Doomsday Carnival

Chapter 3: Subway stations and human nature


The floor of the subway station was spotless as usual, and the bloodstained footprints of the survivors covered it, adding a bit of horror to the atmosphere at this time.

It doesn't feel good to be in a horror movie.

Panting heavily, Lin Yining stopped in a corner, trying to calm down and think.

He should have a little time before the monsters find him.

He is not a person who can be a leader. In the face of those obviously wrong monsters, it seems that it is not feasible to fight alone. The safest way is to find a ticket to go out.

Coincidentally, on the third floor of the underground platform, there is a picture at the very beginning of today's absurdity, which belongs to the girl who took the video.

If he is lucky enough, he might get it, but the chances are too small, and he is definitely not the only one who can think of this.

So instead of tickets, what he needs now is a weapon for self-defense—but there is a security check at the subway station, where can I find a weapon

Lin Yining suddenly thought of something, he took out his phone and opened that strange app. As you can tell from the name, this app is related to today's terrorist events.

After opening the app, his personal information was no longer displayed on the first interface, but a map with many light spots of different colors and explanations beside it, showing the location of the monster and the number of survivors. He saw that sixteen people had died so far.

He felt a little dry in his mouth, and the unreasonable anxiety made his scalp numb. He was at a loss for a while, and then remembered that he clicked on the app to find useful clues. After looking around, he found that, except for an extra I don't know how to take out the dry powder fire extinguisher, and there is nothing else. Probably the app can help him so much.


Lin Yining said to himself that being able to see the location of the monster is enough.

He set the location of the map on the basement floor where he was, observed the monster's trajectory for a while, and finally decided to look for weapons at the security checkpoint where he entered the station. After all, there are security guards there, and there may be things that can be used as weapons. Down.

In the subway station, there is almost no confined space. He is now alone, and he moves very cautiously. Following the map and signs, Lin Yining approached the target.

Turning the corner ahead, he saw a bathroom, and the blood on the floor drew a shape he was familiar with—the beginning was a big pool of blood, probably where the poor man was first attacked, and then there were traces of being dragged, roughly Thick and long strips, large patches of red are shocking.

The bathroom door was open a little, and there was no light inside, it was pitch black.

After thinking about it, he decided to go in and have a look. It would be better if there were still cleaning tools inside.

He stepped lightly, walked in quietly, and locked the door behind him. The voice-activated light sensed the presence of people and turned on.

At this moment, Lin Yining saw a scene that caught him off guard.

A tall and burly man was strangling a young child's neck. From his perspective, Lin Yining couldn't see the child's expression, but he could see that his struggle was getting smaller and smaller.

The sound of Lin Yining closing the door obviously alarmed him.

"Want to meddle in your own business?" The child had fainted, and after making sure that the prey could not escape, the man released the child and stood up.

He has always wanted to do this, seeing a person slowly lose his breath in his hands, just thinking about it makes him excited. The sudden arrival of a battle royale game gives him a chance—is it his fault? No, he just wants to live on, so what's wrong with it, not to mention that such a small child, death is a matter of time, so what does it matter

He looked at Lin Yining with a chilling smile on his lips. A thin young man, maybe an otaku who can't walk 500 meters a day, and locked himself here, is there a better candidate than him

"No." Lin Yining said, "You continue."

After speaking, he turned around seemingly defenseless, ready to go out. When he put his hand on the doorknob, there was a sudden gust of wind behind him.

Lin Yining suddenly turned around and avoided the punch.

With a bang, the fist hit the door. Lin Yining took the opportunity to kick the strong man to the ground.

Immediately, he grabbed his neck like a strong man was to a child just now.

The two fell into a stalemate. The voice-activated light time is up, and it goes out. In the darkness, the strong man finally managed to reverse the situation, and now the person who fell on the ground was Lin Yining.

The area of this space is not large enough for two grown men to fight. During the entanglement between the two, the mirror was shattered and pieces of glass scattered all over the floor. Regardless of the sharp edges of the fragments, Lin Yining grabbed a piece and cut it at the strong man's throat!

The lights were turned on by the sound of shattering mirrors.

Under the dim light, Lin Yining saw the strong man grinning grimly grabbing his hand and stabbing the glass piece towards his throat.

