Doomsday Carnival

Chapter 104: Escape from Dragon Island


Seemingly safe, Lin Yining did not take it lightly.

Fan Ziyao's side attracted the attention of this group of people. When the defense force at the main gate was relatively weak, it was convenient for him to attack.

At that time, he didn't have Fan Ziyao's threat-based confrontation, and didn't consume much of the opponent's combat power, but now it was convenient. He believed that Fan Ziyao could always help him solve some people in order to survive.

On the way, the guard's inspection operation began, and the radio called again, asking to go to the right side door, but this time not too many people were attracted, because there were not many guards at the main entrance hall.

How to create more chaos, Lin Yining generally had an idea.

"Please show your ID card and ticket." He mixed in the crowd, pretending to be a hard-working staff member, with a polite and professional attitude, and did not attract the attention of others in the chaotic and noisy environment.

He was slowly moving towards the door.

Suddenly, there was a sound from the stairs, and someone ran down and shouted to the leader of a group of security guards downstairs: "A corpse was found in the experience area!"

The leader made a gesture to signal him not to be so excited, and then asked, "What identity is it, have you confirmed it?"

"It's a security guard! His coat's gone, too!"

His voice was neither loud nor low, and the surrounding crowd suddenly exploded, and then came a new order: "Check! Check with the staff!"

When these words sounded, Lin Yining had already moved not far from the door. His ability allowed him to clearly hear this conversation, but he didn't even tremble in his voice. He finished the remaining half of the sentence in a flat tone, bypassed this row, and continued to walk outside.

On the half of his fingertip protruding from his sleeve, a seedling of a plant is ready to move.

While he was walking, someone came from behind and patted him on the shoulder: "Excuse me, I just received a new order, and the staff also needs to verify their identity. Please show your ID?"

Lin Yining turned around slowly, the last thing he saw was a pair of beautiful but indifferent eyes.

In a crowded hall, a person's fall is not such a conspicuous event. Lin Yining pretended to take a step forward to support him. Facing the eyes of others, he explained lightly: "He passed out, but he should be fine...I'll help him to rest..."

Before he finished speaking, the corpse in his arms twitched like an electric shock. Under his clothes, what supported the movement of the body was no longer flesh and blood, but dense plants. Seemingly caught off guard, Lin Yining was slapped away by the person supporting him, and then the corpse ran out under the control of the plant.

Lin Yining shouted at the right time: "Be careful! There is another intruder! He is here too!"

Suddenly the whole hall was like boiling water, someone asked Lin Yining for help: "Catch him quickly!"

"We will." Lin Yining smiled, and moved slightly closer to the door again.

His shout will definitely attract the attention of the guards, and the moment his 'prop' is about to touch the gate, this dungeon finally shows the difficulty it should have. After an almost imperceptible muffled sound, the corpse was shot down to the ground. From his angle, he could observe the condition of the corpse. One hit hit the vital point. Even if he was still alive, he was too dead to die.

"Please pay attention to safe and orderly evacuation..." another guard shouted loudly, and before the words fell, Lin Yining, who was mixed in the crowd, shouted:


He just yelled, and the plant in his hand moved slightly, pestering two tourists and throwing it out. There is a barrier outside the gate, and the two failed to break through, but this does not mean that Lin Yining did a futile effort. After someone started, the already panicked tourists no longer planned to stay here any longer, hanging down the barrier helplessly, Someone else yelled at the guard: "You let us out!"

The whole hall was in chaos.

When no one noticed, the plant was spreading outwards, and the tiny gray roots were lying on the floor, quietly dormant, waiting for the opportunity.

"Do you want them to die?" Lin Yining's plant came to the guardian who was in charge, and leaned down gently like a human: "Remove the barrier."

"What are you thinking?" The man seemed extremely angry, and said to him, "You can't run far... Even if you leave the museum, so what?"

"It's none of your business." Lin Yining mingled in the crowd and said in a strange manner. Across the panicked crowd, he met the man's eyes.

"Okay." He didn't notice Lin Yining, and said, "As you wish."

