Doomsday Carnival

Chapter 12: Zombies in the end of the world and teammates who drive ducks to the shelves


Lin Yining didn't know that he had missed other people's important matters by his own way.

He annoyed so many strange beasts and opened the second layer of the dungeon, not to make wedding clothes for him. The task requires that when the number of players reaches four, they can follow the shop owner to enter the second-level copy. In the team of three over there, there was another one who was dragging the strange beast outside. When he had a chance, he took the opportunity to escape and entered the dungeon with his companions. Unexpectedly, Lin Yining took this position first.

Among the three people over there, one gave Lin Yining a hard look. Lin Yining lowered his head and pretended not to see it. In fact, he was not so happy in his heart, and the feeling of the plan being disrupted made him feel extremely bored.

But now they can only live in harmony temporarily. For those few people, the teammates had already quit the dungeon because they couldn't handle it anymore. If Lin Yining was kicked out again, the pre-mission tasks would be for nothing, so it's better to make do with it first. As for Lin Yining, if he quits, let alone offending these three people, the strange beasts outside are enough for him to drink a pot.

The two groups had their own thoughts and reached a strange balance in silence.

The owner of the NPC shop is not interested in the grievances and grievances of the players, and dutifully said his lines: "Jingcheng is not safe now, we are going to Changchuan Base, do you want to go together?"

Immediately, a background prompt sounded in their ears: Jingcheng has become a paradise for zombies. You who are struggling have met other survivors. You were overjoyed and decided to go to Changchuan base with them.

One of the three over there hummed.

"Then let's go."

The boss didn't look at them any more, and walked towards the back door of the small shop.

After Lin Yining followed him out of the back door of the shop, the scenery suddenly changed.

No matter how dangerous the pet market instance in Liberty City is, most places are clean—a kind of cleanliness that makes people feel chilling. Regardless of whether it is a human or a beast, if no one collects the corpse after a period of time, the game system will treat them as garbage. It's like processing data in computer software, selecting everything about him, and then deleting.

But the second layer of the end of the world dungeon is different. According to the background introduction, the end of the world has arrived for nearly three months. Therefore, quite appropriate to the situation, the streets in the end-of-the-world dungeon present a kind of desolation with few people. Dust was evenly scattered on the stone-paved street, and there were dried leaves on the side. The wind suddenly picked up, and the fallen leaves rustled.

Lin Yining felt for no reason that it should be autumn here.

The four of them followed behind the boss, went out through the broken gate, and walked into the nearby residential area.

The inside of the pet market is the territory of strange beasts, and the outside is the territory of zombies, and they do not disturb each other. The survivors, including the boss, can only survive in the fuzzy area at the junction of the two.

The boss led them into a basement in a residential area, which was the warehouse of a small supermarket. Relying on these supplies, seven or eight survivors struggled through three months.

Seeing that the boss brought someone back, someone grabbed him urgently: "Did you really bring them back? Do you know what these people do?"

The boss said helplessly: "What can we do if we don't bring it back? We'll just wait here, how long can we wait? They have a car, but we don't."

The man on the other side was speechless.

[Apocalypse series mission 1: Protecting survivors and arriving at Changchuan Base]

Lin Yining heard the system notification sound coming from his ear.

"Yes, we have two cars, and twelve people can fit in them." A member of the player trio said sincerely, "We have no other intentions. Look, the world is like this now. Shouldn't the survivors take care of each other?"

He should have also received a system prompt, Lin Yining did not express surprise.

The boss sighed.

The man continued his efforts: "Actually, we are not just doing good deeds. There are many people, and it is safer to get together. We have two cars. We could take two cars with us, but if we separate two people and one car, it would be too much." It’s not safe, let’s go together, it’s also good for us, we can bring more things.”

Sometimes, it is more trustworthy to be a little selfish. Hearing what he said, the attitude of the other survivors changed from defensive to dubious. At this time, Lin Yining, who was not very talkative, breathed a sigh of relief, it was great to be able to pass this level so conveniently.

"Let's prepare things first." Another player said: "Our plan is like this, see if it works..."


Here's their plan.

Lin Yining and the survivors they needed to protect went to hunt some mutant beasts, and the other three players went to a large shopping mall in Jingcheng to get some needed things. Mainly drones, alarm clocks, and cameras.

At that time, they will tie the flesh and blood of the alien beast to the drone to lure the zombies away so that they can escape.

