Don’t Wait for Your Boyfriend in the Crematorium

Chapter 99: My choice remains the same


"He wanted to kill you, but you let him go." Jian Ci took a long time to find his voice and asked repeatedly, "You still miss him, what do you miss about him?"

Do you want him to take revenge

At that time, Ren Shuhan didn't mention a word, and Jianci thought he was losing face, so he didn't ask.

As a result, Ren Shuhan took the initiative to talk about this for the first time in so many years, but it seemed that there was no betrayal or pain at all. The blood he shed that night and the flesh that was gouged out were all lightly ignored. There is only one sentence left, "I miss him very much."

"I miss him..."

Ren Shuhan loosened Jianci's sleeves and turned his head to look at the moonlight outside the window.

Thinking about the smell on his body, the temperature of his fingers and waist, and wanting to stroke his long hair again, but these are all things that he can't talk to his relatives at will.

"Think of his eyes, actions, and words at the time," Ren Shuhan closed his eyes and pinched the sour corners of his eyes, "The person who touched me was not him."

"You're deceiving yourself." Jian Ci gritted his teeth and clenched his hands, "I'm going to kill him for you."

"Aci," Ren Shuhan opened his eyes abruptly, held his wrist, pressed his hand hard, and paused for a moment before saying, "Master, don't go to him."

Jian Ci likes the attitude of being at the top, so the identity that the system first generated for him is Master, but after the feeling of heartbeat appeared, he was dissatisfied with the sense of distance of the title "Master", so he always thought, "Aci" It was special, whenever Ren Shuhan called him like that, he would agree to Ren Shuhan's request as much as possible.

"Okay." Jian Ci said, not noticing that he called "Master" again.

In fact, "Master" is the more intimate word in Ren Shuhan's heart, because having a Master means that he still has relatives and is not alone.

When he asked for a brief remark, he couldn't help but say this former title, just like calling "Master" in a daze when he was five years old when he had a fever, and then swearing to let Xiaojiang Qingyue go to Master with him, he was a little helpless. , a little aggrieved, but Jian Ci agreed.

But that doesn't mean Jian Ci didn't do anything to Jiang Qingyue.

Jiang Qingyue is not a demon at all, and it is unlikely that he can completely tame this demon pill in his body, but maybe it is because the golden pill belongs to Ren Shuhan, and he is reluctant to embarrass him like Ren Shuhan's feelings, but he did not let him. No matter what physical pain he suffers, it is only torturing him mentally.

After he went to the fairyland, he quietly concentrated on cultivation in a devil's cave, except for occasional unavoidable instructions for newcomers, and other times he stayed behind closed doors, conscientiously abiding by the professional ethics of cannon fodder.

Now that doesn't satisfy the brief.

Jian Ci continued to write a new destiny for him, and directly searched and replaced all the villain names in the book with Jiang Qingyue, let Jiang Qingyue officially come out, and took over the villain setting of many evil and murderous villains.

It didn't take long for Jiang Qingyue's notoriety to reach Ren Shuhan's ears.

Ren Shuhan chose to ignore it until Jiang Qingyue brought someone to the door to post a battle post.

This time he must not be able to escape, Jian Ci thought about it, but no matter how he waited, he couldn't wait for Ren Shuhan to nod his head, and finally he had to draw his sword first, pointed it at Jiang Qingyue, and shouted, "You used to call me a teacher. Zun, I have also pointed you, now it is time for me to clean up the door and kill you personally, but I am thinking about the relationship with you in the past, and I can't bear to start, so I will give you a second way—

"Break it yourself."

Jiang Qingyue was indifferent, just looking at Ren Shuhan.

"Forget it," Ren Shuhan finally got up, pressed Jianci's sword, came to Jiang Qingyue, stood very close to him, and said, "I'll come."

He took Jiang Qingyue to the cliff at the back of the palace, and fought against Jiang Qingyue alone, but just a few tricks, it forced him to a desperate situation. In the river, there is no trace after that.

After the others had dispersed, Ren Shuhan came alone to the place where he fell off the cliff, stood with his sword in his arms, and looked at the moon speechlessly.

Jian Ci came to him and persuaded him that "everyone dies", and then stood with him for a while, because Jian Ci was not good at words, and was worried about how long it would take him to come out this time, and was very dissatisfied with his state. So nothing else has been said.

Ren Shuhan only said, "Go and rest."

The tone was weary, but not questionable.

After Jianci left, he relaxed his tense nerves a little, and took out a hair band from his arms, one side was dark blue, the other side was moon white, stained with a little blood, on the white side was embroidered with a blue thread "" cold" word.