Although he tried his best to prevent this from happening, it was predictable that he couldn't beat the opponent at all. The fragments of the mirror gradually approached Lin Yining's throat.

Lin Yining resisted with all his strength, no, he didn't want to die.

What about weapons? Where are the weapons? He wanted to touch another piece of broken glass, but at this moment, a red bottle suddenly appeared in his hand.

fire extinguisher! A fire extinguisher in the app storage!

Lin Yining was overjoyed, at this moment, the desire to survive filled his mind. Not knowing where he got the strength from, Lin Yining swung the handle of the fire extinguisher and threw it on the strong man's head!

He smashed it four or five times in a row, and the loud noise echoed in the room, and Lin Yining heard it like the sound of heaven.

The strong man passed out before he could react.

Lin Yining pushed him away violently, panting heavily on the spot. After he recovered for a while, he hit the strong man on the head again.

He looked at the fainted person on the ground, with unstoppable struggle in his eyes. As long as you kill him, he can escape. What's more, this person did it first, and if he killed him, he would feel much less guilty than killing a stranger.

No no no.

He quickly suppressed the thought.

He doesn't want to kill.

Yes, he didn't want to kill people.

He tried his best to convince himself, in order to divert his attention, Lin Yining glanced at the child next to him, the child had his eyes tightly closed and hadn't woken up yet. He thought for a while, and planned to put the child where he was, and the strong man dragged it out to the bathroom door, and then closed the door, and the monster would do what he didn't want to do for him.

Yes, that's right, the plan was perfect.

He took a steady breath, and after confirming the location of the monster with the app, he gently opened the door.

The light outside was cold and inorganic, bright and grim.

Lin Yining poked his head out cautiously, but what greeted him was a strange cry like a ghost crying. He reacted immediately and wanted to close the door, but...

No matter how hard he tried, the last millimeter just wouldn't close.

The door is jammed.

He looked up slowly.

What stuck the door was a slender and sharp nail with half of a finger attached to it, and there were hairs on the finger... It was that monkey!

Lin Yining didn't have time to think about why the monkey appeared here now, and why the information provided by the app was wrong. He just wanted to drive this beast out!

However, the duel between the hunter and the hunted is destined to be unfair.

One is proud, the other is nervous. One energetic, one exhausted.

Lin Yining pushed the door with all his strength, but it was unavoidable that the gap in the door was getting wider and wider. That monkey, which is only half the height of a human being, has such great strength.

When he started to breathe, Lin Yining knew that he couldn't go on like this.

In the end, Lin Yining made up his mind and let go of his hand.

The monkey poked his head over the door frame with a mocking smile in his eyes.

Lin Yining took a step back.

The monkey turned over and swung on the door frame, once and for all, just like those animals in the zoo.

But suddenly his prey moved.

Lin Yining took out the fire extinguisher bottle from the storage compartment of the app, opened it, and sprayed it.

The monkey was caught off guard by the smoke from the dry powder fire extinguisher and fell from the door frame.

Lin Yining squinted his eyes, held his breath, and resisted the irritation caused by the dry powder.

Fortunately for him, the trick worked. Wrapped in the center of the smoke, a large amount of smoke irritated the monkey's eyes and respiratory tract. At this moment, he almost lost the ability to resist.

The monkey was irritated and rushed into the bathroom frantically. He didn't keep it this time, the sharp claws exerted their full power, leaving deep scratches on the wall that was scratched.

The monkey's eyes couldn't see very clearly, and it vaguely saw a person on the ground, so it jumped on it, howled angrily, and pierced the human skull with its claws!

What he killed was the strong man who was fighting with Lin Yining just now—Lin Yining seized the opportunity, repeated the same trick, and smashed the fire extinguisher bottle like the back of a monkey's head again!

The sound of the impact resounded through the room.

The monkey turned his head, his eyes had turned blood red.

Lin Yining smashed it a second time.

This time the fire extinguisher was caught by it, and the nails were stuck in it, unable to move.

Lin Yining suddenly felt a sense of crisis, he hastily let go of his hand and stepped back.

As if feeling something, the monkey screamed—


The fire extinguisher blew up!

Lin Yining seemed to see in a daze that the monkey and the strong man had turned into two white light clusters.