Don’t Wait for Your Boyfriend in the Crematorium

Chapter 77: Are you alright?


Jiang Qingci did not agree and leave.

But he is different from the other protagonists - he was really killed by his own family Qingyue (the original owner before the time-travel) once in the plot... So Ren Shuhan couldn't be too cruel to him, he disagreed, For the time being, we can't force him, we can only find a way to drive him away.

"I'm not leaving," Jiang Qingci resisted first, "Although I'm very afraid of you, I will also take good care of you!"

"You better go," Ren Shuhan smiled at him, "People have three urgency."

Jiang Qing's words: "… "


No matter how unloved he was in the past, he was more or less an eldest young master. Before his biological mother died, he was born directly. Naturally, he was not mentally prepared to serve people to this level.

"Then what about you..."

Jiang Qing's face was so wrinkled that he couldn't speak, and he was afraid that he didn't hold Lu Yan's thigh well in the early stage, and he was very entangled.

"Don't worry, someone will help me," Ren Shuhan politely winked at him, paving the way for his recovery, "and I'm not really poisoned."

"That's good," Jiang Qingci immediately went down the steps, turned around and ran away, "then take care of yourself, and you can come to me at any time if you need anything."

Still looking for you

Ren Shuhan said in his heart, if I look for you, I may be dead by now.

In these days of being murdered, Lu Yan, the original owner of Ren Shuhan, has been relying on the help of the dark guards to survive, but the dark guards only come at a fixed time, so as soon as Jiang Qingci left, Ren Shuhan immediately let the system give him To detoxify, he walked around the room first.

He found quite a few useful things.

For example, the gadgets Jiang Qingyue once gave him.

In the original book, Jiang Qingyue is his childhood sweetheart, or the object of his marriage. He has liked him very much since he was a child. He has given him a lot of things here and there, and he has also collected them one by one and gave him a lot in return.

But the gifts he gave back to Jiang Qingyue were all returned a few days ago, together with the marriage contract.

These are all worthless gadgets, such as clay figurines, puppets, slingshots, and villain books.

Ren Shuhan picked up one of the pair of clay figurines, the little figurine's clothes had been torn in a corner, and the one that was pinched was Xiaojiang Qingyue's appearance, and the one that was preserved intact was Ren Shuhan himself.

"Pinch one of you, and then one of me," Xiao Jiang Qingyue once stood in front of the hawker and said with a blushing face, "in the future, let them join us in worship."

"it is good."

Xiao Ren Shu Han nodded and agreed, looking forward to it.

This pair of clay figurines was originally one each, Ren Shuhan held Jiang Qingyue's one, and he used to play with it every day when he was a child, so he accidentally touched a little bit and the color faded, while Jiang Qingyue held Ren Shuhan's one, carefully It was put into the box carefully, and there was not a trace of dust. It was often repaired and repaired. After many years, it was still in good condition. A few days ago, it was returned to Ren Shuhan's hands brand new.

"My baby has worked hard," Ren Shuhan couldn't help sighing, put the two little people face to face, and kissed gently, "Blame me for being too late."

Even if he knew that the past didn't actually happen and only existed in memory, he still felt sad.

He knows that his baby has probably accepted the memory of his original owner now, and must be more sad than him, because he can't resist fate, he can only perform with the script, and watch the person he loves being poisoned, but he can't come to him Take care of him by my side, even worse, leave him, and finally watch him marry someone else...

This plot is really uncomfortable to think about, but fortunately, I just think about it.

He decided not to wait any longer. After the night, the dark guard came, and he wrote another letter by himself, mentioning the past of these old things, expressing his longing, and explaining that the dark guard would send the letter to Jiang Qing tonight. in the hands of the month.

"Is it okay?" Ren Shuhan asked symbolically.

Because looking at the dark guard in front of him, he felt very at ease—

Warm ah, is the eternal God.

She didn't appear in the last world for some unknown reason. Maybe the difficulty was too low, so she didn't need her at all. Ren Shuhan almost forgot about her, and now she appeared in front of her again, wearing a pure black night clothes and a mask. Wearing a black mask and a long sword hanging from his waist, he looked very reliable at first glance, and immediately gave Ren Shuhansheng hope.

