Doomsday Carnival

Chapter 35: The second floor of the mysterious tower


When the two went out, Lin Yining suddenly remembered something and asked, "Will anyone who comes in choose not to fall?"

"Yes." Duan Muxiao said: "There is an angel in the morning light, you know it... you should have fought with him."

Lin Yining thought of the protoss he had teased before, and subconsciously let out an oh.

"I heard that in order not to become depraved, they specially went to a certain task to collect potions." Duan Muxiao shrugged and said, "I don't know if they succeeded or not."

In this way, Lin Yining seemed to know what they wanted. Coincidentally, there is such a tree planted in the reflection of his galaxy, and it is full of small bottles.

At that time, he copied the antidote he got from the zombie world, but he didn't expect to use it just now.

He took out a small bottle from the space, tentatively drank the potion in it, and when he opened the app again, he saw the data on it, and the column expressing the degree of corruption really stagnated.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect, but after taking the medicine, the irritability and violence in my heart just now subsided a lot. He was startled immediately, and realized that this was probably a side effect of becoming a dark creature.

Lin Yining calmly took out two bottles of medicine from the space and put them in his pocket.

Probably the potion prevented the magic energy from entering, and his points growth fluid slowed down.

That building looked ordinary, no different from the bungalow opposite, if it wasn't for a monster rushing out of it, it wouldn't attract people's attention at all. They went in through the window where the player who had just died jumped out, and found that there was a kitchen. Pots and pans are all available, very breath of life.

Duanmuxiao stepped forward and opened the door carefully, and after waiting for three seconds, there was no movement outside. He took a bowl off the shelf and threw it out.

The sound of broken porcelain was particularly eye-catching in the darkness. A black figure rushed over and struggled under the sword light for a moment, then became silent again and exploded into a cloud of black mist, causing the two of them to cough twice.

"It's a little devil." Duanmuxiao said, "The most common little thing."

He poked his head out and looked through the moonlight reflected from the other side of the corridor, but there was no movement outside.

They walked out.

According to a rough estimate, the area of this building is about three or four hundred square meters, neither too big nor too small. I don't know how the rooms are distributed, the arrangement is very messy, the corridors are tortuous, and the small distance makes people feel like they have walked out of the maze.

But they have the only guiding direction, which is the thicker fog.

During this process, Lin Yining drank another bottle of potion. He needs to stay calm now.

The kitchen where the two came in was at the back of the building. As they walked, they vaguely saw a gorgeously decorated door. They seem to have come to the forefront of the building.

The dark atmosphere here was so thick that it was unimaginable. Lin Yining seemed to hear the sound of two dogs... arguing from the living room.

The plant wrapped around his wrist carefully crawled around the corner, and a few leaves poked out. Through the leaves, Lin Yining clearly saw that it was a... dog with two heads.

Lin Yining blinked at Duanmuxiao, and slowly backed away.

"Woof!" A dog barked again from the living room, and there was an unconcealable anger in this voice. Immediately, the temperature in the room suddenly rose, and before they had time to react, they found a burst of fire in the living room!

"We've been discovered." The creeper on Lin Yining's wrist couldn't dodge, was injured by a leaf, fled back, coiled limply around his wrist. Fortunately, the flames sprayed from the Cerberus's mouth were more like the toilet water sprayed by a person when they met a mosquito. There was no specific target, and the two mosquitoes did not suffer any harm.

"Let's go." Lin Yining said, "Hurry up."

The demonic energy around him was so strong that it made people uncomfortable. Even with the medicine suppressed, Lin Yining's depravity was still deepening, his pupils gradually revealed a faint red, and the tone he tried to suppress was a little irritable: "Mr. Get out and talk!"

Near the living room, their points skyrocketed at a rate of one hundred per second. At this speed, they will be able to enter the second floor in less than ten minutes.

Lin Yining took the medicine, so Duanmu Xiao should be faster than him.

They backed away slowly, trying not to make a sound. But the other dog head was irritated by something, he spit out an ice pick, and rushed straight towards the place where the two were, and with a loud bang, a wall collapsed!

No one can ask a beast to know what a load-bearing wall is, and he bombarded it indiscriminately, and soon the whole house began to be overwhelmed—the two jumped out of the broken roof and were about to leave, but the wind blowing from behind The blade caught them by surprise.

A more famous creature than the Cerberus is the Three-Headed Cerberus.

Lin Yining didn't dare to take it too seriously, so he jumped to dodge and hid under a ruin. There was a constant rumbling sound from behind, and the house collapsed, but the hell three-headed dog didn't seem to be hurt.