From the perspective of this group of players with a minimum level of six, neither mutant beasts nor zombies pose much of a threat in Jingcheng—but in their territory, it is inevitable that elephants will be ground to death by ants. You can still run away.

They also just wanted to get something and didn't mess with the monsters much, so the plan went smoothly.

Early the next morning, a group of people sneaked up to their car.

In the city, the noise of the car is too loud, which will attract zombies, but it is more convenient to move things there.

The players didn't care much about the supplies, but the survivors in the game were not good, and they moved two or three times before they almost moved their things.

A group of three players guarded the car over there, and Lin Yining followed the survivors to move things to protect them. This time the game was fairly honest, the car was about a fifteen-minute walk from the small warehouse where the survivors lived. The NPCs tactfully ignored the bugs in the game, and followed Lin Yining to move things nervously.

"Brother, you should move somewhere." This survivor is the son of the owner of the small supermarket. No one in his family has died. joke.

Lin Yining was on guard with a bow and arrow in his hand, and squinted at him: "I'm holding something, who will hit the zombie? You?"

"Why can't I." The boy smiled.

"Is it you who was so scared by the strange beast yesterday that you almost cried?" Lin Yining teased him.

The guy was about to reply, but suddenly he heard Lin Yining's voice change, and he became serious: "Throw away the thing, run!"

He looked back tremblingly, at the end of the road, two zombies were walking towards them, their gray eyeballs were full of covetousness.

He immediately dropped his things, pulled up his sister, and ran to the side of the car.

Lin Yining aimed his longbow at the zombie. The monster over there seemed to feel the deterrence. Although it was still roaring, it did not dare to move forward.

One of the monsters took two tentative steps forward, and Lin Yining shot an arrow, piercing his head.

Zombies don't know fear, they only know how to act on instinct. The death of his companion let him know that Lin Yining cannot be provoked, but the temptation of fresh flesh and blood ahead made him reluctant to retreat.

Lin Yining confronted him, slowly retreated to the side of the car, opened the co-pilot's door with one hand, and released an arrow at the same time.


The arrow was easily dodged by the zombie. He seemed to understand that Lin Yining had tricked him, so he rushed over with a roar.

The player who had already been prepared in the driving position kicked the accelerator, and the car rushed out. The two cars, one in front and the other behind, rushed on the empty road. Soon, a bunch of zombies fell behind.

The young man's family of four was sitting in Lin Yining's car. He was still having fun and asked Lin Yining, "Brother, why didn't you kill that zombie just now?"

"Because he has crystal nuclei." The player in the driver's seat explained to him while driving parkour: "Some zombies have crystal nuclei, and some don't. Zombies with crystal nuclei die, and the smell dissipates. More zombies are attracted."

"Oh." The young man seemed to understand.

The player who was in the same car with Lin Yining smiled at Lin Yining: "Let's get to know each other, my name is Chen Feng. Maybe you and Wang Jintao were a little unhappy before, but now the mission is important, we still understand each other, peace is the most important thing." .”

Lin Yining glanced at him, nodded, and didn't say what his name was.

This Chen Feng seemed very reasonable, so he didn't ask any more questions.

They are different from ordinary survivors. They have other props on their bodies, and at worst, they also have app assistance. When they made the plan yesterday, they took some situations into consideration. The drone was used at the intersection in front of it. There was a school there, and there might be a large number of zombies.

When approaching the school, Lin Yining saw that the car in front had released the drone.

The flesh and blood of alien beasts is quite a temptation for zombies. Compared with the hard-to-grasp iron box, fresh flesh and blood flying in mid-air is more tempting. Coupled with the voices in their heads that kept ringing in their ears, the zombies became even more irritable.

The player in the car in front should be an expert in this field. The drone flew low over the zombie's head, and then quickly lifted into the air, attracting their attention.

The speed of the car is fast, and the control distance of the drone is limited. It is quite difficult to use this trick to attract zombies.

They attracted half of the hundreds of zombies ahead.

According to the plan, the drone flew towards a large pit that was being repaired for no one knew what—there were probably such places in the city, where they were dug every day.

The zombies roared and broke through the thin iron sheet surrounding the big pit, smelling the aroma of flesh and blood on the drone at the bottom of the pit, they jumped down desperately.

The next half is up to them.

"Get ready—" Chen Feng smiled, and turned on the music in the car. In an unruly rock and roll song, two cars broke through the block of zombies and rushed onto the highway with their flesh and blood.

The author has something to say: I have never fought a zombie before... just... just thinking about it like this hahaha