"But doesn't she have a name?" Ren Shuhan asked the system.

The system replied: "A."

"This is too passerby, no," Ren Shuhan said to Wenxin, "by the way, I suddenly wanted to give you a name, so let's call you Wenxin, how about that?"

Dark Guards of other colleagues: "..."


Did they hear it right

The master named their female demon leader, who is more than eight feet long, Wenxin

These dark guards were silent for a while, then tried their best to hold back their laughter, and they couldn't help but pretend to cough twice, only Wen Wen, who was professionally trained to ensure professional ethics, still said with a paralyzed face, "Thank you. master."

"You don't need to call the master in the future, just call the prince."

Ren Shuhan was not used to being bound by the etiquette of the feudal class, so he quickly let his subordinates retreat.

He secretly inspected the entire palace, and went to the kitchen to find some ingredients that Jiang Qingci bought during the day. He ordered a bowl of noodles for himself. After cleaning up, he sneaked back to the room. Jiang Qingci didn't find it at all.

After eating and drinking, Ren Shuhan was about to go to bed when Wen Xin came back.

"My lord," Wenxin asked from the window, "haven't you rested yet? I brought the letter, and Young Master Jiang sent you another one."

"So soon?" Ren Shuhan hurriedly lay in bed and pretended to be sick again, "Show me."

Wen Wen sent the letter to his bedside, and added: "Young master ordered you to rest early. If there is a reply, I will send it tomorrow."

"I see," Ren Shuhan urged her, "go back and rest."

After Wenxin left, Ren Shuhan got up to open the letter, and suddenly remembered that he should not be able to move, how could Wenxin leave the letter here and leave without helping to open it

However, thinking back carefully, Wen Wen has always been calm and normal, so Ren Shuhan didn't think about it any more and read the letter carefully.

Jiang Qingyue wrote a lot, all of which were in response to what he said in his letter. He recalled the scene of buying these small items at the beginning. It was vivid and touching, and it was countless times more vivid than the vernacular in his letter. At the end, he said that he hoped that he could return these tokens of love, forgive himself for his previous rudeness, and obviously still have a deep-rooted love for him, which seems to be systematic.

That night, for the first time, Ren Shuhan felt the taste of being a gentleman and tossing and turning.

The next day, he got up early and wanted to rush to Jiang Mansion, but it took a long time to deal with Jiang Qing's words. In the afternoon, another distinguished guest came to Qin Wang Mansion.

"Uncle," the current sage, Lu Yan's nephew, Lu Yan came, wearing a black brocade robe and wearing a light uniform, and only brought a few personal guards, and said to him with a smile, "Is the new princess still with you? "

Lu Ying came here to gloat in misfortune on purpose.

During Lu Yan's regency, when Lu Yan came out, he told Lu Yan many times about his love affair with the childhood sweetheart in the prime minister's mansion, and that he had already made a marriage contract.

He bears grudges in his heart, and acts as a low-lying person, pretending to be a charming boy in front of Lu Yan every day, better than a dog, and finally poisoning Lu Yan once and for all.

Now he doesn't kill Lu Yan, and lets Lu Yan live here because he has arranged thousands of ways to torture Lu Yan.

This first one is to imply that the Prime Minister's mansion intends to arrange Jiang Qingyue's entry into the palace, regardless of seniority. The prime minister's mansion is becoming more and more powerful, and Jiang Qingyue is also interesting enough. Sure enough, she took the initiative to bear Lu Yan's remorse, and threw a Jiang Qing's words that her father didn't care for her mother's death. No dowry was added. It was brought over yo-yo, making Lu Ying even more complacent.

"I know that Uncle Huang is in love with the concubine of the Jiang family, but after all, there is a difference between the concubines and concubines. Even if the biological mother of the little son has been helped to fill the house, when the child was born, it was also a side room. This cannot be changed. Wouldn't it be better?"

Lu Ying also pretended to comfort Lu Yan, his face full of spring breeze, and he talked endlessly.

"Besides, the little son is beautiful, but I have heard that the eldest son is also good. It is appropriate to bring it to the uncle to celebrate. The left and right sides are much sweeter than the twisted melon, do you think so?"