"You go." Duan Muxiao hid in the same place as him, and he said, "Sure enough, the points are related to the degree of depravity, and the concentration of magic energy here is too high. If this continues, before I escape from here, I will degenerate will officially begin.”

Lin Yining didn't answer him, but poked his head out, and he saw that the hell three-headed dog was stuck in a circle of light like a dystocia, and a steady stream of devilish energy officially spread from there. The head that had just attacked them, spitting out the wind blade, only squeezed half of it out of the light circle with difficulty. The pain made the monster even more irritable, Lin Yining said in a deep voice, "I can't run away anymore."

In addition to the time spent dealing with it, there is a high probability that he will also start the process of degeneration before he escapes the attack range of the hellhound.

He downed another bottle of potion.

"Brother, did I pick up a Holy Mother for nothing? You plan to live and die with me." Duanmu Xiao was dripping with sweat, barely struggling to stay awake.

Lin Yining said: "Stop talking nonsense. The two of us started to fall together, that is to finish playing together." He lowered his tone and whispered: "I have a plan. After you fall successfully, open the second floor. Let me rub against the gate, let's run together."

Duanmu Xiaoxiao: "You really think highly of me - what if the second level is not the method of entry?"

"Then let's die together. I went out with my wounds all over my body and was hunted down by them in Chenxi's old home. You try to fight again when you release your bloodline next time. Oh, I'm afraid it's not too bad to be bleached from the ghost race." Easy, good luck to you then."

"Are you trying to relieve stress? Why are you talking so much nonsense?" Duanmu Xiao smiled.

"Because he can't get out." The potion took effect, and the elf's hair with pointed ears turned silvery white again, only his eyes were still bloodshot: "But hurry up, hurry up."

Before he finished speaking, he jumped out of the ruins.

The two and a half heads of the three-headed dog looked at the more beautiful elf under the moonlight, but they would not show mercy. The two heads of the three-headed dog exposed to the outside saw the enemy jumping in front of him, and became even more angry. They wanted to crush the little ant to death, and their movements became more and more violent, but they didn't want to. Their movements squeezed and got stuck in the hole. , can only come out half of the third head.

The third head that breathed wind was shocked by the stupidity of the other two heads, and angrily spit out another wind blade.

Lin Yining quickly dodged, found a hidden place, swallowed two bottles of potion, and suppressed his depravity again. He never noticed that the green plants on his wrist had turned a little black.

Cerberus knew where he was, and the two heads attacked together—

This also happened to be cheap for Lin Yining, riding on the fire, he fired a hydrogen arrow!

Duanmuxiao has her own protective props, and it seems that she doesn't need his help. Lin Yining glanced at him, and then quickly dodged away. The explosion left the three heads of Cerberus in disgrace. Lin Yining glanced at him and shouted, "Are you all right, hurry up!"

Duanmu Xiao, whose whole body was covered in black mist, had a distorted expression.

Through the explosion and flames, Lin Yining tried to aim at the eyes of one of the heads.

Forget about running, Lin Yining thought, now that the three-headed hellhound is being dragged, it's not that there is no time to run—

But the other party did not give him this time. The pain from the explosion stimulated him instead, and the third head finally came out of the hole!

Under the continuous fireball and wind blade, Lin Yining fled in a panic. He didn't give up, tried to fight back, and finally gave him a chance, and he pierced the eye of one of the heads!

The head struggled to death, and spit out three wind blades one after another. When Lin Yining was unable to avoid it, light brown plants grew wildly on his wrist, weaving a wall and weakening the power of the wind blade by 90%.

At this moment, behind him, a golden door slowly opened.

Lin Yining rushed in before Duanmuxiao.

Being taken advantage of, the gate doesn't seem very happy. Inside the door was a staircase paved with black masonry. After Lin Yining entered, a gust of wind blew from the masonry.

Duanmu Xiao followed closely behind him and was also attacked indiscriminately. He yelled in embarrassment: "Why are you such a cheater!"

"Don't take advantage of me!" The elf sneered, "I deserve it. You should remember the favor you owe me."

In the storm, the two walked more and more difficultly. Fortunately, the stairs are not endless. When Lin Yining stepped onto the last step, everything disappeared.

Duanmuxiao and the stairs are all gone. In front of him was a pure white room that was bone-chillingly cold.

"You came up without finishing the fall, you are really lucky little guy."

In the center of the room there is a table and two chairs facing each other. A cute little loli was already sitting on a chair, and she said old-fashionedly: "Mystery Tower is a very eccentric guy. He was born in the ghost clan, and he only hopes that the ghost clan can get the crystal ball. What do you think?" , Should I help him bend the law for selfish ends? But the clown has a bad temper too, ah, it's really embarrassing."

"I'm only in my eighties, why should I think about such a problem?"