Doomsday Carnival

Chapter 24: whereabouts of the dead


He is making meatballs.

Collect the minced meat, add seasonings to taste, add egg whites for strength, and stir well once and for all. The balls of the Q bomb gradually took shape in his hands. Even though they were far away, Lin Yining and the others seemed to smell the meat stuffing.

Following his movements, many transparent shadows appeared on the ground.

The busy chef didn't pay attention to what they meant, and was still busy in front of the cooking table. And the ghost on the ground crawled over here as if they had discovered something.

As they gradually left the range where the chef was, the transparent ghosts gradually solidified.

Lin Yining saw something in common. These ghosts looked like dolls, with neat incisions—like meat in a vegetable market, with their arms and legs separated one by one.

The creeper wrapped around his wrist jumped out and covered the door.

"Let's go first." Lin Yining said in a low voice.

"Go to Sun Meng and Qi Tian." Fan Zike said, "We can't beat them now."

Lin Yining thought so too.

The creeper seedling on Lin Yining's wrist moved like an iron chain, firmly locking the door. With the approaching ghosts screaming, Lin Yining ran out resolutely.

Behind them, the ghost tried to eat the creeper seedlings, but was tied up by the seedlings one by one. However, the capacity of seedlings is still limited. By the fourth ghost, it was bitten hard.

Lin Yining sensed the movement of the ivy, and with a thought, the seedling ran back and climbed back onto his wrist. The unlocked door was suddenly opened, and a group of mindless ghosts rushed out, smelling the traces left on the ground, and rushed out of the hot pot restaurant.

In the hotel, the girl at the front desk had disappeared, and there was no one at the counter.

Their range of activities was limited to the hotel and the nearby hot pot restaurants, and now Lin Yining had nowhere to hide if he wanted to. The ghost took Fan Zike up to the second floor, and Lin Yining saw that when they stepped on the soft carpet, red liquid splashed.

A ghost got up from the carpet and rushed towards Fan Zike!

Lin Yining rushed forward, used plants to drive away the ghosts, and followed them up to the second floor.

The corridor in the middle of the night was silent, and the whole space was like a pool of stagnant water, without any waves. Neatly arranged room doors spread out in front of their eyes, from large to small, presenting a strange sense of order. Farther away, a door was suddenly opened.

That room was the one where the mission target lived before he disappeared, and it was also one of the places Fan Zike's two bodyguards went to check today.

Lin Yining once tried in the car, wanting to cancel the room reserved for him by the system and book that one instead, but it didn't work. He originally thought that after returning from the hot pot restaurant, he would go to see that room with his own eyes, but he did not expect that the opportunity to enter the room came at this time.

"Sun Meng, Qi Tian?" Fan Zike rushed forward and shouted loudly, but no one in the room responded.

While he was talking, Lin Yining and Ghost also came to this room. Similar to other rooms, there is no place to hide people in the space that can be seen at a glance.

Seeing that the first and fastest ghost was about to catch up, the ghost closed the door with quick eyes and hands. The door in this room seemed to have some magical effect. After it was closed, the ghosts outside slowly receded.

The crisis was temporarily lifted, and Fan Zike sat on the bed panting heavily.

The ghost opened the closet door and found a bag inside. Lin Yining went to the nearby bathroom, but he didn't find the two bodyguards at all.

"Missing?" Ghost frowned.

Lin Yining took the bag, rummaged through it, and found a wallet inside, which contained the target's student ID card and ID card, but did not find the mobile phone.

This conflicts with the information just obtained. Lin Yining thought, the backpack is still here, why is the place where that person last appeared near the scenic spot

It is very likely that the mission target was killed here. What about cell phones

Lin Yining thought of something, took out the mobile phone that the system provided him, searched in the contact directory, and found the name of the mission target.

He dialed the number, and a few seconds later, the phone rang from under the bed.

"Nice job." The ghost glanced at Lin Yining, raised his hand, and slowly moved a mobile phone out from under the bed, and landed in his hand.

There was a lot of dust on the phone, Ghost wiped the screen hastily, and turned it on.

There was no password on it, so they flipped through it casually, and they found such a video.

"I think there is something wrong with this hotel." The face of the task target appeared on the screen of the mobile phone, looking at the camera anxiously, and occasionally glanced at the direction of the door. He said, "When I went to the hot pot restaurant downstairs for dinner at night, I seemed to be in They saw a hand in their kitchen! A real hand! A human hand!"

"The more I think about it, the more I feel something is wrong, but it's not safe to go out now. Will they kill me?" He took a puff of cigarette and said, "Let's talk about it when I leave tomorrow. I booked a car to go to the scenic spot. After arriving at the scenic spot It's safe. If I do die, these are my last words..."

It's such a pity that it's a prophecy.

