants to live broadcast. Therefore, he cannot omit the more important steps in these weddings. Professional photography.

Zheng Zhilai sang a song when he was sending Jiang Qingyue out. It was a traditional mermaid song. Han can understand, he reduced to the normal frequency.

This song was completely recorded by Nanxi, and passers-by who watched the excitement from all over were frying.

"What kind of sound is this?"

"Mom, I saw an angel!"

"Fuck, is he Ren Shuhan's fiancé?"

"The front, he's his fiance and his father..."


Ren Shuhan's comrades-in-arms became demented again.

"Mom, my ears are pregnant."

"You can make your solo debut. Is this the legendary racial talent?"

"So Nanxi is really just an ordinary level..."

Nanxi's face was blue and white, but he couldn't turn off the live broadcast, because he had signed a contract, and most of the fans who had given him a lot of valuable gifts had requested, so he couldn't turn the camera as he liked before, after all, he is too old now. It was on fire, and there were countless pairs of eyes staring at him.

Zheng Zhilai listened to their praise with a smile and waved his hand humbly.

"Where is it good?" Zheng Zhilai explained sincerely, "My clan is a matriarchal clan, and adult female mermaids are responsible for courtship, so the songs they sing during courtship are much better than mine."

The people mourned.

"It's hard to imagine how good it is to hear?"

"Qingqing," Jiang Chen smiled and nodded at Jiang Qingyue, "Sing, just follow what I teach."

Jiang Qingyue smiled shyly and sang the song of female mermaid courtship.

But the degree of hotness made Ren Shuhan who had recovered his memory blushed a little, but it was really nice, lingering and lingering.

Then, according to human tradition, the newlyweds should be sent to the bridal chamber, but the mermaid is just the opposite. They have to send two people to each other's relatives and friends, and isolate them until the middle of the night for 12 hours. Send them back and see you again.

This is to let them feel the pheromones of other people. After getting to know each other's friends, calm down and think about whether the other party is someone they want to spend the rest of their life with before becoming a partner.

This is the moment when Nanxi waits.

Nanxi doesn't know the traditions of the Jiang tribe, but please post the process.

And he didn't know what luck he had, but he actually found the opportunity to be alone with Ren Shuhan—

Jiang Qingyue's friends are divided into mermaids and classmates. Ren Shuhan is the leader of this gang of mermaids, and he is famous for his viciousness, so no mermaid dares to come forward and talk to them. Besides, He Ze, who has made an idea for them before, needs to avoid suspicion; in addition, Jiang Qingyue's classmates don't know where to go. Where, it seems that they all went to the wedding banquet. I didn't invite a few confidants, but now I can't see any of them.

So Nanxi took the initiative to come to Ren Shuhan.

"I know where Jiang Qingyue is," he pretended to be kind and gestured to Ren Shuhan, "I'll take you to see him."

"No need," Ren Shuhan said coldly, standing by the sea, "I'll just wait here until the time ends."

"Okay," Nanxi turned around and just took a step, suddenly shouted and fell backward, "Ah!"

He pretended that he had accidentally slapped his foot, and wanted to fall directly into Ren Shuhan's arms, but he fell backwards, completely entrusting his back to Ren Shuhan, because he believed that the admiral would not say There is a burden, at least you are polite, and you need to help a little bit, not to mention that you are still live broadcast.

As long as he can get close to Ren Shuhan, he can release his pheromones.

Ren Shuhan can be said to be his first choice. He will never be reconciled to watching his spare tire marry someone else, even if he tries, he will not get pregnant anyway.

As a result, Ren Shuhan didn't pick him up at all and let him fall directly into the sea.

Fans: "?"

"I'm sorry," Nanxi said with a green face, "I'm not used to using my feet."

Ren Shuhan didn't answer a word, just bypassed him and walked away.

Nanxi glanced at the barrage and confirmed that his fans were angry at Ren Shuhan's rudeness, and he had the confidence to shout at Ren Shuhan, "Why are you like this?"

Ren Shuhan knew that he didn't need to spend more time with the protagonist and walked faster.

Nanxi was very messy behind him, and his body was soaked wet, so he could only get up and sue the fans, find a place to change clothes, and curse Ren Shuhan for no good or bad.

And Ren Shuhan turned into the house and bumped into a bunch of familiar faces!

These are three men, each of them very good-looking. They are hiding behind the wall and looking at the beach, obviously peeping at Ren Shuhan and Nanxi.

At the beginning was Chulu, who was wearing a best man costume, embarrassedly rushed to Ren Shuhan and waved with a smile: "Hey..."

The tall and thin man behind Chulu was wearing a white coat, Qu Chong, and pushed up his gold-rimmed glasses with a calm smile: "Hello, sir, it's the first time we meet."

The man behind Qu Chong with peach eyes and sportswear is Yan Huan.

"Hello, hello." Yan Huan took the initiative to introduce himself, "I'm Senior Jiang's younger brother."

"I'm Qingqing's best friend, and I had a good relationship in college. He should have mentioned me, right?" Chulu scratched his head and said, "I was admitted to the Master Brain Institute in the same year as him, and will be a classmate in the future."

Ren Shuhan took a step back: "..."

No, Qingqing didn't mention it.

"My name is Qu Chong, let's get to know him," Qu Chong shook hands with him. "The tutor of artificial intelligence psychology will be in charge of Jiang Qingyue and Chulu's two psychology courses in the future."

Ren Shuhan was truly shocked: "'re so young,"

This doesn't match the persona in his previous world, doesn't it? !

"Many people say that," Qu Chong laughed, "that's because I'm half artificial intelligence."

"He has a chip implanted in his brain, and his body has been remodeled to a large extent, so his youth will always stay within the age of 20," Yan Huan said for him, "but he is very powerful. I am currently intern under Teacher Qu. I will try to be accepted by Teacher Qu next year like Senior Jiang and Senior Junior."

... You are also broken! Isn't it always a black-bellied villain? Why does it look so weak now.

Ren Shuhan looked between the three of them.

"So what were you doing just now?"

"Peeping!" Chulu said confidently.

"We are observing Nanxi's relationship with you," Qu Chong calmly explained, looking like a heartless person, "According to our preliminary observations, we have been able to determine one thing—

"Nanxi is not a person from an interstellar civilization, but from other civilizations, where the technology or other technologies are more developed than the world we live in."