Doomsday Carnival

Chapter 18: The eve of the final battle of the last days


Chen Feng is very busy right now, apart from level 5 zombies, Lin Yining should be the most careful right now.

He had no idea where this person would come out and give him a fatal blow.

If Lin Yining knew that he was thinking this way, he would definitely say that he was thinking too much. The current Chen Feng has not accumulated all 400 reputation points, and the base does not belong to him, so it is impossible to stop Chen Feng's evil actions. Lin Yining is now planning to do a good deed to help them survive the tide of zombies. By the way, it would be even better to save another wave of crystal cores.

After the third day, on the city wall, Lin Yining looked at Chen Feng who was giving an impassioned speech, a dark look flashed in his eyes, he pulled his hat and walked into the crowd.

I have to say that the system has really treated him very favorably, at least it is clear where the goal of the third phase of the mission is. Lin Yining collected some things and prepared to surprise Chen Feng when the time comes.

Their plan was an expanded and expanded version of the small-scale siege that Lin Yining experienced a few days ago. When the first batch of zombies came up, an explosion would be triggered first, and the flames caused by the explosion could take away the lives of another wave of zombies.

Drawing lessons from the previous experience, they decided that after the flames burned out, the wood-type supernatural beings would manipulate the plants to capture the crystal nuclei in the zombie's brain as soon as possible, so as to avoid the recurrence of high-level zombies.

According to incomplete statistics, among the zombies arriving this time, there will be at least two level 4 zombies.

As the key figure of a very prestigious team in the city, Chen Feng took the lead and stood at the forefront of attacking the zombies. Lin Yining stood behind him and was also in the front.

Ten kilometers, six kilometers, three kilometers.

The distance between the zombie wave and the Changchuan base is slowly being updated. Everyone is on the alert.

They experienced the pain of losing their loved ones, and tried their best to obtain this pure land where they could breathe freely. No one can set foot here, let alone those disgusting zombies!

When the first zombie appeared in sight, Lin Yining's muscles tightened.


With an order, the flames began to burn.

The undead creature, who didn't know the pain, was advancing amidst the flames and explosions, not stopping for the dead partner next to it.

The first phase of the plan went smoothly. The earth-type supernatural powers buried the recovered crystal nuclei firmly in the ground to isolate the induction of the zombies, so the undead creatures had no choice but to move forward in a daze, just following their instincts and looking for fresh flesh and blood the taste of.

Until the first level 4 zombie appeared.

It was like a black shadow, jumping among the corpses. When he rushed to the city wall with flames, many people still didn't understand what happened——

"It's a level four zombie!"

Someone yelled.

Without Lin Yining's control, Chen Feng made the first move. Beside this extremely fast zombie, one huge ice cube after another condensed faster, trying to fix him and prevent him from moving. When one of his feet was wrapped in ice, everyone couldn't help being surprised.

At this time, everyone could clearly see the appearance of this fourth-level zombie. It may have been burned before, and the outside is a scorched mass, like a dead body, which is extremely scary.

The muscles on the scorched corpse's face moved towards the trembling man on the city wall—if he still had muscles.

Immediately there was a loud bang, the ice cubes exploded, and all kinds of supernatural powers came in vain, and the zombies rushed up the city wall again!

"Cooperate with me!" Chen Feng said, and someone responded, and then saw that a water dragon accurately followed up with the charred corpse, and then, a large number of lightning-type abilities followed and fell into the water dragon, and the muscles on the charred corpse were completely lost. He lost control and fell to the ground.

"Retract the crystal nucleus."

Needless to say, others know how to do it. There was a wood-type supernatural being manipulating a particularly hard plant, intending to get the crystal nucleus, but at this moment, an inhuman shape slowly crawled out of the soil, wrapping the head of a level-four scorched corpse zombie, It quickly corroded him.

Another fourth-level zombie appeared, and it was an earth-type zombie.

This earth-type zombie seems to have the ability to control the soil, and he can even merge with the land—in that case, the trick just now won't work. He melted into the soil, and naturally took the current away.

The survivors hurriedly greeted this new fourth-level zombie, and at the same time noticed that something more terrifying was coming.

Unlike the small group of zombies that were tentative before, this time, what really appeared was a large army of tens of thousands of zombies. Although the level of zombies is mainly first and second, but when there are too many, it is still unavoidable to make people tremble.

The man beside Lin Yining gritted his teeth, greeted him, and jumped off the city wall first. The earth zombie's figure flashed, ready to catch the delicious food that was about to fall into his mouth. Lin Yining was behind him, moved his hand lightly, and a bright flower bloomed on the earth-type zombie.

It was a red flower, extremely beautiful, and the earth zombie clearly felt that his vitality was about to be sucked away. So angrily turned into a stone, the flowers lost their soil and gradually withered, but took root in the stone,

Unaware of all this, the man picked up the weapon in his hand and attacked those low-level zombies.

The number of zombies and humans ebbs and flows. Some humans are transformed into zombies, and some zombies die. Now humans have no spare time to arrange for wood-type supernatural beings to collect spars one by one. Those zombies didn't have the time to devour the crystal nuclei of the same kind.

Scarlet is the only main color in this universe.

Chen Feng is a level ten player, and his strength should not be underestimated. Even if he is a level four zombie, there is nothing he can do about it. When he took off the crystal nucleus of the fourth-level earth-type zombie, cheers erupted from the sky and the earth, and morale was greatly boosted.

Lin Yining mixed in the crowd and smiled slightly.

This battle lasted for three days, and Chen Feng's position as the future owner of the base was completely established in these three days. When all the survivors cheered and prepared to celebrate, Lin Yining's plan started.

Except for some earth-type supernatural beings who were repairing the city wall, the rest of the people relaxed after a big battle. Even wine, which is usually a luxury, sold a lot at this time.

The survivors gathered in the square in front of the main entrance of the base, counting down loudly, 3-2-1!

After the last brick on the city wall was repaired, everyone couldn't help cheering. When they hugged each other and toasted, someone found out, who was this person next to him

"It's me." The skinny and bone-skeleton skeleton smiled sweetly, with beautiful eyes looking forward, and said with a smile, "That's not what you said yesterday."

He was panicked, and suddenly saw pieces of meat falling from the beautiful skeleton shelf, and said, "After I was sent to the laboratory for experiments, I became like this. Don't you know me?"

The author has something to say: There may be a slight spoiler involved, but I think I'll say it anyway...

Do you still remember that the protagonist's cheat has a copy and paste skill