Doomsday Carnival

Chapter 25: cannibals


"Of course I know!" the ghost replied, grabbing the hat off his head - it was used to hide his too pale complexion.

The ghost is one of the common bloodlines of the ghost clan, the most common high-end bloodline, but this ghost obviously made the most of its advantages.

His demeanor suddenly changed, from a person to an existence that was obviously not human, his pupils dilated, the only blood on his face disappeared, and his muscles stiffened visibly with the naked eye. The ghost spat out a string of weird words, like singing, which made people's scalp go numb. Lin Yining froze, as if he had entered a strange space.

In this space, he is one of the ghosts who have just been controlled by the driver to attack them. Now the ghost doesn't seem to be dead yet. He was dragged under the tree, tied his hands and hung up. He tried to look up and saw countless skulls hanging on the tree...

Fortunately, Lin Yining came back to his senses in just a moment. He saw the ghosts that were still attacking them just now surrounding the driver, biting them constantly, and the expressions of pain and numbness alternated back and forth on the driver's face, which was very strange.

"I just used level suppression on these ghosts, maybe you are affected." Ghost said.

Lin Yining groaned, and asked, "I seem to have seen a memory of a victim just now." He pointed to the lady who was trying to tear off a piece of flesh from the driver, and said, "It should be within half an hour before she died. She was hung from a tree to be...butchered."

The revenge-focused lady in front was stimulated by Lin Yining's words, and turned her head to stare at him.

The ghost spoke emphatically and said something to her, and the lady went back again for revenge.

"Pay attention to the way you speak." The ghost said: "I know what it is. They are not human, they are a race that eats people."

This passage was pieced together by the ghosts by reading the memories of the dead—these guys are not too shy about the food on their plates, and they will always reveal something intentionally or unintentionally.

"Maybe in the background setting of this game, with the development of science and technology, they opened a hotel after it was inconvenient to hunt, so they opened a hotel to trap those donkey friends who intend to go into the deep mountains. Anyway, after going in, they disappeared. Who knows whether those people are dead or not?" live?"

"These bastards!" Fan Zike said angrily, as if he stood up and gave the driver a slap.

"He is a beast, not a human." Lin Yining glanced at the driver, stopped him, and said, "Then what we are going to now is the lair of this group of cannibals?"

"That's right." The ghost said, "It looks like there are forty or fifty cannibals there."

"What about their weaknesses? Did you mention them?" Fan Zike asked.

"It's a tree. The skulls of all the victims are hanging from the tree." Lin Yining recalled the moment when the victim entered the memory just now. On that tree, all the heads were alive.

"That's right, they used this tree to control all the undead victims." The ghost hesitated for a moment, and said: "First villain, then gentleman, I think I should explain something to you clearly. The purpose of our coming in It’s just for brushing this tree, his name is Phantom Fragrance, and rewards will be distributed at that time, I hope we can reach a consensus on this point.”

"Of course." Lin Yining nodded indifferently, pondered for a moment, glanced lightly at the driver in front of him, and said, "Since this is the case, I have an idea. We pretended to be caught prey and were taken directly to the slaughter How's the field?"

The slaughterhouse is the tree on which the victim's head hangs. Lin Yining said: "If I destroy this tree, there will be no undead to help them fight. It will not be difficult to kill a few cannibals."

The driver in the front row had his eyes wide open, whimpered twice, and was speechless—he had been controlled by the ghost. The ghost looked at Lin Yining carefully, and said, "Do you really want to be directly attacked by hundreds of ghosts?"

"Then you want to be attacked by hundreds of ghosts commanded by the cannibals?" Lin Yining asked, "It was not easy for us to deal with those dozens of ghosts last night."

"That's right, that's why we can't do this." The ghost said: "Being taken there directly, if something is wrong, we will face all the ghosts. If we touch it, we can confirm the mission target from a distance. gone."

"I'll go, you can do whatever you want." Lin Yining didn't want to try to persuade him anymore, and said, "As long as you disguise yourself as a driver and hand me over to the cannibals in the slaughterhouse, you can go wherever you want."

The ghost gasped: "You madman!"

"I think his method is more interesting." Fan Zike said enthusiastically, looked at the ghost and said, "Let's do it this way."

The ghost looked at him, then at Lin Yining, thought for a while, and finally sighed helplessly: "What two lunatics."

Half an hour later, the car was driven to a valley by the driver.

Now that the role of the map had disappeared and the driver was no longer useful, the ghost took his memory without mercy, and the stiff muscles on his face squirmed for a while, turning into a driver.

The real driver who had lost his soul collapsed on the ground and became a vegetable. He was disfigured by the ghost and looked like an ordinary middle-aged man.

The ghost put on his clothes, sat in the driver's seat, and drove to the front of the valley. After whistling a few times, someone was coming.

It is inaccurate to say people, the creatures can only be said to be like people, and the human form should be their disguise, which is their original form. Their skin was blue all over, they were as thin as a hemp stick, and their bones were protruding.

The ghost pretended to be the driver and said: "If you catch three, you will be knocked out. When the time comes, kill the oldest one first, and you will have only one breath left."

The cannibal laughed strangely: "Three more, have you been lucky these days?"

The ghost smiled inexplicably, and glanced at Lin Yining and Fan Zike indiscriminately.

The new cannibals loaded Lin Yining, Fan Zike and the driver into the car and led them towards the slaughterhouse.

The closer to the tree, the stronger the smell of blood, like a vegetable market—the kind of slaughtered cattle and sheep that are hung on iron hooks for sale, exuding the stench of raw meat. When I walked in again, there was a faint fragrance mixed with the smell of blood to form a different smell.

Through the ivy, Lin Yining 'saw' that the human heads on the tree were indeed alive. They were more like zombies, staring at one place meaninglessly, with their mouths wide open, biting everywhere.

A bird tried to peck a piece of meat off their face, but was bitten by the head, chewed it twice and spit it out.

The cannibal quickly tied up the driver, hung him from a tree, and killed him with a knife.

Just as he was about to proceed to the next step, the dead driver had already established contact with the big tree. The cannibal's blood angered all the undead on the tree, and they all looked in this direction together.

"What's going on?" The cannibal was a little puzzled. Immediately, he realized that among the undead he could control, there was a fellow of the same race, that is—there was a problem with the goods delivered today!

Cannibals are angry when they are killed by food. There was a contemptuous emotion in his heart, as if I saw what flowers you could come up with... Before this idea was completed, he fell into darkness.

It was Fan Zike, who knocked out the cannibal.

"What should I do?" He looked at Lin Yining.

"I'm a tree man, you can see it..." Lin Yining lied, and smiled at Fan Zike's unclear eyes.

Then, all the surrounding plants rushed over together, trying to pull this big tree out of the ground!


The big tree seemed to be whining.

Suddenly feeling that the control weakened, the skulls screamed excitedly, ready to escape from the control of the big tree, and were attacked by inside and outside, the big tree finally gave up the last resistance and was pulled out of the ground!

The sky suddenly darkened, and countless undead escaped from the clutches of the murderer. What they have to do now is revenge!