Doomsday Carnival

Chapter 11: Zombie World and Mutant Beasts


The author has something to say: Minor revision of a setting

The ranking of the players is no longer divided into a general list. You can challenge the top ten players to replace him, and there are additional rewards

The setting of killing other players to gain experience is cancelled... it was edited, but it still needs to be... Harmony~

The place where he fell gathered many fish, which were attracted by the corpse of his companion. Originally, they found that the delicious food in their mouths had disappeared, and the fish school was still very unhappy. When they suddenly saw a bigger delicious food falling from the sky, they didn't need to say anything about their attitudes.

A burst of flame erupted from the man, causing the surrounding water to boil.

It's not necessarily a fight with him, and this is not a place to fight. Hearing the cries of animals not far away, Lin Yining had no intention of getting entangled with him, not even the fish and fish on the ground, and left this place.

Of course, you can't have fish, and you can't expose your space for this small profit.

As soon as he left, a person came from behind, flew up to the lake, and pulled up the people in the lake.

After the young man who fell into the lake came up, he quickly steamed off the water stains on his body with flames, but there was still a fishy smell on his body, and he jumped up in anger.

"Okay, picking up so many fish for nothing, why are you angry?" The companion laughed.

"You just know that I picked up a bunch of fish?" He patted the half-dried clothes on his body, and suddenly said to his companion mysteriously, "Do you know who that is?"


"Lin Yining." The young man sneered. The app turned into a light curtain and floated in front of his eyes—this was a function that was updated later, he called up a reminder and showed it to his companions.

[Lin Yining, the ninth player, attacked you.]

This information will only be available when you meet the top ten players, so that they can use it to grab positions.

"Is that Lin Yining?" The companion was stunned for a moment, and sighed, "Staying in Liberty City now is really courageous."

"You guys are quite courageous." Another person sprang out from the bushes: "The mutated beast is coming, let's go."

Now the two stopped chatting and left in a hurry.

After they left, a group of cats jumped up and devoured the dozen or so mutated fish on the ground.

If Lin Yining knew that his temper would make him noticed by others - he would still do it.

He does not deny that he is one of the group of people who can handle well in a disordered world. His own personality determines that he is very suitable for this kind of game. In other words, he is born with indulgent genes and will not be too conformist.

But after that time, Lin Yining was still a lot more careful when hunting. But because there were so few people in the city, he never met those people from that day again.


"Congratulations on entering the ninth level. Please go to the nearby central city for race conversion as soon as possible." Another week later, Lin Yining received an upgrade prompt.

He was in the galaxy space when he received the news of the upgrade. Watching the saplings shake their branches and leaves, the light of the longbow hanging at the top went out for a moment, and then flourished, more like a new moon.

Lin Yining summoned him down and observed him carefully.

Not to mention those small damages, there were originally three serious damages on his longbow, the heaviest was a crack, extending from the middle to one side, the crack was filled with black dirt, and placed on the crystal clear bow and arrow On, it was shocking.

There is a defect in the remaining two places, and there is something embedded in the other place. It is black, like a stone or a piece of iron. Where it exists, the light of the bow and arrow itself has dimmed a lot.

After hanging on the tree for a few weeks, the originally fine cracks had a faint tendency to heal. The touch of the bow and arrow was more like jade, and Lin Yining could almost hear its joyful sound when holding it in his hand.

The reflection of Xinghe still lacked energy. Before leaving, Lin Yining planned to go to Beicheng Pet Market to collect a batch of fish and get some energy stones. With the increase in level, it is not so difficult for him to kill large mutant dogs now, but it is still much more convenient and quicker to kill fish.

The gatekeeper in front of the pet market dungeon is an old man, just like the ordinary gatekeeper in the real world outside the game, he just ignores him.

"Before handing in the tickets, 80 copper coins." The old man was smoking a cigarette and glanced at him lightly.

Without much hesitation, Lin Yining summoned the doomsday assistant and clicked OK on it. Then, the rusty iron gate slowly unfolded in front of him.

The copy of the pet market has a special background, set in the end of the world. It was said in the dungeon introduction that after people fled the city one after another, mutant beasts abandoned by humans occupied this place, and zombies never dared to set foot in it.

Someone in the doomsday forum analyzed it, and there may be a larger copy inside.

After entering the dungeon, there is a spacious road, turn left from here, and walk another ten minutes to the artificial lake where he often hunts. He didn't intend to change his plan this time, and walked forward along the usual path.

But this time he had a vague premonition. The road went surprisingly smoothly. I used to meet one or two wild cats and dogs, but this time there was nothing.

When Lin Yining was about to reach the place, he heard a scream coming from the front.

Dogs are creatures used to living in groups. After leaving people, dogs gradually regained the instinct of their ancestors to survive in the wild. Hearing this sound, that unlucky man must have provoked a large group of dogs.

Lin Yining didn't intend to meddle in other people's business - he also couldn't beat a large group of dogs. Anyway, the size of this dungeon is not small, and hunting in another place will not affect him much.

He cautiously took two steps back, intending to find a way to retreat slowly without attracting the mutant beast's attention. As he stepped out of the path in the woods by the artificial lake, he heard a low, menacing bark behind him.

He turned his head and saw standing at the end of the path was a big dog as high as his waist.

This reminded Lin Yining of the wolf he met at the subway station.

When meeting mutant beasts in this copy, there is no other ending, only life and death. Now that he met him, he no longer hesitated, picked up the bow and arrow in his hand, and aimed an arrow at the giant dog!

At the same time, the giant dog rushed forward and opened its mouth wide.

Lin Yining shot the second arrow, stably, and passed through the dog's skull, hitting the vital point.

With these two arrows, he felt that the bow and arrow had lost more than 10% of its strength. He didn't want to be entangled again, and he didn't plan to do something like fighting a beast close to hand after leaving the subway station. Before running a few meters, I heard the roar of the giant dog again.

The giant dog staggered against the blood hole on its head, unwilling to fall, and reported the last letter to its companion.

Lin Yining thought in his heart that it was bad, and speeded up his escape.

With a loud dog bark, Lin Yining turned a corner.

There is a fast food restaurant in front, and the door is open. From the door, you can see that the front and back doors of the store are open. He fled inside.

As soon as he entered, he stopped because there were still people inside, four in total. One of them looks a little familiar, the one I met by the lake that day.

Unexpectedly, after he stepped into the store, the dog stopped barking, but it didn't disperse either, looking at him indifferently outside.

"It's full." The person sitting in front of the cashier sighed and said, "Then let's go."

what go? Before he could react, he heard the system prompt—

[The copy of the zombie apocalypse opens

Task requirements: to be determined]