The barrier was opened, and many people rushed out. Lin Yining mixed in the crowd and walked out leisurely. When he was about to step through the gates of the museum, the alarm sounded.

He is locked.

The man took out his gun, aimed at Lin Yining, and shot.

What kind of power is contained in this bullet, as Lin Yining who was targeted by him, has a real feeling. With a sudden turn of his thoughts, the plants on the ground climbed up and formed a wall in front of him.

Just this second, the guards of the museum lost their last chance.

Lin Yining came to the outside, but he didn't want it to be like the usual dungeon. After passing through, there will be a prompt sound and the scene changes. It's just a normal outdoor scene. He looked back and saw that the museum's appearance was exquisite and beautiful, reminding Lin Yining that it belongs to the aesthetics that does not belong to human beings. If he had to describe it, it can be generally classified as exotic.

The sun was just right, but Lin Yining was a little dizzy. Guards were coming at him from all directions, but he didn't know what he could do.

"Boom—" The clouds suddenly turned into dark clouds, as if it was about to rain.

Lin Yining turned his head again, across the crowd, he met the shooter's eyes again.

This time, the winner was changed to another person.

However, until the last moment, no one knew who would win. From the clouds, a ferocious claw stretched out and rushed towards Lin Yining.

This was completely beyond the difficulty range of the dungeon. Neither Lin Yining nor the person inside could react, and Lin Yining was caught in the clouds by his claws.

The weather is sunny again.


When Lin Yining opened his eyes, he was in a gorgeous palace. There is a very strange thing about the palace, that is, it is very large in size.

If it wasn't for the decoration and it was of normal size, he would have doubted that he had come to the kingdom of adults.

Da da da, a man walked in from the door, with a strong figure, a full head taller than Lin Yining. He hiccupped, threw him a pendant, and said, "I got the things, you can go."

Lin Yining asked: "Where are you going?" After asking, he immediately realized: "This is Long Island?"

The flirtatious tall man rolled his eyelids and said, "Yes—oh yes, I have to thank you for taking care of our two little brats—wait a minute, I thank you for taking care of him, will Jasmine be angry..."

Lin Yining: "..."

"Forget it, be polite. Humans are used to hypocrisy like this, and humans of your race are even worse." The dragon who didn't know the name hiccupped again, and said, "There is a video in the thing I gave you, who gave it to you?" your… "


"I forgot what his name is...but most people on the mainland will remember..." The old dragon became impatient and waved his hands: "Look for yourself."

After he finished speaking, he didn't intend to talk to Lin Yining any more, and walked out staggeringly. Lin Yining reacted for a while, picked up the pendant, and saw that it shone when it touched his body temperature.

"Hello, Lin Yining." The clown's face appeared in front of Lin Yining: "If you see me now, it means that you are only one step away from success. Next, please go to Laolong and open a Even if you don’t collect all eight seeds, you can come to the real world—but that doesn’t mean you’re free.”

"Because you came to the site of the Smile Company. In addition to the identity of the experimental product, you also have an identity, which is the most wanted criminal in the entire interstellar. Before you know it, you have already been to the interstellar era , the copy you just passed is part of the interstellar era, I hope you didn’t kill too many tourists, they are all real people.”

"I only killed two security guards." Lin Yining said, "Should I feel guilty?"

"No no no... I guess you'll think I'm blaming you, but I really don't mean that. What is the museum of the dead you see, they use the death of your compatriots as a ride, laughing, no respect, dead So what?" The clown said: "This is just a part of their so-called superior civilization, and you have seen the more terrifying ones. The continent a hundred years ago, the earth in a year... I am just saying that this matter is in their eyes. Seriousness, that's how they double standard."

Lin Yining raised his head slightly: "I really spared no effort to brainwash you."

"Yes, I have to apologize for what I have done this year, but please believe me, I really like you." The clown in the video smiled funnyly at Lin Yining: "I should show you See my true colors as compensation... "

A burst of scorching white light burst out in the aperture, and after the light dissipated, a person appeared on the spot.

He is wearing a white robe and has three pairs of pure white wings. His appearance is different from the usual clown image, and he is closer to the holiness that does not resemble human beings—

This is an angel.