Lin Yining took the mobile phone from the ghost, searched through the call records, and found that there was a call to the police just before seven o'clock in the morning.

Why didn't he call the police at night? Maybe it was because he felt that he was making a big fuss like this, maybe he was embarrassed. In short, he didn't take this step, so he was killed.

"Why didn't he get on the car leading to the scenic spot?" Lin Yining whispered to himself: "Of course it's because there is something wrong with the car..."

So, at seven o'clock in the morning, when he was about to get in the car, the mission target who finally couldn't hold on chose to call the police, but the call was not made.

"It's just speculation," said the ghost.

"It's a guess, I'll find out tomorrow." Lin Yining said, "The phone is under the bed. It is very likely that he was attacked before leaving the room. Why did they choose the time near seven o'clock to attack the mission target? I still think that There might be a problem with the car."

"Now, what about Sun Meng and Qi Tian?" Fan Zike asked, "Do you want to save them?"

Lin Yining didn't reply, Ghost sighed and said, "There are ghosts everywhere outside."

Fan Zike's eyes turned red.

The ghost rubbed his head and said, "Stop making trouble."

Fan Zike patted his hand off.

Lin Yining ignored them and sat on the stool, thinking, now it's obvious that the mission target is likely to die at the hands of the people in this hotel, and even controlled by the soul - but where is he now

The task didn't go into detail, but it was simply mentioned that they wanted to find the target of the task. So, how do you find it

If, as they think, the mission target is dead, find the body, find the soul, or find them all

"If his guess is right, I suggest that we get in that car tomorrow and leave the hotel. There is only that one person. It's better to deal with it." After a while of silence, the ghost said.


The next morning, the beating and footsteps outside died away, and they were finally able to open the door.

The corridor was still the same as what they saw yesterday, it was cleaned hastily, and they didn't see so many uninvited guests wandering in front of the door at all. It wasn't just a group of them who came to travel, there were also some ordinary NPCs. Parents hurried downstairs with their children who didn't want to get up.

The girl at the front desk yawned and said, "Brother Wang's license plate number is xxxxx. You can see it directly when you go out. It's a silver van." Seeing that only three of Lin Yining and the others came out, she couldn't help asking curiously: "Where are your two friends?"

"I can't live and die, I can't talk about it." The ghost leaned against the front desk and said, "Our room will be retired first."

The little girl winked at them and smiled, "Have a good time."

"Thank you for the good words." Lin Yining took this sentence, and the meaning in the words was a bit meaningful.

The three of them walked out of the hotel, and sure enough, they saw the silver van in the most conspicuous place. Matching the license plate number, they got into the car.

"There are five people, why are you three here?" The driver turned around with a cigarette in his mouth.

The moment he saw the driver, Lin Yining knew it, and his judgment was completely correct.

The reason why the mission target is unwilling to get in this car is probably because he met this driver in the back kitchen of the hotel.

He is the one who made the meatballs yesterday.

"They have something to do." Fan Zike said first, "We'll give you the money."

"Okay then, let's go." The driver turned around and started the car.

The minivan with seven or eight seats seemed empty. A tick-tock alarm sounded, and Fan Zike saw the ghost send him a message: "Don't act rashly."

"Thinking about how to kill me? I can see it." The driver's voice suddenly came from the front row, and said unhurriedly: "Come and find someone, just that one, that college student."

"What did you do to him?"

"Eat it, what else can I do?" The driver said: "Originally he saw it when he saw it, and no one could find any evidence. I planned to let him go. That morning, I was also kind, afraid that he might have slept. Go up and knock on the door to call him, who knows, it's like seeing a ghost when he opens the door, and when I'm in a hurry, I..."

"Kill him?"

"Yeah." The driver said casually, "You all saw it last night, you dared to come up."

Before the words fell, the temperature in the compartment dropped. Lin Yining saw that a 'person' appeared on the originally vacant seat.

They sat upright on the spot, and there was a bloodstain at the junction of the joints like a doll. The one sitting next to Lin Yining even turned his head to look at him.

The suffocating calm didn't last for three seconds, a tear of blood suddenly flowed from the ghost's eyes, and he rushed towards him like crazy!

This time, the creeper on Lin Yining's wrist didn't hold back, he strangled a ghost's neck fiercely!

Without much effort, the ivy's vines smoothly followed the bloodstains and knocked off the ghost's head. The head that fell to the side wailed, and the whole ghost disappeared.

Fan Zike's side is not going well, and the ghost is protecting him, so he will inevitably be at a loss. Just when a ghost was about to grab him, the ghost let out a scream, and the ghosts were stunned for a few seconds, and rushed towards the driver!

"Aren't you stupid!" Fan Zike yelled, "You killed the driver on the way, we can't finish playing with you?"

The author has something to say: It’s just a very old-fashioned cannibal stalk, try to be innovative in the next chapter hehe