Lu Yan has always had a strong temperament. He has always been a high-ranking person since he was a child, and is used to being held high by others. Now he has suddenly fallen to the bottom of the valley, being held back by his sweetheart, and the newly introduced princess is still being judged by Lu Yan like this...

Lu Ying thought, if he wasn't mad at him, he probably could be half as mad, hehe.

Now he can only grit his teeth and swallow in his stomach, insisting that the new princess is not bad, but Lu Ying knew in his heart that Jiang Qingyue's outstanding appearance was famous in the whole capital, how could Jiang Qing's words be compared to that? ? Just let the uncle be tough...

Then I just let Ren Shuhan say calmly: "Clothes are not as good as new, people are not as old as old, I still think the previous one is sweeter."

Lu Ying: "..."

Lu Ying: "?"

Ren Shuhan wasn't angry at all, really.

When he saw Lu Ying's first glance, what he thought was:

Lu Bin, it's you!

But you're not from the Mastermind Research Institute, are you? Why does it happen again and again

This was so strange that Ren Shuhan couldn't hear what Lu Yu was saying.

After hearing it clearly, seeing Lu Ying's smirk and sarcasm, Ren Shuhan could only look at him with pity, thinking: Although I don't know where he came from, he's really dedicated... a bit Pitiful.

This kid died too badly in the last world. He appeared like a big villain. In the end, he took the lunch box casually. He struggled for a while, and no one paid him any attention. I am a senior, and I have become the eldest nephew, and I don't know if I will live longer.

"Now that I don't have you to help you manage politics, you should be very busy when you come here. If you have nothing else to ask for, just go back first." Ren Shuhan was too lazy to go through the plot and tried to get rid of him quickly, "but I remind you One sentence, don't put your mind on Qingyue, he is mine. If you dare to touch a hair of his, I will definitely cut you alive. "

Lu Yan was deeply poisoned, and the medicine stone was useless. Lu Ying was the most aware of the poisoning, but now he was suddenly scared:

How could he be so calm and dare to threaten me

Lu Yan was suspicious by nature, remembering that Lu Yan's martial arts have always been good, his face turned green and white, he got up and left.

Ren Shuhan: Yes, it's better than Jiang Qing's words.

Jiang Qing's words are very annoying, and he always comes to see him from time to time during the day.

Lu Ying was in a hurry to go out. He happened to bump into Jiang Qingci and came to see him again.

This, this appearance, is not worse than Jiang Qingyue, who is famous all over the capital!

Ren Shuhan heard his thoughts, shook his head on the bed, and thought seriously: You are not good at aesthetics, it is clearly a long way off.

In fact, Ren Shuhan has no memory. When he first started to travel, he also felt that the protagonist Shou's appearance was no worse than Jiang Qingyue, but now he just thinks that nothing happened, and his family Qingyue is the most beautiful baby in the world. No one can compare, eh.

Jiang Qingci has a setting that is equal to Jiang Qingyue, but with a halo, it is more attractive. In the original book, Lu Ying also plotted against him after seeing him, and later robbed him with Lu Yan, so Jiang Qingyue would Jealously killed him with his own hands.

So now Jiang Qingci is very scared: God, there is another man who is obsessed with me and wants to get me! They are so scary... Huh

Lu Ying had a strange look, he just glanced at Jiang Qingci and hurried away.

Jiang Qing's words:

Shouldn't I be overwhelmed by my beauty? What are you running for? ?

Lu Ying's heart was up and down, and he scolded Lu Yan in his head:

An old half-dead, who has such a beauty, is still thinking about another! ! !

Is he alright? !

Ren Shuhan had just woken up in the house, and when he saw Jiang Qingci came back, he had to lie back again. Quan regarded it as a sit-up. He had to do it several times a day. Get it out, you can't influence yourself to find Qingyue to fall in love.

But where to send it? Let him go home, he will definitely not return, he has no money to go elsewhere, and his own power has also been captured by Lu Yu, and it is not easy to manipulate now, there are only a few secret guards left...

Finally, Ren Shuhan had an idea:

There is nothing left in this palace, or else I will leave him some living expenses and run away