This was embroidered by Jiang Qingyue herself. There were two pieces in total, and the other was carefully kept in his arms by Ren Shuhan, and was worn close to the body all the year round. The word "moon" was embroidered on the blue side.

I can't remember how many years, Jiang Qingyue still wears this hairband, and I don't know what she is thinking.

Ren Shuhan held the two headbands in his hand, looked at it, and suddenly saw a drop of water smudged on the fabric, but looked up at the clear night sky, only to realize that he was crying.

When he sutured his wound in the heavy snow that year, he didn't cry.

Maybe I'm too tired today.

When Jian Ci was here just now, Ren Shuhan had a little hidden guilt in his heart, because his master had high requirements for him, and he hated evil like hatred. Over the years, he has come upright and honored. When tired old friends...

He still didn't kill him.

This time, Ren Shuhan even played word games when facing the teacher's question, making everyone think that he really killed Jiang Qingyue completely.

But the fact is, again, he still can't kill him.

If he can't do it, his heart will hurt.

What if he is the devil? Even if he will continue to do evil in the future, so what

Can't kill, just can't kill.

Ren Shuhan gave a wry smile and realized for the first time: It turns out that I am not a good person, just a selfish mortal.

Since then, he has never heard of Jiang Qingyue again.

Jian Ci chose to trust Shu Han and did not check Jiang Qingyue's life and death, because Jian Ci was also afraid.

Unfortunately, his ending was exactly what he feared.

A few years after this incident, Ren Shuhan seemed to have nothing else to do, and his cultivation became deeper and deeper. He quickly broke through the realm of spiritual transformation, much earlier than Jianci, and he just practiced silently by himself, without telling Jianci, only in a certain He came to him suddenly in the early morning and said some strange things to him.

"Aci, I want to go out for a walk alone," Ren Shuhan was holding something in his hand, and he was still a little distracted when he spoke, "Go and see the scenery I haven't seen before."

Jian Ci didn't understand why he said this, just thought he was going out, so he nodded.

It didn't take long for the system to prompt him, "The male protagonist in this book cannot be detected"!

Jian Ci: "... ??"

After the cultivation base was able to break through time and space, Ren Shuhan pushed open the door of this world and came to the main world. He originally just wanted to see his beloved again. No matter what he had become, he unexpectedly understood the truth.

Cruel, bizarre, and desperate truth.

Before returning to this world and deciding to be reborn, Ren Shuhan and Jiang Qingyue chose to lock their memories.

They all want to experience the real life again, so these things in the past will not be sealed until they are sixteen years old, and will not affect their previous lives.

In fact, before they were sixteen years old, Jian Ci did not enter the book, and the difference in life was not very big.

But there are still regrets, so they chose to start at the age of twelve.

After coming down from Yuyu Mountain that year, the two children cried.

Jiang Qingyue is not a child who can cry, but the other one is crying too fiercely. While wiping away her tears, she said, "Don't drive me away, I don't want to go down the mountain." He was also infected, wept silently, and turned his head away. , for fear of being seen by others.

"Why do you want to drive them away?" Xiao Ren Shuhan noticed, afraid of hurting his self-esteem and feeling sorry for him, but he didn't dare to wipe his tears, so he had to ask the person serving him, "Can't you keep it?"

"Don't sell it far away," the servant replied to him, "just help the village in the manor."

"That's still a long way off," Ren Shuhan said as he took Jiang Qingyue's hand, "it's not like it used to be?"

The servant hesitated: "This, so many people... I don't dare to make my own decisions."

The child who was already crying cried even more fiercely: "I don't know yet, where are you going to Zhuangzi? Master Yang Er has already picked me, and he will send me out when he gets down the mountain. His grandsons are as big as me. Now, don't drive me away!"

Xiao Ren Shuhan was shocked.

At the beginning, Jiang Mansion chose people who were beautiful. After all, everyone said "the appearance of an immortal", and I always felt that the appearance of a cultivator would not be too bad. This 12-year-old child was targeted by others. .

Ren Shuhan immediately secretly said to the servant: "I'll ask him first, and Jiang Qingyue two."

Only two people were left to make a promise, and the servant hurriedly responded, comforting the child secretly, and asking him to follow Ren Shuhan in the future.

"Don't worry," Xiao Ren Shuhan said secretly to Jiang Qingyue, "you won't have such a thing happen to you. If someone forces you, that's what I want."

What he said vaguely was actually limited in his lines.

After his rebirth, he was finally able to clearly say what Xiao Jiang Qingyue had memorized for many years: "When I grow up in the future, I will marry you."